17 Impressive Benefits Of Apricot – The Nutrient-Rich Fruit Everyone’s Talking About

Gut health, metabolism, and weight loss - apricots support many more functions in your body.

Medically reviewed by Anna Jones, MS, RD, LD/N Anna Jones Anna JonesMS, RD, LD/N facebook_icontwitter_iconlinkedin_iconinsta_icon
Written by , BSc, Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition and Health Ravi Teja Tadimalla BSc, Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition and Health linkedin_icon Experience: 10 years
Edited by , BA (Literature & Psychology), PG Diploma Arshiya Syeda BA (Literature & Psychology), PG Diploma linkedin_icon Experience: 8 years
Fact-checked by , BTech (Biotechnology), Certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach Sindhu Koganti BTech (Biotechnology), Certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 6 years
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The benefits of apricot are majorly attributed to its rich vitamin and mineral content. Just 100 grams of this yellowish-orange fruit provides you with 6% potassium and 12% of the daily recommended dose of vitamins A and C. Well, there is much more. This article takes you through the 17 health benefits of this fleshy fruit, its nutritional profile, and how you can include it in your diet. Keep scrolling!

protip_icon Know Your Ingredient: Apricot

What Is It?
Apricot is a type of fruit that is closely related to peach and plum. It is small, round, or oval-shaped, and has soft, velvety skin that is usually orange or yellow in color.

What Are Its Benefits?
It helps regulate blood pressure, cholesterol, and hemoglobin levels and fights inflammation. It aids in metabolism and leads to healthy weight loss. It also enhances skin and hair health.

Who Can Use It?
Pregnant women, people with a nut allergy, and diabetic individuals should avoid eating apricots.

How Often?
3 – 4 apricots can be consumed daily, not more than that.

Overconsumption of apricot kernels can lead to cyanide poisoning, which can cause nausea, headaches, fever, joint pain, or muscle pain.

How Are Apricots Good For The Body?

Scientifically called Prunus armeniaca, the delicious apricot is replete with nutrients. While the vitamin A in the fruit boosts eye health and immune system, the fiber takes care of the digestive health. The fiber does good to your heart by regulating the levels of blood pressure and cholesterol.

protip_icon Trivia
January 9th is celebrated as National Apricot Day in the United States. People celebrate it by consuming apricots or apricot-themed dishes.

The various antioxidants in the fruit fight inflammation and even boost the health of your skin and hair. This is just the brief. The details are what we get to now.

What Are The Benefits Of Apricots?

1. Apricots Boost Digestive Health

Apricot benefits digestive health
Image: IStock

The soluble fiber in the fruit promotes healthy bowel movement as it adds bulk to the stools. The fiber also breaks down the fatty acids fast – and this enhances digestion. The fiber in the fruit also treats other digestive issues like constipation and bloating.

2. Can Aid Diabetes Treatment

Apricots are low calorie and carb fruit (one fruit contains just 17 calories and 4 grams of carbs) – and this is good news for diabetics. They can very well be a part of a diabetes diet. And the fiber they contain can regulate blood sugar levels.

Apricots also have a low glycemic index – which means they have a sustained effect on your blood sugar levels and don’t spike the levels too fast. The fruit is also rich in vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant that improves blood sugar levels.

According to a Spanish study, nuts and dried fruits make for a healthy addition to a diabetes diet. Apricots, being dried fruits, undoubtedly serve this purpose (1).

3. Help Fight Inflammation

Not just the fruit, but the seeds have also been found to be effective in relieving inflammation. In fact, one animal study states how apricot seed oil extract protected against ulcerative colitis, which is an inflammatory bowel disease (2).

According to a report by the Arthritis Foundation, apricots are rich in beta-cryptoxanthin, a chemical that can prevent osteoarthritis and other inflammatory forms of arthritis (3). The magnesium in the fruit can also ease inflammatory pain.

4. Improve Vision

Regular fruit intake has been linked to a reduced risk of vision loss. But more importantly, apricots are rich in carotenoids and xanthophylls – nutrients that researchers believe can prevent age-related vision ailments. And they also contain vitamin A, another important nutrient for the eyes. Also called retinol, it prevents age-related macular degeneration.

