Here’s Why Dryness Of Skin May Be A Worse Problem Than You Think It Is

Written by Tanya Arora • 

Treating dry skin is so easy – you just have to increase your fluid intake and stock up on moisturizers and voilà! Your skin will feel smooth and as soft as a baby’s again.

But can you imagine a scenario where no matter how much lotion you slather on yourself, your skin still looks parched and cracked? What do you do then? Is time to go into ‘panic mode’?

Well, yes, it is. You might think that dry skin is a result of seasonal changes and hence, may not take your skin seriously. However, in some cases, dry skin has an underlying cause. This underlying cause can be quite dangerous, signaling the onset of a serious disease.

So, before you dismiss your skin dryness as nothing out of the ordinary, you need to take a look at these 4 reasons that could indicate it’s a much worse problem than you thought!

1. Diabetes

1. Diabetes
Image: Shutterstock

One of the most serious culprits behind your flaky skin could be diabetes (1). Diabetes can greatly affect your skin quality and texture. According to experts, consistently high levels of sugar in your blood leads to rapid fluid loss, which can consequently dry out your skin.

Apart from that, if you get diabetes, you may notice a change in the way you perspire as this disease has an impact on your ability to sweat (2). This can further reduce the moisture levels of your skin, making it dry and cracked. Plus, if your skin dryness worsens, the cracked portions can act as an entryway for bacteria, which can cause serious infections.

That said, skin dryness alone is not the only symptom of diabetes. However, if you experience it along with other symptoms such as increased thirst, frequent urination, blurry vision, increased appetite, and fatigue, diabetes is most likely the cause (3). It’s best to get a blood test to be sure.

2. Hypothyroidism

2. Hypothyroidism
Image: Shutterstock

Your thyroid plays a crucial in the overall proper functioning of your body (4). It produces hormones that ensure proper cell function and regulate the rejuvenation of your skin. However, when your thyroid gland is unable to produce the requisite amount of hormones, a condition known as hypothyroidism takes place (5). Due to this condition, your skin’s ability to replace old cells can be impaired, which can give rise to scaly, dry, and rough skin (6).

To know if the dryness of your skin can be attributed to hypothyroidism, you will have to visit your physician. They will conduct plenty of blood tests to see whether you suffer from hypothyroidism or not. If you do, you will be prescribed certain medications to bring back your hormone levels to normal. You may even be asked to make certain lifestyle changes such as consuming foods rich in selenium, iodine, and zinc.

3. Kidney Problems

3. Kidney Problems
Image: Shutterstock

Research shows that every 1 in 10 individuals worldwide suffers from kidney disease (7). However, most of them fail to know this in time because kidney disease symptoms overlap with those of other common diseases. The symptoms of kidney disease include frequent urination, sleep and concentration troubles, puffiness, and fatigue among other things.

However, one standout symptom is itchy and dry skin. This happens due to the inability of your kidneys to strike a balance between the nutrients and minerals in your blood, which leads to skin irritation (8).

The problem with kidney disease is that you won’t notice any symptom until it’s too late. So, if you suffer from severe skin dryness, it’s best to get your kidneys checked out at your local clinic. Especially if you are above 60 and suffer from hypertension or diabetes.

4. Skin Cancer

4. Skin Cancer
Image: Shutterstock

Often skin dryness can get so severe that you may develop scaly, thick, rough, and red-colored patches on your skin. These may even bleed if they experience friction of any kind. If you notice such spots on your body, you may most likely be suffering from squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which is a type of skin cancer (9).

The second most prevalent type of skin cancer in the world, the patches of SCC are confused with warts due to their similar appearance. The only thing that distinguishes the latter from the former is that warts are not recurring, whereas the patches of SCC are.

The most common cause of SCC is exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun. This explains why the symptoms of SCC first show up on your face as that is the most exposed part of your body. That said, SCC is treatable if you detect it at an early stage and take action immediately.

So, if you experience persistently dry skin that seems to worsen over time despite your attempts to heal it, it’s best to fix up an appointment with your doctor. You could save yourself from a deadly future.

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