What Is Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Your Choice Will Also Reveal The Flavor Of Your Personality

Written by Tanya Arora • 

An ice cream is not just something that cools you down on the hottest of summer days. That soft, melt-in-the-mouth, flavorful scoop of heavenly sin is so much more than that. If you notice, you’ve probably liked the same flavor since you were a little kid and tugged at your mum’s dupatta, pestering her to buy you that cool bar of innocent delight. Well, there’s a reason you still like that flavor. And no, it’s not nostalgia. It’s because your favorite flavor of ice cream can say a lot about you. Here’s what your choice can reveal.

1. Chocolate

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Those who love chocolate ice cream are quite perseverant and believe in fighting for things they stand for as well as those they desire. Although they can be stupid in their pursuit at times, they are still good at heart and wear their heart on their sleeves. They can be a bit hard to deal with at times, though.

2. Vanilla

Can’t get enough of the creamy, white vanilla ice cream? Then, the chances are you have as much of the whiteness of this flavor in you in terms of your idealistic nature. You are also quite the optimist. People are likely to perceive you as vulnerable and will always try to take advantage of you.

3. Caramel

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Caramel lovers are quite naïve. They have a sweet nature and spread happiness wherever they go. Even though they can seem very immature at times, you can’t really blame them as they have so much love for life.

4. Cookie And Cream

Those who like to dig into a bowl of cookie and cream flavored ice cream have a rather explosive temperament that is safely hidden from the public eye. On the surface, they may seem as calm as the ocean, but on the inside, they are always bursting with energy.

5. Strawberry

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If strawberry ice cream is your chosen poison, you have a very homely nature, and your entire life revolves around your family. You enjoy the company of those you love more than anyone else’s and always try to be around them. You have this innate desire to feel loved all the time and don’t shy away from giving love to others as well.

6. Coffee

You are a perfectionist. Period. Nothing turns you on more than finding out and paying attention to those tiny details that nobody else notices. You have a very meticulous nature. Being rational comes naturally to you, and you never let your emotions prevail when it comes to practical matters. You are also quite calm at all times.

7. Fruity And Sweet

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Mango, peach, apple, coconut – do these sound like flavors of ice creams you’d enjoy more than others? If yes, you have a peaceful personality. Conflict and tension are your worst enemies, and you try your best to let peace prevail in such situations.

8. Citrus Fruits

If you like ice cream that tastes like oranges, lemons, or mandarins, you can be considered to be a sensitive person. You are constantly looking for someone you can open up to and share those deep, hidden feelings. You also like to hear about how others are feeling.

9. Mint Chocolate Chip

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You love to argue. A lot. You are also quite the ambitious type and possess a great deal of self-confidence. It takes a lot for you to be fully satisfied with something, and you will not rest until you can get your point across and consequently win an argument.

10. Rainbow Sherbet

Those who enjoy the different colors of rainbow sherbet ice cream actually have quite the opposite nature to what these bright colors signify. They have a downbeat attitude and are even quite pessimistic, to say the least. They have an analytical bend of mind and are very assertive.

11. Chocolate Chip

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Generosity flows through your veins, and you will never stop yourself from helping others as best as you can. You are also a go-getter and quite competent. In short, you possess all the qualities that would make a good leader.

12. Pistachio

Pistachio ice cream munchers are quite the sophisticated kind. Their personality can be compared to that of a cat in the sense that they are always in control and have this grace and poise about them. They are also very creative and quite hard to understand.

13. You Don’t Like Ice Cream

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You are a practical person and don’t like to get your hands dirty. Some people can perceive you to be cold-hearted for this very reason.

So, what do you think? Does your personality match with the flavor of ice cream you love? Even if it doesn’t, go treat yourself to a scoopful and enjoy the taste.

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