13 Health Benefits Of Peppermint Tea And How To Make It

Add this refreshing drink to your daily routine, and your body will thank you for it!

Medically reviewed by Monica Auslander Moreno, MS, RDN Monica Auslander Moreno Monica Auslander MorenoMS, RDN facebook_iconinsta_iconinsta_icon
Written by Sindhu Koganti, BTech (Biotechnology), Certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach Sindhu Koganti BTech (Biotechnology), Certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 6 years
Edited by Ravi Teja Tadimalla, BSc, Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition and Health Ravi Teja Tadimalla BSc, Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition and Health linkedin_icon Experience: 10 years
Fact-checked by Payal Karnik, MSc (Biotechnology), Certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach Payal Karnik MSc (Biotechnology), Certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 2.5 years
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The benefits of peppermint tea will make you crave a cup or two. Many generations of people have used peppermint for medicinal purposes. It is widely consumed and is noted for its minty flavor. Peppermint tea has zero calories and a refreshing flavor. This natural brew contains antioxidants, antibacterial, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and analgesic properties. It may act as a natural remedy for headache relief, improve digestive health, curb weight gain and freshen the breath. Physicians have recommended this infusion for a long time because it is natural and caffeine-free.

This article discusses peppermint tea benefits, its nutritional profile, how to use it for maximum benefits, and any potential side effects. Take a look.

protip_icon Know Your Ingredient: Peppermint Tea

What Is It?
A hot beverage made by infusing peppermint leaves in hot water.

What Are Its Benefits?
It has analgesic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic properties.

Who Can Use It?
Anyone can consume it in moderation, but people suffering from heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease should avoid it.

How Often?
The recommended limit is 2-3 cups of peppermint tea every day.

Overconsumption can cause cramping, drowsiness, muscle pain, tremors, diarrhea, and a drop in heart rate.

What Are The Benefits Of Peppermint Tea?

There are many peppermint benefits for health, especially skin and hair. So, consuming peppermint tea is highly beneficial as well. Some prominent advantages are –

1. May Improve Digestion

Peppermint oil has been used to cure various digestive issues such as gas, heartburn, bloating, and indigestion. It is a natural carminativei  A natural substance that helps expel gas from the stomach to reduce stomach ache, cleanse the bowel system, and regulate the digestive function. . It relaxes the abdominal muscles. Menthol, a bioactive component in peppermint, may help in soothing the colon muscles. It may induce a spasmolytic effect on the colon muscles and promote digestive health (1). A study conducted by Tufts University found that peppermint may relieve digestive symptoms such as indigestion, gas, and bloating. In another animal study, peppermint was found to relax the digestive system and ease the pain. Peppermint can also keep the smooth muscles in your gut from contracting. This may help relieve abdominal spasms (2), (3).

Similarly, peppermint tea may have a laxative effect and may help relieve issues such as stomach upset, indigestion, gas, and bloating. Thus, it is a great home remedy for digestive problems. Peppermint has carminative antispasmodic propertiesi  The effect of a medical drug or agent that suppresses muscle strains and spasms to reduce the pain from stomach cramps. . It may help relieve flatulence and abdominal spasms (4). However, more research is needed to further understand this particular benefit of peppermint tea. 

A blogger wrote about her transition to a healthier drink option that she fell in love with – peppermint tea. She writes, “If you have any stomach problems, peppermint tea is an amazing natural remedy. It can help ease irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, digestion and reduce heartburn. I also like drinking it to detox after a night out on the town (i)!”

2. May Help Relieve Tension Headaches And Migraines

Peppermint tea may help relieve tension headaches and migraines. The menthol in peppermint acts as a relaxant and an analgesic. Animal studies show that the tea may have analgesic (pain-relieving) and anesthetic effects on the central and peripheral nervous system (2). The tea may relieve the strain on the blood vessels in the brain. Anecdotal evidence suggests that peppermint tea can act as the perfect aroma therapy that may offer relaxation, ease headaches, and offer stress relief. However, there is no supporting scientific data to prove this claim.

3. May Freshen Your Breath

Peppermint tea freshens breath.
Image: Shutterstock

Peppermint has antibacterial properties that kill plaque-causing germs and may improve your breath (5), (6). The herb may prevent the development of oral bacteria that cause bad breath. Peppermint is also known to freshen one’s breath (7). Peppermint is often used as a flavoring agent in many types of mouthwashes and toothpaste due to its pleasant taste and smell (8). The menthol in the peppermint leaves may play a role in this regard.

