How To Lose Weight According To Your Body Type

Written by StyleCraze • 

All our readers would surely know their body type – hourglass, apple, or pear. Though the hourglass people would be relatively at ease, the idea of maintaining this perfect figure would be continuously working at the back of their head. Here’s a thorough diet and exercise plan to keep your weight at bay. Apple and pears, do not worry! Follow this and see your body transforming to the hourglass.

Image: Shutterstock

1. Hourglass

Reduce the intake of high-fat milk, avocados, and nuts. Instead, increase the intake of protein in your diet – meat, eggs, and yogurt. Be careful and choose low-fat meat, omega-3 sources, and lots of veggies to maintain your figure, and stay young and healthy. Whole body exercises like swimming, skipping, and skiing are great. Avoid high-impact aerobics that would build muscle weight around your legs.
If you divide your waist number by your hip number, and the result is 0.8 or lower, you are a pear, and if it is higher, you are an apple!

2. Apple

You would have more fat accumulation around your stomach and waist. Hence, increase the amount of liquids and cellulose in your diet. Start the day with a fresh fruit (citrus fruits would be a great choice) and include lots of soy, fish, and lean meat. Reduce fats and sweets. Instead, tickle your sweet tooth with honey. Add more veggies, nuts, and water. Herbal tea is a good choice for detoxification since you are more prone to metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular risks, and high stress. Racquet sports, biking, and abdominal crunches are great. Avoid weights and bench presses.

3. Pear

You would have lots of fat on your hips and thighs as your estrogen levels are higher. You may be highly prone to osteoporosis and varicose veins. Switch to brown rice, seafood, whole-grain bread, and cut off fat completely from your diet. Cheese and low-fat yogurt can be good options. Reduce starches like potatoes, beans, and refined carbs like rice. Avoid high–impact aerobics and spinning. Add isolated activities like pushups, leg lifts, and vertical scissors.

Start having a mouthful of crunchy greens or, at least, a sip of juice/fat-ridden buttermilk every two hours so that you do not pounce on food to appease your hunger, and end up eating a whole lot of it, which would ultimately distort the type of figure you so strongly desire. Do not forget to include tomatoes for the bioactive substances, ginger for its detoxification properties, and yogurt that is rich in calcium for your strength in your daily diet. Avoid junk and opt for steamed and baked varieties.

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