Baking Soda For Bad Breath – 7 Ways To Use It

Tips and tricks to using baking soda safely to eliminate bad breath and maintain oral hygiene.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Thomas Connelly, DDS Dr. Thomas Connelly Dr. Thomas ConnellyDDS insta_icon
Written by , MS (Biotechnology) Kushneet Kukreja MS (Biotechnology) linkedin_icon Experience: 2 years
Edited by , BA (Literature & Psychology), PG Diploma Arshiya Syeda BA (Literature & Psychology), PG Diploma linkedin_icon Experience: 7 years
Fact-checked by , MA (English) Dipti Sharma MA (English) linkedin_icon Experience: 2 years
Last Updated on

A collection of anaerobic bacteria that live on the tongue and the insides of the cheeks produce a terrible odor that is emitted as bad breath. Baking soda for bad breath is an excellent way to keep it at bay.

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be caused by internal factors such as stomach troubles or tonsil infections and external factors such as odorous meals (for example, onions and garlic) or regular smoking.

Bad breath can be caused by many factors such as poor dental hygiene, tooth decay, and dental plaque buildup. It can be unpleasant and might prevent you from speaking confidently in public. A bad case of breath isn’t only a cause of social embarrassment, but it can also be a sign of some underlying digestive condition. So, you might wonder what the best way to deal with bad breath is. It is essential to prioritize dental hygiene and teeth cleaning by tooth-brushing twice a day, staying hydrated, and taking antibiotics to prevent any infections. But there are quick natural remedies, made with baking soda (a pantry staple), to maintain fresh breath that are long-lasting!

Continue reading to learn how to use baking soda to say goodbye to the foul odor in your mouth and any issues associated with it. Keep scrolling!

Can Baking Soda Prevent Bad Breath?

The one efficient answer to bad breath is baking soda. Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is a unique composition indeed. Here is how it works for bad breath –

  • It is alkaline in nature and neutralizes the high acidic levels in your mouth that are the cause for bad breath (1).
  • It kills the bacteria in the mouth that thrive in an environment rich in acidity and sucrose, by utilizing its antimicrobial properties (2).
  • Since it is not acidic, it causes no harm to the teeth, gums or bones.

Martina, a Youtube blogger, used baking soda for bad breath and got positive results. She said, “My husband noticed the difference. He said he doesn’t smell my breath anymore (i)”.

Given below are the various combinations in which baking soda can be used to lessen bad breath.

How To Use Baking Soda For Bad Breath?

  1. Baking Soda With Water (Gargle)
  2. Baking Soda And Toothpaste
  3. Baking Soda And Salt
  4. Baking Soda And Apple Cider Vinegar
  5. Baking Soda And Honey
  6. Hydrogen Peroxide And Baking Soda
  7. Baking Soda And Lime

1. Baking Soda With Water (Gargle)

Water with baking soda for bad breath
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • A cup of water
What You Have To Do
  1. Simply drop the powder into water, preferably warm.
  2. Allow the powder to fully dissolve and use this in place of a mouthwash.
  3. Gargle with the liquid for a good 30 seconds to one minute for best results.
How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this every day for a few days only.

Why This Works

Gargling with the baking soda water will ensure all the bacteria hiding in the nook and corner are killed eliminating the foul smell from your mouth.

2. Baking Soda And Toothpaste

Toothpaste and baking soda for bad breath
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix the baking soda with the usual amount of toothpaste you use.
  2. Place this on the toothbrush and brush your teeth as you would normally do.
How Often You Should Do This

Use this every alternate day for a week.

Why This Works

As your toothpaste cleanses your teeth and oral cavity, the baking soda will work its magic to solve your problem of bad breath quickly and efficiently.

3. Baking Soda And Salt

Salt and baking soda for bad breath
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • A glass of tepid water
What You Have To Do

Mix the salt and baking soda with the water and gargle with this for about a minute each time, until you use up all the water.

How Often You Should Do This

Use this mouth rinse every alternate day until the bad mouth odor goes away.

Why This Works

Like baking soda, salt is also a pH neutralizing compound that also possesses antimicrobial properties (3, 4). By using both baking soda and salt in the gargle solution, the results can be achieved faster. This may help improve dental care through teeth cleaning, plaque removal, and even tooth whitening.

4. Baking Soda And Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar and baking soda for bad breath
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need
What You Have To Do
  1. Add the baking soda and vinegar to the water.
  2. Rinse your mouth with this for a couple of seconds and then spit it out.
  3. Finish the entire cup of water with repetitive mouth rinses.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this twice or thrice a week.

Why This Works

Apple cider vinegar is also a pH neutralizing agent (5). It is mildly acidic and will not damage your teeth or gums when used diluted.

5. Baking Soda And Honey

Honey and baking soda for bad breath
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • A glass of warm water
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix the baking soda powder and honey in water.
  2. Drink this.
How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this once a day for a few days, until the bad breath vanishes.

Why This Works

Baking soda will bring back the pH balance in the stomach which may be causing the bad breath. This imbalance is usually due to an infection. The honey is soothing for the digestive lining that may be inflamed due to the infection. It is also antimicrobial in nature and contains anti-inflammatory compounds (6).

6. Hydrogen Peroxide And Baking Soda For Bad Breath

Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda for bad breath
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need
What You Have To Do

Mix everything together and use this to rinse your mouth.

How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this every alternate day for 7-8 days.

Why This Works

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective antimicrobial agent that is often used to get rid of bacteria from the oral cavity (7). The foul odor causing bacteria can be easily eliminated with this remedy.