As per studies, topical application of apricot kernel extract can reduce dry eyes by stimulating tear production (4).

Did You Know?

California produces about 95% of the apricots in the US.

5. Apricots Prevent Liver Damage 

As per studies, apricots can protect against liver damage and ease the symptoms of fatty liver disease (accumulation of fat in the liver) (5).

More interestingly, organic apricots were found to be effective in promoting liver regeneration (6).

6. Protect The Heart

Apricot benefits heart health
Image: IStock

The potassium in the fruit can lower blood pressure levels and can hence prevent heart attacks. And the fiber in the fruit lowers cholesterol levels and prevents heart-related diseases like atherosclerosis.

7. Apricots Aid Weight Loss And Metabolism

The fiber makes it obvious – it can keep us full for long periods, and this definitely contributes to healthy weight management. There is another bit of science attached to this – the nutrients in apricots stimulate certain brain cells (called tanycytes) that make us feel full and control our appetite.

The fruits might also speed up metabolism and cause weight loss as a consequence.

8. Boost Bone Health

Apricots are also rich in calcium, the mineral important for bone development and health. More importantly, potassium is also important for the proper absorption and uniform distribution of calcium – and apricots are rich in potassium too.

Studies also show that apricots can reverse bone loss and even alter bone metabolism in postmenopausal women (7).

9. Treat Anemia

Apricots are also good sources of iron, which helps treat anemia. Iron improves hemoglobin production, and this enhances the quality of blood as well.

10. Might Be Beneficial During Pregnancy

Apricots provide high nutrition, which is reason enough to consume them during pregnancy. They are also rich in iron and copper, two particularly important nutrients during pregnancy. They help prevent fatal consequences during pregnancy.

However, there is very little research done in this regard. Hence, we advise you to stay away from apricots during pregnancy and consult your doctor first.

11. Can Treat Earache

Apricot can treat earaches
Image: IStock

Though there is very less research on this, some sources suggest that pouring two to three drops of apricot oil in the affected ear can relieve the pain.

12. Treat Respiratory Ailments

These include asthma, and cold and flu. Talking about asthma, research has established an inverse relationship between flavonoids and asthmatic symptoms.

The vitamin E in apricots also plays a role here. It acts like an antioxidant and fights free radicals. This process boosts immunity and prevents issues like cold and flu.

Apricots are also rich in beta-carotene, which help treat fever as well (8).

Did You Know?

An apricot tree usually produces fruit for 20 to 25 years.

13. Make Your Skin Glow

Apricot scrubs can help in improving your skin tone by exfoliating the damaged skin cells. Thus, they prevent pigmentation to reveal the newer and lighter skin cells beneath.

You can use apricot oil with sugar to make a superb scrub for your face and body. This is an excellent exfoliant that removes dead skin cells and gives you smooth and soft skin. It also removes blackheads and unclogs pores. Just ensure your skin is deeply cleansed before using this scrub.

protip_icon Quick Tip
You may also use ripe apricots and ground almond powder to prepare the scrub. This blend is excellent for removing blackheads.

14. Apricots Delay Signs Of Aging

A scrub prepared from apricot kernels helps in getting rid of the old, dead skin cells on the surface of your skin and enables new skin cells to regrow. This exfoliating action helps in getting rid of fine lines and small wrinkles by eliminating the damaged surface cells from the skin.

Apricot oil helps in maintaining skin clarity, suppleness, and elasticity. It can be used with other fruit oils as a facial mask to soften your skin. It is often used in aromatherapy massage due to its revitalizing and nourishing effects on the skin. Being a very mild natural oil, it also is used in baby products.

15. Treat Skin Disorders

Apricot helps manage skin disorders
Image: IStock

Being rich in vitamins C and A, apricot oil is great for sensitive skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties are effective for treating skin disorders like dermatitisi  A broad term for skin conditions involving various symptoms, such as inflammation of the skin, itching, redness and rashes. and eczemai  A skin condition that causes the skin to get itchy, cracked, inflamed, and rough. It is known to develop in childhood. .

Apricot oil, in combination with other essential oils, has a soothing effect on skin disorders. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using it to avoid any adverse side effects.

