4 Body Parts You’re Forgetting In Your Anti-Aging Routine

Written by Rachana C • 

The thing with aging is that it shows. More than the increasing number, I think what’s more intimidating is the way the body starts changing. It gets even more daunting when the changes are rapid, and ostensibly so. However, the cosmetic industry has crept into the scene and popularized tons of anti-aging products. Some of them work, and some of them sell purely because of the fear appeal that is associated with the word “aging” and the subsequent relief that surrounds the term “anti-aging.” Amidst this whole gaga, facts are often forgotten. With all the hype, all we can think of is grooming our faces and necks, but there is more to anti-aging regimen than just the face and the neck. If you are wondering what I am talking about, read further to know the four body parts other than the face and neck that you forget to include in your anti-aging ritual.

1. Hands

 1. Hands
Image: IStock

Hands are the most used and abused parts, but of course, not as much as feet. Still, imagine the plight of your hands. They are in contact with water for hours when you do the dishes and the laundry, and then, you mercilessly expose them to prolonged hours of heat when you are cooking. Your hands begin to get tired and start giving up as you grow older. They secrete lesser oils, the collagen decreases, and before you know what is happening, they begin to look old, wrinkled, and dry. Always remember to moisturize your hands multiple times a day along with your face and neck. Use the right kind of products that slow down the free radical damage. Also, use gloves or other such protective tools to save them from extreme conditions.

 2. Feet

 2. Feet
Image: Shutterstock

 Likewise, your feet also take a lot of pressure your whole life. They work hard to give you sufficient cushioning. However, with growing age, the thick and resilient skin on your feet tends to become thinner and loses fat. This makes it look dull and lifeless. Also, with the continuous free radical damage that is being caused, the skin becomes wrinkled. Women are more prone to calluses on their feet after their 30s. This is why you cannot afford to miss pampering this part during your grooming schedule. Including a sunscreen is a must to protect your feet from ultraviolet rays. These rays hasten the process of aging.

 3. Lips

 3. Lips
Image: Shutterstock

Lips too tend to grow older like the rest of your body, and the reason is no different. Decreasing collagen with a progressive increase in age is the only culprit doing this to you. In your teens, you find your lips to be nice and plump, and the reason for this fullness is the presence of high amounts of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Making sure your body is sufficiently hydrated is the first thing you should do. Apart from that, to slow down lip thinning, always use lip oils rather than the wax-like balms because oils keep them fuller for a longer time while the balms just dry them out. Switch to natural products like coconut oil and sweet almond oil to retain the fullness of your lips. If you have thin lips because of genetic reasons, you could always try out safe fillers to make your lips look thick and chunky. Also, keep in mind that the structure and position of your teeth play a significant role in the way your lips look. Find out if it is your teeth need to be aligned to bring back the glory of your lips.

 4. Scalp

 4. Scalp
Image: Shutterstock

Not even in my wildest dreams would I have guessed that the skin on the head ages 12 times more rapidly than the skin on the rest of the body. Doesn’t that sound alarming? Yes, it does, but fortunately, there is something you can do about that. Once you reach adulthood, consult a hair specialist without any delay. Your specialist will be able to gauge your scalp better and will recommend some detox therapies that will not only slow down the free radical damage but will also see to it that melanin (the substance that imparts hair color) is secreted in the right amounts. This will delay the process of graying. An aging scalp manifests itself in hair thinning, loss of volume, and a dry, parched appearance. Make sure you use an age-defying shampoo and conditioner that will retain the vigor in your scalp. Also, remember that when you grow older, there is less supply of nourishment to the hair, there is less collagen, like in the rest of the body, and the sebaceous glands on top of your head reduce the amount of oil secretion. All of this leads to an aging scalp. Regular massages, detox therapies, and topical or oral supplementation should all be a part of your anti-aging treatment routine.

Most of us give a wrong connotation to the word “aging.” You do not have to imagine an old, invalid picture of yourself when someone says aging. In common parlance, when you turn even a year older, you are technically aging. This should make you want to start things a bit early, not after you have discovered a bunch of grays on your head. Include all these body parts in your grooming session and give them what they need before it is too late. This will not only keep you young longer but will also allow you to age more gracefully. While you are aging, keep calm, and comment below – tell me what your anti-aging routine is like.

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