4. May Relieve Nasal Congestion

A study investigated the effects of seven peppermint tea extracts against a respiratory tract pathogen (Chlamydia pneumoniae). The study states that the consumption of peppermint tea can potentially help treat acute respiratory tract infections (9). All the seven tea extracts inhibited the growth of the pathogen, and aid respiratory health.

Consumption of peppermint tea may prevent chlamydial infections. There is limited scientific evidence to prove that drinking peppermint tea can help unclog sinuses. But anecdotal evidence suggests that a warm beverage containing menthol, such as peppermint tea, may help ease one’s breathing.

Peppermint has many anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral effects. Hence, the tea may fight against clogged sinuses caused due to common cold and allergies (10).

A study conducted by University College, Cardiff, found that L-menthol, one of the active compounds in peppermint, improves the sensation of airflow in your nasal cavity (11).

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the vapors of peppermint tea may improve the symptoms of sinus congestion. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove this claim.

5. May Improve Energy Levels

Peppermint contains antioxidants and phenols that can protect the body from free radicals (12). Peppermint tea may improve energy levels and reduce daytime fatigue. While there are no studies on peppermint tea in this regard, research demonstrates that natural compounds in peppermint may have beneficial effects on energy. In a study, 24 individuals given peppermint oil capsules showed less fatigue during a cognitive test (13).

Some anecdotal evidence also suggests that peppermint tea may boost physical energy levels.

However, more long-term studies are required to understand this benefit of peppermint tea.

6. May Help Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Woman having a mug of peppermint tea to minimize menstrual cramps.
Image: Shutterstock

Peppermint is said to possess antispasmodic effects that help in relieving menstrual cramps. Drinking peppermint tea may reduce the intensity and duration of menstrual cramps, as the herb is known to have analgesic properties (2).

The compounds in peppermint may act as muscle relaxants. They work on the constricted muscles in the uterus and alleviate cramps. In a study, 127 women with menstrual cramps experienced reduced intensity and duration of pain after taking peppermint extract capsules (14). However, more research is required to understand this benefit.

protip_icon Fun Fact
The origin of herbal tea can be traced to ancient Egypt. Archaeologists found peppermint tea leaves in pyramids dating back to about 1000 BC.

7. May Have Antibacterial Properties

Peppermint effectively fights several types of bacteria, thanks to its antimicrobial properties (2). A study conducted by the Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa, found that menthol also demonstrated antibacterial activity (15).

Some studies suggest that peppermint has the ability to minimize oral bacterial infections by fighting against the corresponding pathogens (5).

8. May Improve Your Sleep

Peppermint tea is a caffeine-free beverage. Hence, taking it before bedtime may help you relax (3). It could be the ideal choice before sleep for those with sleep disorders. It could act as a muscle relaxant and help you relax. However, there is limited research to support this point. 

9. May Aid Weight Loss

Peppermint tea is a calorie-free beverage that may help satisfy your sweet tooth. Taking it in place of other high-calorie beverages can also help with weight management. Peppermint is also one of the herbs used in various weight loss formulations (16). However, more research is needed to understand the weight loss effects of peppermint tea.

10. May Help Treat Seasonal Allergies

Peppermint contains rosmarinic acid, a phenolic compound that may exhibit biological activities. However, evidence on the efficacy of peppermint tea against allergy symptoms is limited. Rosmarinic acid is linked to reduced symptoms of allergic reactions, such as itchy eyes, runny nose, and asthma (17), (18), (19). In one study conducted on 29 people with seasonal allergies, those given an oral supplement containing rosmarinic acid had fewer symptoms of an itchy nose and itchy eyes (20).

Another study conducted by the Okayama University, Japan, on rats found that peppermint extract reduced allergic symptoms such as sneezing and nasal irritation (21). 

11. May Improve Skin Health

Drinking peppermint tea can keep your skin clear.
Image: Shutterstock

The cooling effect of menthol may have a beneficial effect on oily and pimple-prone skin. Menthol, the basic element in peppermint leaves, lowers the secretion of oils from the sebaceous glands. This, in turn, may help clear your skin and reduce breakouts.

The antioxidants in the tea may also help in clearing skin pores. However, more studies in this line are needed to reach further conclusions.

12. May Improve Concentration

Anecdotal evidence suggests that peppermint tea may help increase alertness, memory, and concentration. Drinking peppermint tea may help improve one’s ability to concentrate and focus. Limited research is available in this regard, however.

