16 Exercises To Tone Your Thighs – Get Rid Of Cellulite
A list of all the best exercises that must find a place in your leg day routine!

Image: Shutterstock
If shapely, fit, and strong thighs are on your to-do list, we can help. By doing exercises for toned thighs, you will improve muscle tone and rock denim pants and a pencil skirt with equal elan. Your thighs have quads and hamstringsi A group of tendons located behind the knee that helps connect the muscles of the upper leg with the bones of the lower leg. at the front and back, respectively. Exercises for toned thighs also target your inner thighs (adductors) and outer thighs (abductors). Along with targeting these muscles, you also need to work on glutes and valves to strengthen and tone your lower body, improving your posture, gait, strength, agility, and fitness. Take a look at these 16 thigh exercises and do them for 20-30 minutes every other day to get quick results.
But remember to warm up before starting these lower body exercises! You should never ignore that, and here we also tell you why.
- Frequency: 2-3 times per week
- Benefits: Strengthen the thigh muscles, improve metabolism, and increase lower body strength.
- Equipment Needed: Exercise mat
- Space Required: Small area
- Assistance Required: No
- Who Should Avoid: Anyone with lower back issues or knee injury.
In This Article
What Causes Saggy Inner Thighs?
Valeria Dolbel, CHN, CNT, says, “Sagging of the inner thighs results from different factors such as weight loss, muscle loss, and aging. As we age, our muscle tone decreases unless we’re active in maintaining it by doing specialized exercises.”
She adds, “In my expertise, I say that legs can look flabby due to excess fat and lack of muscle tone. However, self-consciousness will be over if you go from flabby to thin, toned legs through aerobic exercise, following a healthy diet, and toning muscle through strength training exercises.”
Key Takeaways
- Practicing squats, deadlifts, and downward dog pose for 20 minutes daily can help tone the quadriceps and hamstrings.
- Forward and backward lunges may be effective in toning thighs.
- Warming up before you start your thigh-toning exercises increases blood flow and reduces the risk of injury.
Warm Up
It is extremely important that you warm up before starting strength training for thighs or doing these thigh toning exercises. This will prepare your body and mind for the exercises. A warm up will increase blood flow to your muscles, improve the flexibility of your muscles and bones, activate the central nervous system, and reduce the risk of sore muscles and injury.
Click on the video below to warm up with Joanna Soh.
Now that your body is prepared, you can start doing thigh toning exercises right away.
Here are 15 exercises that will help you get rid of cellulite and make your thighs shapely.
16 Effective Exercises To Tone Your Thighs
1. Squat – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips
Squats, a powerful exercise for strengthening the thighs, hips, and glutes, offer benefits like improved core stability, flexibility, and calorie burn. Avoid lifting your heels or rushing through repetitions, warm up, and maintain good form with your knees aligned and your back straight to ensure your safety. Beginners should start with wall or chair squats, while advanced practitioners may add weights, jump squats, or single-leg variations.
Squats target the quads, hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and calves.
Starting Position
Stand straight with your feet slightly apart (more than shoulder-width distance). Keep your core engaged and shoulders relaxed. Extend your arms in front of you. Flex them and bring them in front of your chest as you squat.
2 mins
Steps To Do

- From your starting position, flex your knees and go down as if you are going to sit on a chair. Make sure to keep your knees behind your toes.
- Hold for a second and then come up.
Start with 10 reps. You can go on to do 2 sets of 10 reps, 3 sets of 10 reps, or 1 set of 20 reps.
Keep your knees shoulder-width apart and squat. Another variation is the Chair pose or “utkatasana,” which is an effective yoga for toned thighs.
If your knees hurt, you are not doing it right. Make sure you follow the video or have an instructor oversee you when you are doing butt exercises like squatting. Also, do not overtrain as you might injure your knee. This is similar to doing a leg press, but with less force and no equipment.
A blogger, who took up a 30-day challenge of doing 100 squats a day, shares the experience on their blog as follows: “This experience proved to me that a simple daily exercise habit can produce dramatic changes over time. I’m thrilled to finally have the lean, toned legs I’ve always wanted – all thanks to a month of daily squats! (i).”
2. Jumping Squat – Exercise For The Thighs, Hips, And Calves
Jumping squats combine strength and explosive power for a complete lower-body workout. Adding this exercise to your program two to three times a week may help increase cardiovascular fitness, lower body strength, and improve agility.
