16 Things All Women Can Relate To When They’re On Their Period

Written by Tanya Arora • 

What’s the worst time of the month? PERIODS! As soon as they come, you know you’re going to be in for a rollercoaster ride that’s packed with a whirlwind of emotions, a flood of pain, and some massive discomfort! And there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Your only solace lies in finishing giant bars of chocolate and curling up on your bed, just waiting for it to go away and not show itself again. At least until next month.

But in the end, you know you’re not alone. After all, the journey you go through for those odd 4 or 5 days each month is something that all women experience. So, here are 16 period-day happenings every single woman can relate to!

1. Emotions Go For A Toss

1. Emotions Go For A Toss
Image: Giphy

Your boyfriend just doesn’t get the fact that at this time, you’re like a ticking bomb with a smiley face painted on it, just waiting to explode! You can switch from angry to laughing/crying hysterically in seconds.

2. Your Period Comes Knocking On Your Door Unexpected

2. Your Period Comes Knocking On Your Door Unexpected
Image: Giphy

But you had calculated and you still had a good 3 days left, which means you could’ve totally enjoyed the concert! But, periods. They don’t like to see us happy so they come unannounced when we don’t have a tampon or pad on us.

3. The Unbearable Pain

3. The Unbearable Pain
Image: Giphy

Periods hurt. Period. The cramps don’t go away even after the hellishly torturous first day, and on top of that, sleep doesn’t come easy because of the pain!

4. Not Pregnant. Yay!

4. Not Pregnant. Yay!
Image: Giphy

One of the perks of getting menses is that you get a free ‘I’m not pregnant’ report, which really calls for a celebration.

5. Life Gets Bloody Depressing. Pun Intended.

5. Life Gets Bloody Depressing. Pun Intended.
Image: Giphy

Whether you sneeze, fart or even just get up from the chair, there’s no stopping that messy gush of blood that can be triggered by almost anything.

6. When You’re Just Not Prepared.

6. When You’re Just Not Prepared.
Image: Giphy

Lo and behold! Yet again periods strike when you don’t have any way of getting a pad or a tampon. All you can do now is cover your behind with your bag to hide any visible stains.

7. Beaches Are A Big No-No

7. Beaches Are A Big No-No
Image: Giphy

Swimming pools too. And even rainy days. Basically, anywhere where there’s water around for there’s always a risk of turning the blue water red.

8. Exercising? Nope.

8. Exercising Nope.
Image: Giphy

Yes, exercising is supposed to help ease the cramps but is it even possible to work out when your uterus hurts like hell? Nope, it’s not.

9. The Fear Of Having No Back-Up Arsenal

9. The Fear Of Having No Back-Up Arsenal
Image: Giphy

During this time of the month, sanitary napkins turn into life-saving arsenal. And the fear of losing them when you’re fishing out keys from your bag is all too real.

10. Your Budget Shoots Up This Time

10. Your Budget Shoots Up This Time
Image: Giphy

Sanitary napkins, a big tub of ice cream, some bars of chocolate, a new hot water bottle – these are just some of the things you need when you’re on your time of the month.

11. When A Man Asks You If You’re On Your Periods

11. When A Man Asks You If You’re On Your Periods
Image: Giphy

You were acting all annoyed so that’s the only logical conclusion a man can draw. As if mansplaining is something that’s totally non-existent.

12. You Lose Track Of Your Life

12. You Lose Track Of Your Life
Image: Giphy

Even though it comes every month, you still don’t know how to act anymore when periods happen. You constantly struggle between handling the pain and trying to be normal, but yet you feel as though you’ve lost all control over your body and mind.

13. That Moment When You Realize It’s Not Over

13. That Moment When You Realize It’s Not Over
Image: Giphy

You just got into that crazy, jumpy, happy mood and wore white for the first time in a few days… But, bam! Your periods come for another very red, mini-visit.

14. Sore, Painful Boobs

14. Sore, Painful Boobs
Image: Giphy

Periods bring with themselves all sorts of pain and discomfort, and swollen boobs just happen to be one of them. This is the ‘touch me not’ phase for your breasts, where even putting a bra is too painful!

15. Oh, The Bloating

15. Oh, The Bloating
Image: Giphy

Like I said, all sorts of discomfort. As if the cramps and sore boobs weren’t enough! Bloating during periods means forgetting your favorite foods and your favorite pants. Basically, forgetting everything good.

16. When The Light Finally Shines At The End Of The Tunnel

16. When The Light Finally Shines At The End Of The Tunnel
Image: Giphy

That feeling you get when your periods are finally over! It’s like being born again since you can finally get out of the stretchy pants and back to them skinny jeans!

Periods are one heck of a time in any woman’s life. And just like most things, you can love ‘em or hate ‘em, but you just can’t ignore ‘em!

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