13. May Improve IBS symptoms

Peppermint tea may potentially help alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Peppermint contains L-menthol, a natural compound renowned for its antispasmodic properties. L-menthol functions by blocking calcium channels in the smooth muscle, providing relief from the spasms and discomfort associated with IBS. Additionally, peppermint tea exhibits antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulating, and anesthetic attributes that may help manage IBS. Thus, peppermint tea may be a promising, natural approach for managing IBS symptoms by soothing gastrointestinal distress, reducing inflammation, and relaxing the digestive system (22). It might be a good option for those seeking a gentle yet effective remedy for this condition.

All of these amazing benefits are due to the nutritional profile of peppermint tea. Scroll down to the next section to learn more.

Nutritional Profile Of Peppermint

Here is a detailed list of nutrients present in peppermint that make its tea a remarkable drink (23).

NutrientsAmount (100g)



Total lipid (fat)


Carbohydrate, by difference

Fiber, total dietary

Calcium, Ca

Iron, Fe

Magnesium, Mg

Phosphorus, P

Potassium, K

Sodium, Na

Zinc, Zn

Copper, Cu

Manganese, Mn

Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid




Pantothenic acid

Vitamin B-6

Folate, total

Folic acid

Folate, food

Folate, DFE

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin A, RAE


Vitamin A, IU

Vitamin D (D2 + D3), IU

Vitamin D (D2 + D3), µg

Fatty acids, total saturated

SFA 14:0

SFA 16:0

SFA 18:0

Fatty acids, total monounsaturated

MUFA 16:1

MUFA 18:1

Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated

PUFA 18:2

PUFA 18:3

Fatty acids, total trans















Aspartic acid

Glutamic acid




78.6 g

70 kcal

3.75 g

0.94 g

1.76 g

14.9 g

8 g

243 mg

5.08 mg

80 mg

73 mg

569 mg

31 mg

1.11 mg

0.329 mg

1.18 mg

31.8 mg

0.082 mg

0.266 mg

1.71 mg

0.338 mg

0.129 mg

114 µg

0 µg

114 µg

114 µg

0 µg

212 µg

0 µg

4250 IU

0 IU

0 µg

0.246 g

0.006 g

0.176 g

0.025 g

0.033 g

0.002 g

0.029 g

0.508 g

0.069 g

0.435 g

0 g

0 mg

0.058 g

0.154 g

0.154 g

0.281 g

0.161 g

0.053 g

0.041 g

0.191 g

0.113 g

0.187 g

0.173 g

0.075 g

0.195 g

0.443 g

0.409 g

0.18 g

0.154 g

0.146 g

So how do you avail these nutrients? Preparing a peppermint tea is obviously the best choice. In the following section, we will take a look at how to prepare the tea.

Key Takeaways

  • Peppermint tea may help prevent plaque, and improve your breath.
  • This tea may help those with a sweet tooth and aid in weight loss.
  • Peppermint tea may help clear skin pores as it contains antioxidants.
  • You can have 4 to 5 cups of this tea every day as it has zero calories and caffeine.

How Do You Make The Best Peppermint Tea?

A cup of peppermint tea with the ingredients used to make it
Image: Shutterstock

You can make this herbal tea with fresh or dried peppermint leaves. Let’s take a look at the procedure in detail:

You will need

  • 2 cups of water
  • Handful of peppermint leaves
  • Honey (for taste)


  1. Boil two cups of water.
  2. Add a handful of peppermint leaves after turning off the heat.
  3. Cover and steep for 5 minutes.
  4. Strain the tea and add honey as required.
protip_icon Quick Tip
You can add jaggery instead of honey to sweeten the peppermint tea. Jaggery also improves digestion and relieves constipation.

Add a slice of fresh lemon and a few thin slices of ginger to enhance the flavor of your peppermint tea. The citrus will brighten the minty notes, while the ginger adds a warm, spicy kick that complements the freshness of the peppermint. You can also prepare peppermint tea with the tea bags available in many grocery and health stores.

While there are so many different ways you can spice up your regular peppermint tea, it’s important to know how many cups of this drink you can have in a day. Keep reading to learn more.

How Many Cups Of Peppermint Tea Can You Drink In A Day?

Two friends clink their glasses of peppermint tea
Image: IStock

Peppermint tea has zero calories and is free of caffeine. Hence, you can have 4 to 5 cups of the tea on a regular basis. You can consume the tea at any time of the day. Enjoy it as a post-meal treat to aid digestion, in the afternoon to boost your energy, or before bed to help you relax.

However, adding flavoring agents such as sugar, honey, and lemon may increase the tea’s calorific value. You may want to be wary of that.

Though peppermint tea is generally safe for consumption, overconsumption may lead to health complications. We will explore the side effects of peppermint tea in the following section.

What Are The Side Effects Of Peppermint Tea?

