8 Simple Asanas That Will Help You Get Rid Of A Headache In A Jiffy

Written by , BA Shirin Mehdi BA linkedin_icon Experience: 3 years
Last Updated on

Many of us are not keen on heading to the medicine cabinet with the onset of a headache. In such cases, it is best to head to your yoga mat instead.

When a headache approaches, your energy drains out, so much that you fail to concentrate on the task at hand. All you want to do is get rid of it. Some headaches bring along pressure and strain on the eyes, neck, shoulders, and back. It can all be quite tiresome. You might probably pop a pill, which isn’t healthy, or roll into bed for an untimely nap, which will only disrupt your routine.

What Causes The Headaches?

There are many reasons you might have a headache. The primary reason, however, is stress and tension. When you are overworked, you tend to get a headache.

An intense workout, hormonal imbalances, lowering of estrogen, aversion to certain foods (chocolate, coffee, cheese, etc.), migraines, long and short-sightedness – all of these are common causes of that pain in the head.

How Does Yoga Help To Cure A Headache?

When a headache is on, all you want to do is relieve that stress. If you are done with popping too many pills, practicing yoga is a great option. A few soothing twists, along with breathing exercises, will work perfectly well to help alleviate the pain.

Yoga has this innate ability to relieve tension instantly. It also calms the mind and enhances the circulation of blood. It is truly a powerful natural remedy for headaches.

When headaches are caused because of tension in your shoulders, neck, and back, yoga gently stretches these parts and opens up the blocks, allowing free circulation of blood and oxygen to your head.

Yoga also gives your body a chance to slow down and relax, therefore easing out anxiety and tension that can be major causes of a headache. Once your body calms down, your headache will gently vanish.

Yoga makes sure that there is enough circulation of blood and oxygen to your brain. The pull of gravity ensures that you are only going down all the time, so the blood is pooling at your feet. With yoga, you allow the flow to go in an opposite direction, towards the brain, and that is extremely beneficial for your body once in a while.

8 Effective Asanas In Yoga For Headache Relief

  1. Padangusthasana
  2. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana
  3. Supta Virasana
  4. Prasarita Padottanasana
  5. Viparita Karani
  6. Paschimottanasana
  7. Ananda Balasana
  8. Shavasana

1. Padangusthasana

Image: Shutterstock

The Padangusthasana is one of the first and most basic yoga asanas you will learn. It is, quite simply, a standing forward bend, which requires you to catch your big toe with your hands. When you bend forward, the blood gushes down to your head, promoting circulation as well as enough oxygen. Your headache will come down almost instantly.

To know more about this asana, click here: Complete Guide To Padangusthasana

2. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

Image: Shutterstock

The Ardha Pincha Mayurasana, or the Dolphin Pose, is quite similar to the Adho Mukha Svanasana (you could also practice this asana to get rid of your headache). But instead of resting your body weight on your palms, it rests it on the elbows. This asana gives your back and neck a good stretch and also allows blood flow in the brain. The unwinding and relaxing stretch with that pump of extra oxygen is just what it takes to relieve a headache.

To know more about this asana, click here: Complete Guide To Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

3. Prasarita Padottanasana

Image: Shutterstock

This asana is also a standing forward bend. Much like the Padangusthasana, or the Uttanasana (also useful to relieve headaches), this pose entails a complete fold at the abdomen, which allows your back, neck, shoulders, and head to benefit from the gushing blood owing to the anti-gravity bend. This relieves a headache almost instantly.

To know more about this asana, click here: Compete Guide To Prasarita Padottanasana

4. Supta Virasana

Image: Shutterstock

When a headache is stress related, you need to make sure you loosen and stretch your back and shoulders to release the trapped stress. This asana provides that satisfying stress-relieving stretch, while almost instantly relieving your headache. The Reclining Hero Pose surely is the hero of the day when you have a headache.

To know more about this asana, click here: Complete Guide To Supta Virasana

5. Viparita Karani

Image: Shutterstock

This asana looks complicated, but it is, in fact, a restorative pose. It instills a sense of calmness throughout your mind and body. All you need is a wall and a stretch. And off goes the headache!

To know more about this asana, click here: Complete Guide To Viparita Karani

6. Paschimottanasana

Image: Shutterstock

The Paschimottanasana is an amazing seated forward bend. It is one of the best yoga asanas for headache relief and also a easy pose that has a host of benefits. This asana calms the brain and relieves stress. Both these are major triggers when it comes to headaches. You must try it the next time you are suffering from a dreadful headache.

To know more about this asana, click here: Complete Guide To Paschimottanasana

7. Ananda Balasana

Image: Shutterstock

If that back pain radiating up your spine is the primary cause of your headache, you must step back and relax. The Happy Baby Pose or the Anand Balasana is the perfect asana to help you do so.

To know more about this asana, click here: Complete Guide To Ananda Balasana

8. Shavasana

Image: Shutterstock

Finally, comes the Shavasana. It is the ultimate relaxant that gives you a boost of energy in a matter of minutes. Whether it is stress, aches and pains, or any other problem, the Shavasana is a great solution for it all. So the next time you have a headache and feel totally drained out, take to this asana.

To know more about this asana, click here: Complete Guide To Shavasana

Have you ever considered yoga for headache relief? Yoga is an amazing practice, especially if you have a headache. It cures the problem from its roots and makes sure it doesn’t relapse. Also, if you practice yoga regularly, you might never get a headache at all! Prevention is always better than cure.

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Shirin Mehdi
Shirin MehdiHealth & Wellness Writer
Shirin is a health and wellness writer with three years of experience and specializes in writing articles on yoga and has extensive knowledge about the postures of the asanas. Prior to joining Stylecraze, she interned with an advertising firm as a copywriter and as an editorial intern for a luxury fashion magazine.

Read full bio of Shirin Mehdi