Quads, hamstrings, calves, adductors, and glutes.
Starting Position
Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your knees straight and slightly flexed forward, core engaged, and shoulders relaxed. Keep your hands to your side so that you can use them to propel yourself up when you jump.
30 sec
Steps To Do
- Flex your knees and squat down. Make sure to keep your thighs parallel to the ground and do not overshoot your knees beyond your feet.
- Now, move your arms to propel your body up, and jump and land. When you land, make sure that you absorb the shock through your muscles so that you do not injure your knees or feet.
- Again, go down and squat.
2 sets of 10 reps
You can bring your legs together as you jump or put your hands behind your head when you jump to make the workout more difficult.
Slow down as you land.
3. Outer And Inner Thigh Kick – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips
Outer and inner thigh kicks are excellent for toning and strengthening the thighs and hips while improving balance and flexibility. This exercise improves hip mobility, works the inner and outer thigh muscles, and can be intensified by adding resistance bands or ankle weights.
Quads, adductors, and glutes.
Starting Position
Stand behind a chair. Hold the back of the chair. Relax your shoulders and keep your abs engaged.
15 seconds on each leg
Steps To Do
- Lift your body on your toes. Move your right leg forward.
- Slowly swing your right leg towards your left and then to the right. Make sure you raise your leg high on the right side.
- Do this 10 times and then lower your body.
- Repeat the same with your left leg.
2 sets of 10 reps
Make sure to keep your knees straight.
4. Single Leg Circles
Single-leg circles are a low-impact exercise that targets the thighs and develops core stability and hip flexibility. This exercise improves joint mobility and tones the thigh muscles. It can be altered by changing the size of the circle or adding ankle weights for increased resistance.
Quads and adductors.
Starting Position
Stand straight. Relax your shoulders and keep your core engaged. Put your right foot forward, with the toes pointing out.
15 seconds on each leg
Steps To Do
- Lift your right foot about knee high. Keep your arms on your waist, and shoulders relaxed.
- Move the right leg outward and make a circle.
- Repeat this 10 times.
- Do the same with the left leg.
2 sets of 10 reps
You can hold a wall or a chair when you do this exercise.
Do not bend your knees or bend to the side while doing this exercise.
5. Plie – Exercise For The Thighs And Calves

Plie is a ballet-inspired workout that enhances flexibility and posture while strengthening and toning the thighs and calves. You can intensify this exercise by adding weights or deepening the squat, increasing hip mobility and lowering body strength.
Quads, adductors, calves, and glutes.
Starting Position
Keep your legs a little wider than hip-width apart. Keep your toes pointed out at 45 degrees, core engaged, and shoulders relaxed.
1 min
Steps To Do
- From your starting position, without bending forward or backward, flex your knees and lower your body.
- As you do this, use your palms to push your knees back so that you can feel the thigh rotation.
- Move both your hands to the sides, like a ballerina, and slowly stand up with your heels flat on the floor.
- Repeat this 10 times.
1 set of 10 reps
Lift your ankles and balance on your toes. Hold in that position. You can also pulsate by going up and down.
Do not bend forward as you would in a normal squat.
6. Scissor Kicks – Exercise For The Thighs And Lower Abs
A core-strengthening exercise that works the thighs and lower abdomen while increasing endurance is the scissor kick. Keep your back flat on the floor and your core active to prevent tension. This workout strengthens the lower abdominal muscles, tones the thighs, and increases core stability in general.
Hamstrings, quads, adductors, and lower abs.
Starting Position
Lie down flat on your back on a mat. Keep your hands straight, palms under your hips, and toes pointed out.
30 seconds
Steps To Do
- Lift both your legs at a 45-degree angle with the ground.
- Now, move your right leg up and left leg down.
- Bring them back up and this time, move your left leg up and right leg down. When you do this at a faster pace, it looks like a scissor.
- Do this for 15 times.
2 sets of 15 reps
Do not bend your knees.
7. Inner Thigh Circles – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips
Inner thigh circles are a quick and easy way to strengthen your hips and tone your thighs. In addition to increasing hip mobility and strengthening the inner thighs, this exercise can be intensified by adding ankle weights.
Adductors and glutes
Starting Position
Assume the cat position. Your palms must be flat on the ground, and toes pointing outwards.
1 min
Steps To Do
- Lift your right leg out to the side. Slightly flex your knees. Make sure you balance your body on your left knee and two hands.
