11 Ancient Mantras That Will Transform Your Life

Powerful chants to purify and re-align all the energies around you for enhanced living.

Reviewed by Pratibha Agarwal, RYT-500 Pratibha Agarwal Pratibha AgarwalRYT-500 facebook_iconyoutube_iconinsta_icon
Written by , BA Shirin Mehdi BA linkedin_icon Experience: 3 years
Edited by , BA (Literature & Psychology), PG Diploma Arshiya Syeda BA (Literature & Psychology), PG Diploma linkedin_icon Experience: 8 years
Fact-checked by , BPharm, Certified Health & Wellness Coach Moksha Gandhi BPharm, Certified Health & Wellness Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 2 years
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Ancient mantrasi  In Sanskrit, a mantra is a sacred utterance, a phrase, a syllable, a numinous sound, or set of phonemes. for transformation have grown extremely popular in recent  years, and for good reason. They have a deep and spiritual quality to them. These mantras may appear to be nothing more than words and sounds, but there is no doubt that they play an important function in regenerating the mind and soul. Keep reading to learn some core ancient mantras for meditation and how they benefit you. Keep scrolling!

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The Sanskrit word ‘mantra’ is derived from the sound “man or “manas,” which means “to think or perceive.”

Meaning Of Mantra

According to Deepak Chopra, the New Age Wellness Guru, the word ‘mantra’ consists of two parts. The first part, ‘man’ means mind in Sanskrit, whereas the second part ‘tra’ means instrument. Therefore, he interprets mantra as ‘the instrument of mind’. These are powerful words, sounds, or vibrations that can be used for meditation.

Effect On Meditation

Woman listening to mantras while meditating
Image: Shutterstock

Meditation is referred to as a practice to train the mind or induce a mode of consciousness. It promotes relaxation of mind and body, develops compassion, patience, love, concentration and generosity. Meditation many times involves repeating a mantra with closed eyes. Mantras for meditation are chosen based on its suitability to the meditator.

Meditation has a calming effect on an individual and imparts peace and tranquilityi  The calm condition in which there are no concerns or any distractions from delight. the tranquil state of mind. . Transcendentali  An experience that is spiritual. Something that cannot be captured completely by the human brain. meditation is the purest form of meditation that creates a powerful state of awareness and mindfulness by thought process or mind control. One can embark on a journey of self-improvement, enlightenment, spirituality, wisdom, and personal growth through this practice. Its key aspect is the mantra given by the teacher to his student.

Mechanism Of Mantras

Mantras provide the mind something to focus on. Mantras resonate and create a sensation with the body. The subtle vibrations in turn resonate a positive energy within self and the surrounding. Repetitive chanting of mantras plays a major role in declutteringi  To clear up any mess or hoard of something. It can refer to the physical decluttering of a place or mental decluttering. the mind. Meditation with mantras is a powerful way to penetrate the silence of mind and create harmony. The mental vibrations allow the mind to experience deep awareness and lead to the field of pure consciousness.

According to a recent survey conducted on 464 participants aged between 18 to 80 years across 33 countries (including US, UK, India, Germany, New Zealand, and Austria) who chanted mantras regularly, about 60% of the participants experienced mystical states. These people also experienced a higher state of religiosity, altruism, and absorption.

Mantras help us disconnect from the thoughts and worries in our mind and slip them into the gaps between these thoughts. Chanting of spiritual mantras holds the key to transcendence and transforming an individual.

Importance Of Mantras In Meditation

Woman chanting mantra during meditation
Image: Shutterstock

Using mantras during meditation brings us back into the present moment, silences mental chaos, reduces anxiety and creates clarity of thoughts.

Choose a mantra that is easy to remember, that fits your belief system, and makes you feel at peace.

Mantras are sacred prayers that can be chanted for inner peace and calmness all through life. They are healers, the medicine for our soul!

Each mantra induces some specific vibrations in the mind. So, it is not like all mantras work equally well. Different mantras are used for the purpose of specific objectives.

Ancient Mantras From Around The World

Person holding ancient mantra texts
Image: Shutterstock

If you are looking for a mantra to fit in with your meditation sessions, you can try the following:

  1. Gayatri Mantra: Om bhur bhuvah svah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah pracodayat.
  2. Shiva Mantra: Om namah shivaya.
  3. Ganesh Mantra: Om gam ganapataye namaha.
  4. Shanti Mantra: Om saha naavavatu saha nau bhunaktu saha veeryam karavaavahai tejasvi aavadheetamastu maa vidvishaavahai om.
  5. Mantra for Happiness: Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu.
  6. Om or Aum: This mantra represents the most elemental sound of universal consciousness. This mantra has been used by people for thousands of years for expansion of their divine awareness.
  7. Om Mani Padme Hum: This is a Tibetan Buddhist mantra. It is said that all the teachings of Buddha are incorporated in this mantra.
  8. Namo Amitabha: This mantra is an homage to the Buddha of boundless light.
  9. I Am that I Am: This mantra has its place in the Hebrewi  A member of a prehistoric people who, according to biblical tradition, were descended from the patriarch Jacob, Abraham's grandson. Bible. This most famous line in the Torah was God’s answer to Moses, when asked what His name was.
  10. Ham Sah: This short mantra originates from the ancient Kriya Yoga that involves a simple, but potent breathing technique.
  11. I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you: This is a Ho’oponopono, ancient Hawaiian mantra.
  12. Om Vasudhare Svaha: This mantra is chanted in remembrance of Vasundhara Devi who is the celebrated goddess of abundance and prosperity. The meaning of Om Vasudhare Svaha is, “Oh goddess of earth, I pray to you. Bless me with abundance”.
  13. Tayata Om Bekanze: Tayata Om, Bekandze Bekandze, Maha Bekandze, Radza Samudgate Soha. This chant is about seeking relief from pain, suffering, and darkness.
  14. Om So Hum: It is made of three words. “Om” is the source of the universe, the essence of consciousness. “So” means “that” and “hum” means “I am”. The om so hum mantra translates to, “I am that”.

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Gayatri Mantra is also called Savitri Mantra as it is dedicated to Savitr or Gayatri, the mother of the Vedas (also known as Vedmata).

11 powerful ancient mantras that will transform your life

Do you practice ancient mantras for meditation? Please share your experiences and let us know how this has influenced your life.

These are some of the most powerful mantras in the world. Chanting these mantras while meditating will help your body and mind resonate with the positive energy of the surrounding and declutter your thoughts. The vibrations these mantras create enable the mind to experience pure consciousness and deep awareness. Choose ancient mantras for transformation that fit your belief system to recite during mediation to drive out stress and improve the clarity of thought. Remember, each mantra creates specific vibrations in the body, and all of them do not work equally well. So, choose your mantra based on your specific objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the most powerful mantra?

“Om Namah Shivaya” is believed to be one of the most powerful mantras in Hinduism. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva.

Which mantra is powerful for the mind?

Gayatri Mantra is known to be powerful for the mind. It is over 10,000 years old, and chanting this mantra may promote mental healing (1).

Which mantra should we chant daily?

You may chant “Om” daily. It may deactivate the limbic system to reduce anxiety and induce calm. Studies found its effects similar to those of vagus nerve stimulation treatment (2). Understanding the meaning of the ‘Om’ symbol can help you connect with your inner soul and enhance your practice. However, more studies are required to prove the healing effect of chanting Om.

Key Takeaways

  • Mantras are powerful sounds or words used during meditation.
  • These mantras help relax the body and mind and attract abundance.
  • The most popular mantras include Om, Shanti Mantra, and Gayatri Mantra.
  • Mantras are meant to be repeated silently or aloud like affirmations regularly to declutter your mind and create harmony.

Transform your life in just 30 minutes with the most powerful mantras. Click on the video below to experience the power of ancient mantras and unlock your potential!


Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.

  1. Effect of Gayatri Mantra Chanting on Attention, Memory, Anxiety and Mental State in Young Athletes: A Prospective Study
  2. Analysis Of Acoustic of “OM” Chant To Study Its Effect on Nervous System
    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237460203_Analysis_Of_Acoustic_of_OM_Chant_To_Study_It’ s_Effect_on_Nervous_System
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Pratibha Agarwal
Pratibha Agarwal is the Founder and Director of Anahata Yoga Zone, Secunderabad, India. She has 11 years of experience in this field and also offers online live yoga sessions in varied forms and helps employees in de-stressing, team building, and professional growth.

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Shirin Mehdi
Shirin MehdiHealth & Wellness Writer
Shirin is a health and wellness writer with three years of experience and specializes in writing articles on yoga and has extensive knowledge about the postures of the asanas. Prior to joining Stylecraze, she interned with an advertising firm as a copywriter and as an editorial intern for a luxury fashion magazine.

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Arshiya Syeda
Arshiya SyedaCo-Editor-in-Chief
Arshiya Syeda is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of StyleCraze with 8 years of experience. Prior to that, she was a content writer who combined her writing and research skills to write over 200 high-performing articles on hairstyles, hair care, and skin care.

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Moksha Gandhi
Moksha GandhiHealth & Wellness Writer
Moksha is a health and wellness writer and a certified diet and nutrition coach. Her passion for science and writing has helped her excel in crafting evidence-based articles. Her previous experience in writing science-based research papers ensures that her articles are grounded in research and provide practical tips that are reader-focused.

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