How To Put On A Bra – The Right Way!

Written by Tanya Arora • 

Let’s get straight to the point. You’re probably wearing your bra all wrong. Period.

Yes, you might be thinking, “Oh, I’ve been doing it for years! This is not my first time. There’s no way I’m doing it wrong.”

But the thing is, you kind of are. And while you might think there are no two ways to wear a bra, there really is!

If you have a hard time believing it, let’s sample the following bra-wearing scenario that you probably follow daily to clear the air:

The first thing you do is you pick a bra from your dresser. Then you stand in your bedroom or your bathroom. You stretch out your arms to slide the straps on your shoulder. And then you hook your bra probably on the tightest clasp. That’s it. Job done. You’ve worn your bra the way you have been since you were a tween. You’ve nailed it.

Except for the fact that you haven’t nailed it! Wearing your bra this way is just plain wrong. Just like most of our dressing up routine, wearing a bra is also a sort of a ritual. One that must be carried out right so you get that perfect, flattering fit.

So how do you put on a bra the right way then?

Well, a Twitter user, Brittany Packnett, just another mortal woman, like us, who had been wearing her bra the wrong way all along (until recently), has a word of advice to give.

When she bought a bra from an online lingerie store, ThirdLove, she had no idea that she wasn’t putting on her bra correctly. But then she found a humble label attached to her bra, which taught her a life-changing lesson – how to wear a bra the right way!

When she bought a bra from an online lingerie store,
Image: Twitter

She did the noble thing and shared her discovery on Twitter so that women all over the world would come to know about the right way to put on a brassiere.

Here’s what she found (in a little extra detail) just so you get an idea of the best way to put your bra on. Lo and behold, the instructions to wear your boob protector-cum-shaper:

 the instructions to wear your boob protector-cum-shaper
Image: Shutterstock

1. Get Into Position

Once you’ve chosen the bra you’re going to wear, start by standing wherever you’re comfortable and bending slightly forward. Now take your bra in your hands and place your breasts in their cups as you slide your arms into the bra’s straps. This way your breasts will be adequately covered by your bra, meaning there’ll be no spillage.

2. Hook It Up

Standing up straight, fasten the hooks on your bra behind your back. Make sure you choose the loosest clasp to hook your bra, especially if it’s a brand new one. If it’s an old one, you can choose a hook that feels the most comfortable and does not gnaw into your skin.

3. Give It A Finishing Touch

Adjust the straps on your shoulder, increasing or decreasing their length to your preferences so that they don’t slip. Once again, if it’s a new bra, try to adjust your straps to the loosest level.

And that’s it! You’ve now worn your bra the right way. The way it was ordained to since its very inception!

3. Give It A Finishing Touch
Image: Shutterstock

There are several advantages of wearing your bra this way. One of the biggest benefits is that it can eliminate that sensation you always got of wearing an ill-fitting bra! If you put it on this way, your boobs will fall right into place, minimizing spillage and giving you that amazing fit. Besides by clasping on the loosest hook, and keeping the straps at the loosest setting, you won’t find your bra cutting through your skin. So, that’s maximum comfort coupled with a great fit!

Another advantage of wearing your bra this way is that you prolong your bra’s shelf life.
Image: Shutterstock

Another advantage of wearing your bra this way is that you prolong your bra’s shelf life. Your bra may be 90% fabric, but don’t forget that it’s the elastic that keeps them in place. If you wear your bra at the tightest hook from the start and even adjust the straps too tightly, the elastic of your bra will wear out easily. That means no matter much you love it, you won’t be able to wear your favorite bra as long as you want to. So to prevent that, make sure you follow the above directions of wearing it.

Lastly, bras you’re not comfortable in, i.e. ones that feel too tight, can cause you health problems such as heartburn and shoulder and back pain. However, if you wear them at the loosest setting, you cut down the risk of such health problems! That is also, of course, if you’re wearing the right bra size.

See! Wearing your bra the right way has so many benefits. So why not change the way you wear it? Try putting on your bra the way we have recommended and you’ll love the way your girls and your body looks. We guarantee it!

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