- Move your right leg in small circles, first clockwise and then anticlockwise. Do this 5 times.
- Now, move your right leg in bigger circles, clockwise and anticlockwise. Do this 5 times.
- Do the same with your left leg.
2 sets of 10 reps
You can flex your knees and keep your toes pointed backward if you are not comfortable keeping your legs straight for a long duration.
While doing inner thigh exercises, make sure you keep your knees soft and comfortable.
8. Side Kick – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips
Side kicks are an effective workout that strengthens the hips and thighs while enhancing core stability and balance. This exercise improves flexibility and strengthens the outer thighs and hips. If you are at an intermediary level, consider using resistance bands or ankle weights to add more intensity.
Quads, hamstrings, adductors, and glutes.
Starting Position
Lie on your right side on a mat. Keep your core engaged, head resting on your right hand, your left hand in front of you, and left palm resting flat on the floor to support your body. Your body should be aligned from the head to the tailbonei A small, triangular-shaped bone located at the end of the spine that helps hold up your weight when you sit. . Move both your legs out so that your lower body is at 45 degrees with your upper body.
1 min
Steps To Do
- Raise your left leg up to your hip.
- Now, without moving your upper body and right leg, kick your left leg forward and inhale.
- Kick your left leg back and exhale. As you kick back, lift your upper body. Your body should be supported by your right elbow.
- Do this 10 times.
- Do this on the left side as well.
2 sets of 10 reps
When you kick your leg forward, you can pulsate it so work your inner thigh muscles and glutes.
For thigh lift exercises make sure you lift your legs till your hips and not beyond that.
9. Lunges – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips
Lunges are a versatile exercise that effectively strengthens the thighs, hips, and glutes while improving balance and coordination. This exercise tones the lower body, improves hip flexibility, and can be intensified by adding weights or performing walking lunges.
Quads, hamstrings, and glutes.
Starting Position
Put your right leg forward, relax your shoulders. Keep your chest up, core engaged, and hands on the side. Make sure your legs are not directly in the same line as it would make lunging difficult.
15 seconds on each leg
Steps To Do

- Keeping your body weight on the front heel, lower your body and drop your left knee to the ground.
- Now, stand right back up.
- Do this for 10 times.
- Now, put your left leg forward and repeat the same.
2 sets of 10 reps
You can do forward or backward lunges by putting your leg forward or backward and lunging. Another variation that can help with outer thigh exercises are split squats.
Do not stretch the leg in the back; it should be perpendicular to the floor.
10. Lateral Lunge Side Kick
Lateral lunge side kicks are a dynamic workout addition that tones the thighs while enhancing flexibility and balance is the lateral lunge side kick. Throughout the action, keep your composure and use your core for support. Holding weights or extending the range of motion can intensify this exercise, improving hip mobility and strengthening the inner and outer thighs.
Adductors, glutes, quads, and hamstrings.
Starting Position
Stand with your feet together, shoulders relaxed, and core engaged. Your hands should be close to your chest as if you are boxing.
30 secs
Steps To Do
- Move your right leg out to the side and do a side lunge by lowering your body. Your left leg should be fully stretched, and the weight of your body should be on the right heel.
- Raise your body back up and kick your right leg out.
- Do the same with your left leg.
1 set of 10 reps
You can hold 2-pound weights when you do this exercise.
Make sure to maintain the rhythm of lunging and kicking to avoid falling and injuring yourself.
11. Standing Forward Bend – Exercise For The Thighs, Hips, And Calves
The standing forward bend is a stretching exercise that targets the thighs, hips, and calves while improving flexibility and promoting relaxation. This exercise improves lower body flexibility and eases lower back and leg tension.
Quads, hamstrings, and glutes.
Starting Position
Stand with your feet together, core engaged, shoulders relaxed, chest out, and hands on your waist.
2 mins
Steps To Do
- Squeeze your shoulder blades together and inhale. Bend your upper body forward and slowly go down.
- Keep your palms on your shinsi The front portion of the leg, running from the knees to the ankles, which provides stability to the body. or the mat.
- Touch your head to your knees and hold this position for 2 seconds.
- Now, slowly come back up to the starting position.
- Do this 10 times.