Intake of peppermint tea is generally considered safe. However, some may experience allergies, heartburn, and drug interactions following its intake.

Excess consumption of this herbal tea may also cause some toxic effects. In male rats, a high intake of peppermint tea was found to compromise reproductive function (24). Other allergies caused by peppermint included contact dermatitisi  An umbrella term for skin inflammation. rash, itchiness, and redness with small blisters as an allergic reaction to external substances. and asthma (25). People who are allergic to any form of peppermint should avoid the intake of this herbal beverage. Individuals who are on Warfarin treatment should be cautious. A study showed that peppermint tea could interact with Warfarin (26).

Infographic: Surprising Benefits Of Peppermint Tea

Ahh, peppermint tea! Known to keep us warm during the winter and healthy all the year through. While you might have read all its amazing benefits, we are sure that there were some you definitely need to read through again. Check out the infographic below for the most surprising benefits of peppermint tea.

surprising benefits of peppermint tea(infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Peppermint tea is caffeine- and calorie-free and is a good substitute for regular tea. It is packed with antioxidants and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. The benefits of peppermint tea include better digestion, relief from nasal congestion, and better energy levels. It may also help improve your sleep, aid in weight loss, and relieve migraines and menstrual cramps. However, excess intake may cause allergies and heartburn and, in rare cases, may affect one’s reproductive functioning. Seek medical advice in such cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can peppermint tea help with nausea?

Jordan Anthony, MS RDN, says, “While the exact mechanism is unclear, multiple studies have shown that peppermint tea, or more specifically, the essential oils found in peppermint, can help to reduce nausea”.

Does peppermint tea make you urinate more?

There is no scientific evidence that peppermint tea, specifically, is a diuretic. However, excess intake of beverages can cause frequent urination.

Are mint tea and peppermint tea the same?

Yes. Mint tea is prepared from the leaves of peppermint. Both are the same.

Is peppermint tea good for kidneys?

Some anecdotal evidence suggests that drinking herbal teas in moderate amounts may reduce the risk of kidney stones. However, there is research in this regard.

Can you drink peppermint tea while you are pregnant?

Though there are no known side effects, consult your doctor before taking peppermint tea during this period.

Can peppermint tea help to reduce stress and anxiety?

Yes, peppermint tea contains menthol, which has a calming effect on the mind and can help combat stress (27). Anthony adds, “It does have a mild, pleasant flavor, and drinking warm beverages can help our bodies to relax and our heart rates to lower.”

How does peppermint tea boost the immune system?

Peppermint oil has antiviral and antibacterial properties that may help fight diseases. It also contains antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system (28).

How does the menthol in peppermint tea help to soothe sore muscles and joints?

The menthol in peppermint has a cooling effect that helps alleviate pain and relax muscles and joints. It also has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic properties, which may help reduce inflammation (29), (30).

Illustration: Health Benefits Of Peppermint Tea And How To Make It

peppermint tea benefits

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team


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Monica Auslander Moreno
Monica Auslander Moreno is the lead dietitian for a group dietitian practice (Essence Nutrition) in Miami. She has 7 years of experience, and her practice provides both in-office and virtual consultations and works with individuals, groups, offices, schools, and restaurants.

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  • Jordan AnthonyMS RDN Jordan Anthony is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with over 6 years of experience. She was a public relations professional before she went back to the University of Southern California to get a Master's degree in Nutrition, Healthspan and Longevity. She is currently serving as the Senior Director of Nutrition at Ahara Corporation in Los Angeles, USA.
    Jordan Anthony is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with over 6 years of experience. She was a public relations professional before she went back to the University of Southern California to get a Master's degree in Nutrition, Healthspan and Longevity. She is currently serving as the Senior Director of Nutrition at Ahara Corporation in Los Angeles, USA.
Sindhu Koganti
Sindhu KogantiSenior Health & Wellness Writer
Sindhu Koganti is a Certified Health and Nutrition Life Coach with over six years of experience writing on health, nutrition, and diet. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, and a Diploma in Nutrition from Fab Academy.

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Ravi Teja Tadimalla
Ravi Teja TadimallaCo-Editor-in-Chief
Ravi Teja Tadimalla is a Co-Editor-in-Chief and a published author. He has been in the digital media field for over a decade. He graduated from SRM University, Chennai, and has a Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition & Research from Wageningen University.

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Payal Karnik
Payal KarnikSenior Health & Wellness Writer
Payal Karnik is a senior health and wellness writer and a Certified Health and Nutrition Life Coach with a Biotechnology degree from the University of Mumbai. Her scientific background and passion for writing empower her to create research-backed articles on health, nutrition, and diet.

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