7. Baking Soda And Lime For Bad Breath

Lime and baking soda for bad breath
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Juice of one lime or lemon
  • 1 cup water
What You Have To Do
  1. Pour all the ingredients into a bottle, close the lid, and shake well.
  2. Taking about two tablespoons of this, swish it around your mouth for a minute or so.
  3. Rinse your mouth with plain water after this.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this once or twice a day, and the stink from your mouth will be gone in just a few uses.

Why This Works

The acid present in lemon juice exerts a bactericidal effect on the odor-causing bacteria in the mouth (8). The citrus content of the lemon juice will leave your breath fresh.
Apart from using these remedies, also remember to keep your diet healthy with the consumption of fresh, green vegetables, pulses, and whole grains. Avoid fatty meat, bread and any kinds of dairy products until the problem of bad breath has receded. Do keep the following points in mind too.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Avoid rinsing your mouth with this solution for more than a minute as the acidic content of lemon may damage the tooth enamel if you overdo it.

Few Points To Remember

  • Baking soda will not harm your body in any way if consumed in small doses. However, anything in excess is bad.
  • Other ways to cure bad breath include brushing your teeth twice a day, regular flossing, and tongue scraping
  • You can also chew on some cinnamon or cloves and then spit it out for instantly refreshing your breath.

protip_icon Quick Tip
If you wear dentures or a mouthguard, clean them regularly to keep bad breath at bay. You may consult your doctor for the best cleaning product.

Baking soda is one ingredient that is always stocked in every household. It helps not just in removing stains, but also in boosting your confidence by getting rid of your bad breath. Try the many combinations of baking soda for bad breath given in this article, for that million dollar smile!

Infographic: 9 Surprising Ways To Keep Bad Breath Away

Baking soda is no doubt a popular and effective home remedy for bad breath and can be used in multiple ways to tackle halitosis. However, there are other effective and simple ways to combat bad breath without resorting to chemicals or medications.

If you don’t have baking soda at hand or prefer not to use it, check out this infographic for alternative ways to keep bad breath at bay.

9 suprising ways to keep bad breath away (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Baking soda for bad breath is a popular and well-known home remedy. Baking soda, being alkaline, can neutralize high levels of acid in the mouth. Additionally, as an ingredient with potent antimicrobial properties, it can kill the bacteria in the mouth. Baking soda is also a safe remedy for oral health as it is not acidic and hence does not cause harm to the teeth and gums. So you can safely use baking soda in combination with other helpful ingredients like apple cider vinegar, water, salt, honey, and toothpaste in prescribed combinations and proportions to combat bad breath. In case bad breath persists even after using the remedies, you should seek medical assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my breath stink no matter what I do?

Bad breath can be caused due to numerous reasons, the most common being poor dental health and digestive problems. If you are maintaining your oral hygiene thoroughly, you may want to look into your digestion. It is recommended that you consult your healthcare provider to check for underlying health complications or infections.

Can probiotics help bad breath?

Yes, probiotics contain good bacteria that can help fight off oral pathogens responsible for bad breath (9). Probiotics can also improve digestive function and gut health, thus reducing the occurrence of bad breath further.

Can I use baking soda as a toothpaste substitute for fresh breath?

You can occasionally use baking soda as a toothpaste substitute, but make sure you are not using it daily. This is because using baking soda routinely can lead to abrasion of the tooth enamel, so limit it to a few times a week.

Can baking soda help neutralize odors from foods or drinks that cause bad breath?

You can use a baking soda rinse to neutralize odors from foods or drinks that cause bad breath.

Can baking soda help with dry mouth, a common cause of bad breath?

Yes. Baking soda can alleviate dry mouth by stimulating saliva production.

How long does it take to see results from using baking soda for bad breath?

Results from using baking soda for bad breath can vary, but improvement can be seen after a few weeks.

Should I consult a dentist before using baking soda for bad breath?

Yes. It is recommended to consult a dentist before using baking soda for bad breath, especially if you have pre-existing conditions.

Key Takeaways

  • Baking soda is alkaline in nature and thus it neutralizes the high acidic levels in your mouth that may cause bad breath.
  • Since it is not acidic, it does not harm the teeth, gums, or bones.
  • Baking soda may also restore the pH balance in your stomach which may be causing bad breath.
  • Gargling with baking soda water or adding it to your toothpaste may help remove bacteria in your mouth and eliminate the bad smell.
baking soda for bad breath

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

Baking soda is the secret weapon against bad breath. Discover the power of an easy and effective way to freshen up your breath! Watch this video to know more!

Personal Experience: Source

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Practicing in Beverly Hills and Manhattan, with experience that spans more than 21 years and several Northeastern states, Dr. Thomas Connelly delivers world class dental aesthetics to patients from all walks of life. He is accredited by the American Society of Dental Aesthetics - the most prestigious and selective credentialing organization in the world for Aesthetic Dentistry - and is also a Fellow in the International Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics.

Read full bio of Dr. Thomas Connelly
Kushneet Kukreja
Kushneet KukrejaHealth & Wellness Writer
Kushneet holds a postgraduate degree in biotechnology from Kingston University, London, and is an ISSA Certified Specialist in Fitness & Nutrition with 2 years of experience. Her scientific background, coupled with her passion for writing, propelled her towards content writing.

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Arshiya Syeda
Arshiya SyedaSenior Editor
Arshiya Syeda is a senior editor at StyleCraze with 7 years of experience. Prior to that, she was a content writer and combined her writing and research skills to write over 200 high-performing articles on hairstyles, hair care, and skin care.

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Dipti Sharma
Dipti SharmaBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Dipti is a health and wellness writer specializing in holistic health practices. She graduated from Maharishi Dayanand University, Haryana, and has worked closely with Ayurvedic doctors, which has given her a deep understanding of traditional remedies and their applications.

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