7 Beauty Hacks To Look Better Than You Did At 25

Written by Chandrama Deshmukh • 

The truth is, everyone ages. There are no exceptions to this rule. However, many long for the skin care that only the rich and the famous seem to be able to afford, causing envy for their youthful good looks. But there are simple ways by which we too can take proper care of ourselves and look as good as any celebrity who smiles on television or on the cover of a magazine.

The challenge we face, however, is that modern lifestyle is rushed and stressful, which is bad for your skin. Nevertheless, fear not! Keep reading on to find out how you can counter the ill effects of a fast-paced lifestyle with these 7 vitalizing beauty tips!

1. Carrot And Egg Face Pack

Image: Shutterstock

The exfoliative and anti-inflammatory properties of carrot when combined with the regenerative properties of egg, produce a potent age-defying face mask (1)! Simply grind a baby carrot, beat a raw egg, and mix the two till they form a smooth paste. Next, wash the dust and sweat off your face, neck, and arms thoroughly and apply the paste on your clean skin. Let your skin soak in the nutrition for half an hour. Once you clean your face, moisturize it with oil or cream and watch it glow!

This being a natural mask, you can repeat the procedure for ten days in a row. In a little over a week, your skin will look years younger. For best results, discontinue the practice for a week, then start applying the mask once again.

2. Parsley Scrub

Parsley is found to regenerate skin cells and make the skin tone even. Add a teaspoon lemon juice to crushed parsley and grind it with uncooked oatmeal to give your skin the best scrub! Using this scrub, you can get rid of the dark patches that tarnish your skin. This treatment can be done on oily or normal skin on alternate days. If your skin is dry, use this exfoliator only once a week.

3. Banana Mask

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For tender skin, apply mashed banana with a few drops of honey on your face and neck. Let your skin absorb vital nutrients, such as vitamins and potassium, from the fruit mash. Wash after half an hour for well moisturized, shiny skin. Trust us, this is the simple, inexpensive, and natural way to heal your tired skin!

4. Yoga For The Face

To tighten and tone facial muscles, facial yoga provides a non-surgical route to youthful looks and beauty. Warm your fingers by rubbing them together and gently massage certain areas of your face. This is an effective skincare ritual as it keeps your face and neck uncreased and relaxed.

Here is how you can massage some strategic spots on your face:

  • Skin Under The Eyes:

This area can be refreshed with a slow bat of your eyelid. Begin by placing your index fingers under the eyebrow and your thumb under the eye. Now, lift your eyebrows and move your eyeballs upwards and look up fixedly. The next step is to close your eyes slowly. Repeat this exercise whenever you can.

  • To Avoid Wrinkles Across The Brow:

Stretch the skin from the corners of both the eyebrows (with your thumbs in the direction of your temples) and try to frown at the same time for a wrinkle-free face!

  • To Avoid Vertical Forehead Lines:

Freezing your frown as you pull the skin away from the center of the forehead with your fingers is a good way to strengthen this region.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Image: Shutterstock

Diluted apple cider vinegar cleans the skin and tightens it. Dab a mixture of this liquid with a cotton cloth or a piece of cotton wool and watch how your skin sparkles!

6. Castor Oil

Castor oil contains vitamin E and omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids that help maintain the structural integrity of the skin. A gentle massage with castor oil can also help in removing the dark grey or black spots on your skin. As this has no negative side effects, you can do this twice a day to get excellent results.

7. Vitamin C

Image: Shutterstock

Antioxidants in vitamin C fight the bad effects of the harsh rays of the sun (2). There are a number of foods that contain vitamin C, and you can choose from a wide variety of fruits, greens, spices, and vegetables to consume as part of your everyday diet. You can also take it in the form of a supplement. Additionally, you can apply vitamin C topically too, and this is a quick and certain way to get rid of acne and blemishes. Scars look much lighter upon application of vitamin C.

Practice these tips and create your own personalized and safe skincare routine, without you having to step out of your home or placing orders for expensive masks! With just a little effort and proper care, your skin will look as young and supple as it did in your early twenties.

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