204 Good Night Messages For Him (Boyfriend Or Husband)

Let him know he is your last thought of the day and make him feel special with a sweet text.

Reviewed by Hemali Adhiya, ICF Certified Relationship Coach Hemali Adhiya Hemali AdhiyaICF Certified Relationship Coach facebook_iconyoutube_iconinsta_icon
Written by , Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by , BSc Shatabdi Bhattacharya BSc linkedin_icon Experience: 2.5 years
Last Updated on

Don’t settle for just texting ‘sweet dreams’ to your boo. Send these affectionate, heartfelt good night messages for him instead! When you do something special for your partner, he will remember you more fondly. Here are a few means to make that happen! Our collection of romantic, witty, sweet, and caring goodnight messages is perfect for putting a smile on their face at the end of the day. Leaving a sweet and sincere goodnight message for your partner can help you convey your love to him and let him know how fond, devoted, besotted, and smitten you are with him and that he is always in your thoughts.

Let him know he is your last thought of the day and make him feel special with a sweet text. A well-crafted good night message can reflect your love and care, which may strengthen the bond you share. It will also remind him of your affection, playing a crucial role in nurturing a healthy and happy relationship.

Scroll down to check out our list of goodnight messages that are charming, endearing, and intimate and will brighten his day as well as his night!