The flesh of apricots is beneficial in clearing acne. You can blend the leaves of apricot in a blender to get its juice. Applying it topically helps to get rid of the itching caused by sunburn, eczema, and scabiesi  A contagious skin problem caused by the infestation of Sarcoptes scabiei or the itch mite, a tiny mite that burrows into the skin. .

16. Apricot Oil Can Boost Hair Growth

Apricot oil for hair has also gained quite popularity. The vitamin E in apricot oil supports healthy hair growth and prevents hair loss. This vitamin, in combination with fatty acids, acts as a preservative by preventing damage by free radicals.

17. Treats Scalp Issues

Apricot oil contains vitamins A and E, which support skin health and repair. Thus, it is a great home remedy for problems like dry scalp, psoriasisi  An autoimmune condition that results in raised, scaly patches of skin caused by systemic inflammation. , dandruff, and eczema. This oil restores moisture to dry or flaky scalp or dull and dry hair.

Apart from the above-mentioned benefits, apricots contain bioactive compounds, which may play an active role in cancer prevention (9).

We are done with the benefits. But did you know that apart from the nutrients we had discussed, apricots contain other important compounds as well?

What is The Nutritional Profile Of Apricots?

Apricots (Prunus armeniaca), fresh.
Nutritive Value per 100 g. Total-ORAC umol TE/100 g-1115.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy50 Kcal2.5%
Carbohydrates11 g8.5%
Protein1.4 g2.5%
Total Fat0.4 g1%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber2 g5%
Folates9 µg2%
Niacin0.600 mg4%
Pantothenic acid0.240 mg5%
Pyridoxine0.054 mg5%
Riboflavin0.040 mg3%
Thiamin0.030 mg2.5%
Vitamin A1926 IU64%
Vitamin C10 mg16%
Vitamin E0 mg0%
Vitamin K3.3 µg3%
Sodium1 mg0%
Potassium259 mg5.5%
Calcium13 mg1.3%
Iron0.39 mg5%
Magnesium10 mg2.5%
Manganese0.077 mg3%
Phosphorus23 mg3%
Zinc0.2 mg2%
Carotene-a19 µg
Carotene–ß1094 µg
Crypto-xanthin-ß104 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin89 µg

protip_icon Fun Fact
Astronauts on the Apollo 15 moon mission ate apricot bars on their journey. They were selected due to their high fiber and antioxidant content.

All good. But we have an important question to deal with.

Apricots Vs. Peaches – What’s The Difference?

Both are similar in terms of appearance and nutritional value. However, there are some differences.

Apricots are smaller than peaches and have a yellowish-orange flesh that is covered with fuzz. Peaches are slightly larger, and their color can range from white to bright yellow to red.

In terms of nutritional value, apricots are slightly higher in calories, protein, carbs, and fiber. They also contain a little more of vitamins A and C.

Apricots Vs. Dried Apricots – What Is The Healthier Option?

Both fresh and dried apricots have their own set of advantages. However, what you need to choose depends on your dietary goals and personal preferences. Fresh apricots (or simply called apricots) are ideal if you are looking for a low-calorie snacking option with a mild sweet taste.

Dried apricots, on the other hand, are perfect if you are looking for a nutrient-dense option. However, do remember to exercise portion control as dried apricots have a high-calorie content. Also, if you are following any diets or have specific health conditions, check with your healthcare professional before incorporating apricots into your diet.

That settles it, right? But how can you eat apricots? How do you include them in your diet?

How To Eat An Apricot

A bowl of oatmeal topped with apricot slices with whole apricots in the background
Image: Shutterstock

If you are eating an apricot fruit raw, which you can, simply wash it and consume the fruit as a whole. You can use a spoon to gently pull the large stone out from the center of the fruit.

You can also slice it and add it to a bowl of Greek yogurt. Or add the fruit to your breakfast oatmeal. You can also have apricot juice in the evening.

But be wary of the apricot kernels. Eating 50 to 60 of them can give you a lethal dose of cyanide. Even otherwise, there is little information on the safe number of kernels one can eat.