1 set of 5 reps
Keep your weight on the heels. If you have a balancing problem initially, you can keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
12. Downward Dog Split – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips
The downward dog split is a yoga pose that improves flexibility and balance while targeting the thighs, hips, and hamstrings. Maintain the posture while extending through the raised leg and using your core. This position helps release tension in the lower body, strengthens the thighs, and increases hip flexibility.
Hamstrings, glutes, and quads.
Starting Position
Assume the Cat Pose. Keep your palms flat on the floor, and hands shoulder-width apart.
1 min
Steps To Do

- Gently lift your hips, stretch your arms and legs, roll your shoulders down and forward so that there’s enough space for your neck to move.
- Inhale and extend your left leg up so that your leg and upper body are in line. Make sure your toes are pointing out.
- Exhale and slowly go back to the starting position.
- Do this on the other side as well.
1 set of 10 reps
When your leg is in the 2nd step, flex your knees and hold for a second.
Make sure your heels are touching the floor while doing this leg extension exercise.
13. Flamingo Balance – Exercise For The Thighs, Hips, Abs, And Lower Back
The flamingo balance is an excellent exercise for toning the thighs, hips, abs, and lower back while also improving stability and coordination. This exercise strengthens the lower body, improves balance, and enhances core stability, making it ideal for overall body conditioning.
Hamstrings, glutes, quads, biceps, lower back, and abs.
Starting Position
Stand straight with your legs shoulder-width apart. Hold a 2-pound dumbbell in your right hand and keep your left hand on your waist.
1 min
Steps To Do
- Take the left foot behind you and rest it on the toes.
- Lift your left leg till your hips. Keep your left leg straight and slightly flex your right knee.
- Simultaneously, bring your right arm forward, with the palm facing the ceiling.
- Hold this position for a second and then flex your right hand to do a bicep curl.
- Now, lower your left leg for a second and then repeat this.
- Do this with the right leg as well.
2 sets of 12 reps
You can also do this exercise without the dumbbells.
Do not use a dumbbell if you are not aware of the right way to do a bicep curl.
14. Straight Leg Lifts – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips
The straight leg raise is a basic yet efficient exercise for building hip and thigh strength. This exercise strengthens the lower body, works the thighs and hip flexors, and can be intensified with ankle weights.
Hamstrings, quads, and hip flexors.
Starting Position
Lie down flat on a mat. Keep your right leg straight, left knee flexed, left foot flat on the floor, and your arms on the side.
30 secs for each leg
Steps To Do
- Lift your right leg till you reach the height of your flexed left leg.
- Slowly lower your right leg.
- Repeat this 12 times.
- Do this with the left leg as well.
1 set of 12 reps
Lift both the legs together.
Do not do this exercise if you have a knee injury.
15. Kick Back – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips
The kickback is an excellent exercise for strengthening the hips and thighs, especially the hamstrings and glutes. This exercise increases hip flexibility and strengthens the thighs. It can be made more intense by using a resistance band or adding ankle weights.
Hamstrings, quads, and glutes
Starting Position
Assume cat pose with your knees and hands on the floor, palm flat on the floor, keep your back straight.
30 seconds for each leg
Steps To Do
- Support your body with your palms and left knee while you straighten your right leg.
- Now, raise your right leg slightly above your hips. Keep your toes pointed.
- Do this 10 times and then change your position to raise your left leg.
2 sets of 10 reps
Another way to do these hamstring exercises is after you kick back, flex your knee and bring it close to your chest before kicking back again.
Keep your toes pointed and core engaged and do not hunch down.
16. Curtsy Lunge – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips
The curtsy lunge improves balance and coordination while working the thighs, hips, and glutes. This exercise is a fantastic addition to any training regimen because it strengthens the lower body, increases hip flexibility, and improves stability.
Hamstrings, quads, and glutes.
Starting Position
Stand straight with your feet together, abs engaged, and shoulders relaxed.
1 min
Steps To Do

- Keep your right leg back to the side of the left leg.
- Flex your right knee and drop down so that your right knee is close to the ground.
- Now, rise and keep your right leg back in the starting position.
- Keep your left leg back to the side of right leg.
- Flex your left knee and drop down so that your left knee is close to the ground.
- Now, rise and keep your left leg back in the starting position.
2 sets of 10 reps
While changing the legs, you can jump to make the exercise more challenging.
Lunging incorrectly can injure your knee, so make sure you follow the best method to lunge.
These are some effective exercises that help tone your thighs. But what muscles do your thighs consist of? Scroll down to know more.
What Muscles Are In The Thighs?
The thighs contain several muscle groups that help facilitate different muscle movements.
- Hamstrings: It is three posterior muscles – the bicep femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus – located at the back of the thigh and are responsible for bending the knees and stretching the hip joints.
- Quadriceps Femoris: It is the most voluminous muscle of the human body and is located at the front of the thigh. It is responsible for knee bending and has four parts: the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and vastus lateralis.
- Sartorius: This muscle is the longest one in the human body and plays an important role in the stabilization of the pelvis, especially in women.
Before you jump head first into these exercises, there are some common mistakes you should avoid making. These mistakes can affect your posture, performance, and even lead to injuries. Keep reading to learn more.
Common Mistakes To Avoid
- Listen to your body and avoid overtraining.
- Warm up before and cool down after workouts.
- Get enough sleep to aid recovery.
- Consider dietary changes to support your fitness goals.
- Vary your exercises to target different muscle groups.
- Consider strength training to build muscle mass.
- Stay motivated by finding a workout buddy, keeping a fitness and meal tracker, or joining a fitness class.
- Combine cardio and strength training for optimal results.
Infographic: Most Easy & Effective Exercises To Tone The Thighs And Get Rid Of Cellulite
Toning thighs is difficult, but with proper exercise you can rock your denim pants and skirts without any worries. While the article discusses many thigh workouts to tone and get rid of cellulitei Fat deposits present beneath the skin surface, especially in the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and hips. , some of them are extremely easy and effective so anyone can include them in their exercise routine.
Check out the infographic below to know which are the easiest thigh-toning and cellulite-decreasing exercises. Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
The above mentioned exercises for toned thighs target your quads, hamstrings, inner, and outer thigh muscles. These help reduce the excess flab, strengthen, and tone your thighs, making them look lean, shapely, and strong. Doing these exercises for 20-30 minutes on alternate days would help you improve the strength, flexibility, gait, and agility of your thighs. Squats, calf raises and leg curls, step-ups, leg circles, scissor kicks, lunges, and leg lifts are some of the common exercises you can include in your workout for thighs. These exercises are equivalent to resistance band exercises for legs, and pilates for thighs. Simultaneously, you can explore exercises for your legs to enrich your workout session.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take for thighs to tone?
You can begin seeing some results after two to four weeks of starting your leg workouts. However, it may take three to four months to notice any major difference.
Does walking tone inner thighs?
Yes. Walking helps tone your calves, glutes, hamstrings, and quads, thus toning your inner thighs. Valeria adds, “A 10-mile walk daily improves cardiovascular health and psychological well-being, trims some of the fat from your legs, and tones them in a month. Brisk walking 10 miles a day or approximately 3 hours will aim for leg muscles to tone.”
Is walking or cycling better for toning thighs?
Walking and cycling engage the same muscle groups, making them effective exercises for toning thighs. While cycling might burn more calories faster, walking increases fat metabolism more than cycling and is like cardio for thighs. Valeria says, “Daily aerobic exercise on a stationary bike provides additional help in toning your legs. It provides the same result as walking, with the bonus of putting less pressure on your joints. Cycling at a comfortable resistance for at least 30 minutes will help slim your legs. An increase in the resistance level will lead to the usage of more muscle strength, which tones your legs.”
Illustration: 15 Workouts To Get Rid Of Cellulite On Thighs Legs & Butt

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team
Get ready to transform your thighs with this 10-minute leg workout. Check out this video to help make your legs strong, fit, and toned.
Personal Experience: Source
StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. I Did 100 Squats Every Day For a Month – Here’s What Happened.https://medium.com/@mirceaioana850/i-did-100-squats-every-day-for-a-month-heres-what-happened-239775e019c7
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- The effectiveness of massage treatment on cellulite as monitored by ultrasound imaging

Read full bio of Alexandra Dusenberry
- Valeria Dolbel is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist who specializes in plant-based nutrition and holistic gut, hormone, and skin health. She also has an advanced diploma in anti-aging nutrition from the Academy of Beauty Nutrition and a certificate in beauty nutrition.Valeria Dolbel is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist who specializes in plant-based nutrition and holistic gut, hormone, and skin health. She also has an advanced diploma in anti-aging nutrition from the Academy of Beauty Nutrition and a certificate in beauty nutrition.
Read full bio of Ravi Teja Tadimalla
Read full bio of Sindhu Koganti
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