Sophia, a blogger, described their experience of consuming apricots via including them in different recipes. According to her, the mushy texture and almost bland flavor of apricots makes it easy to bake them and use them in cooking. She states, “What I do love about apricots is how much they change in flavour and texture once you apply a little heat to them. In fact, they are probably my stone fruit, or even favourite fruit, to bake with (i).”

Learn more about the amazing health benefits and nutrition facts of apricot! Check this video out to discover how this delicious fruit can help improve your overall well-being.

Infographic: Top Benefits Of Apricot

The apricot is a nutritious fruit that helps treat several health, skin, and hair issues. Including the fruit in your diet is one of the best solutions to fight many serious health conditions. Though we have already listed all the important benefits of the fruit, we want to stress the top apricot benefits that are research-backed and effective.

Check out the infographic to know which are the 5 top benefits of apricot.

top benefits of apricot (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Apricots are a nutrient-dense healthy snack. They are packed with essential nutrients like dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and potent antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. They aid in weight loss and diabetes management as they are low-calorie fruits and also promote blood circulation and hydration. They also may enhance vision, gut, bone, and heart health. However, excess intake may cause unpleasant side effects. If you experience any adverse effects, limit their intake and seek medical advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it good to eat apricots every day?

Yes. Having a couple of apricots every day boosts your health in many ways, like boosting your digestive health and preventing liver damage.

Who should not eat apricots?

People with a nut allergy should avoid eating apricots.

Can I eat apricot at night?

Yes. You can have apricots any time of the day.

Are apricots high in sugar?

Not really. While apricots are generally sweet, they have about 8.5% of the daily required value of carbohydrates, including sugar.

Do apricots give gas?

Maybe. While anecdotal evidence suggests that apricots may make you gassy, there is a lack of scientific evidence supporting this claim.

Can we eat apricots with milk?

Yes. You can add apricots and other dried fruits to milk and enjoy it in a milkshake or in a smoothie.

Key Takeaways

  • Apricots can support eye health and boost immunity, owing to their vitamin A content.
  • Apricots are rich in fiber that can help tackle constipation, gas, and bloating.
  • Eating fiber-rich apricots may help control cholesterol levels in the body.
  • The magnesium content present in apricots can aid in reducing inflammation.

Illustration: Impressive Benefits Of Apricot – The Nutrient-Rich Fruit Everyone&039s Talking About

apricot benefits_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

Personal Experience: Source


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  1. Nuts and dried fruits: An update…”. US National Library of Medicine.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect of...”. US National Library of Medicine.
  3. Summer fruits and veggies to relieve inflammation”. Arthritis Foundation.
  4. Topical application of apricot kernel…”. US National Library of Medicine.
  5. Protective effect of apricot…”. US National Library of Medicine.
  6. Effects of organic apricot on...”. US National Library of Medicine.
  7. Dried plum’s unique capacity…”. US National Library of Medicine.
  8. Vitamin A deficiency is associated with…“. The Journal of Nutrition.
  9. Anticancer Potential and Other Pharmacological…”US National Library of Medicine.
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Anna Jones
Anna JonesMS, RD, LD/N
Anna is a Registered Dietitian who is truly passionate about helping people make healthy, lasting lifestyle changes through balanced, nutrient rich nutrition and increased physical activity. She earned both her Bachelor and Masters degree in Health and Nutrition and has over 15 years of experience in the field of health and wellness.

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Ravi Teja Tadimalla
Ravi Teja TadimallaCo-Editor-in-Chief
Ravi Teja Tadimalla is a Co-Editor-in-Chief and a published author. He has been in the digital media field for over a decade. He graduated from SRM University, Chennai, and has a Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition & Research from Wageningen University.

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Arshiya SyedaCo-Editor-in-Chief
Arshiya Syeda is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of StyleCraze with 8 years of experience. Prior to that, she was a content writer who combined her writing and research skills to write over 200 high-performing articles on hairstyles, hair care, and skin care.

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Sindhu Koganti
Sindhu KogantiSenior Health & Wellness Writer
Sindhu Koganti is a Certified Health and Nutrition Life Coach and has over 6 years of experience in writing on health and wellness topics. She has a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, and a diploma in nutrition from Fab Academy.

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