204 Goodnight Messages For Him

Man reads a romantic goodnight message on his phone
Image: Created with Dall.E
  1. You are my most precious person, baby! I love you with all my heart, and I promise to stay by your side no matter what. Goodnight, sweetheart!
  2. You are the ruler of my heart and I love you 3000. Goodnight my handsome boyfriend. Sleep tight and dream about me.
  3. You are my favorite person and I want to stick to you till my last breath. Goodnight, dearest.
  4. The moon is shining in the sky, and, darling, you are the brightest star of my night. Goodnight, mi amor.
  5. Candles need oxygen to burn. The moon needs the sun to shine. For sweet dreams, I need to cuddle with the man I know is mine.
  6. I want to let you know that you are always on my mind and the last thing I think about before I fall asleep. I wish you good night and sweet dreams from the bottom of my heart.
  7. I adore you and want you to know that I cherish you. So, when you close your eyes tonight, I want you to have the best dreams ever.
  1. Goodnight, my handsome prince. I hope all your dreams manifest because you have made all of mine come true. I love you!
  2. I wish I were the pillow you sleep on, so I could be next to you tonight and every single night, touching you so softly as you snuggle up to it.
  3. Every night, you send me a message to make me feel loved and comforted. Tonight, I am going to do it. Goodnight, my best friend, my love. Hope you have the sweetest dreams.
  4. I am sending you this good night message fully aware that someday, I will be lying next to you, wishing you goodnight myself.
  5. Whenever I am having trouble sleeping, I just watch Netflix until I pass out. Unfortunately, all the shows I watch are our favorites and make me miss you even more. Goodnight, sweetheart.
  6. Thank God, kissing you goodnight is not kissing you goodbye. I live for the fact that I will get to see you tomorrow.
  7. I have gone to bed feeling a whole variety of emotions about us, but one constant thing was those thoughts were always about you.
  8. From one heart in love to another – good night and sleep well, my love.
  9. May I be the last one you think of before falling asleep as I eliminate all the stress of your day – even though I am not there in person to hug you.
  10. I wish my honey-bunny pumpkin pie the best of dreams and the sweetest of goodnights as you drift off to sleep tonight.
  11. The nights are so lonely, but knowing that you will be the last person I say goodnight to and the first person I will wish good morning makes it more bearable.
Good night messages for him 2
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Sleep well, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite! I wish you a good night filled with love and excitement of seeing you again tomorrow.
  1. As you close your eyes to drift off to sleep, feel the stress of the day evaporate, and my love take over.
  2. Hello, teddy bear! I feel all warm and fuzzy thinking about you as I get ready for bed. I love that you are lying under the same moon as I am, sleeping.
  3. You are the man of my dreams. I hope you think of me as well when you are deep in your dreamland.
  4. It feels odd to say good night when I know you are gonna keep me awake all night.
  5. I can almost feel you snuggling against me when I shut my eyes, but when I open them, you are not here. Miss me as much as I miss you! Good night.
  6. My wish for every single night is for you to kiss me good night. Now and forever.
  7. I tried to count the stars to help me drift off to sleep, but their light seems dull as I am used to your brightness.
  8. I keep staring and smiling at the selfies we take, we are so made for each other. Good night!
  9. I was just about to fall asleep, and then I remembered how handsome you are! Now I can’t fall asleep!
  10. I wish I could fall asleep in your arms, snuggling next to your heart.
  11. You mean the world to me. I can’t wait to see you again tomorrow! Good night!
  12. I am about to crawl into bed, baby, and I just wanted to say that I love you. Good night, hottie.
  13. Have you seen the moon tonight? It is beautiful! I wish we could look at it together.
  14. I am falling asleep to our song. Oh baby, I wish you were here with me. Good night.
Good night messages for him 3
Image: Shutterstock
  1. I had an amazing time with you tonight, and I just can’t wait to see you again! Good night!
  2. You are my whole world, pumpkin pie. Good night, my bae.
  3. I am about to doze off, but I just can’t sleep without saying I love you. Good night, honey.
  4. I wish I could hug you tight and drift off to dreamland.
  5. All the stars in the sky are not as luminous as my love for you.
  6. I am so excited thinking about you that I am tossing and turning in my bed, unable to fall asleep.
  7. You live in my heart – tonight, tomorrow, and forever. Sweet dreams, my love.
  8. I am going to dream about you all night, sexy. I hope they are naughty! Good night.
  9. I wish we didn’t have to sleep, so we could just keep talking!
  10. One day, I will get to fall asleep beside you and wake up next to you every morning.
  11. I wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you before I pass out. I love you!
  12. You are my one and only, and I love you so much. Good night!
  13. I can feel in my heart that you are my one and only true love. I wanna cuddle with you, even when you don’t shower for days.
  14. Thinking of you always gives me such a deep sense of peace. Thank you for being in my life. Good night.
  15. My knight in shining armor, you protect me from all the nightmares. You are a blessing in my life. Good night, my love.
Good night messages for him 4
Image: Shutterstock
  1. There are so many stars tonight, all singing your praise and watching over you. Good night, sweetheart.
  2. You are my love, my dream come true, and my universe. I love you, and I am ready to love you forever. Good night.
  3. Close your eyes, sweetheart. I will be right here to kiss your handsome face in the morning. Good night, my boo!
  4. I want to confess something – every night before going to sleep, I think about you and smile, kiss your pictures, and daydream about you. Good night, hottie!
  5. I can walk hundreds of miles to kiss your forehead and whisper a very good night in your ears.
  6. Baby, before you came into my life, every night was lonely and cold. But now, because I have you, I feel warm even without a blankie. Thank you for being in my life. Good night!
  7. The law of gravity states that whatever goes up must surely come down. But, my love for you has only gone up – and it’s never coming down. Good night, handsome!
  8. You are my king because you treat me like a queen. With you, life is a paradise, and I am glad you are mine. Good night, my sweet king!
  9. Your husky voice is the sweetest lullaby. It can soothe me and put me to sleep. Good night, my darling.
  10. As the moon reigns over the night, so do you reign over my heart. Your memories are engraved in my soul, and I am glad I can call you mine. Good night, dearest!
  11. My day is incomplete without telling you that I love you, my world. Good night, my prince!
  12. I love everything about you, from your hair to your toes! I cannot imagine a day without you in my life, my love. Good night, baby.
  13. Baby, it is going to get steamy tonight because I will come over, sneak into your bed, and kiss you good night. I love you.
  14. I pray to God to grant me more years on Earth so that I can get to spend more time with you. Good night, my darling.
  15. I am sending sleep angels to come watch over you while you sleep. I just hope they don’t get scared by your loud snores!! Good night, my king!
Good night messages for him 5
Image: Shutterstock
  1. You are all that I have ever wanted. Thank you for bringing happiness in my life. Good night, my prince.
  2. Today has been a hectic, non-stop, crazy day, and I wish I had gotten some time to see you. So, I am telling you this before I drift off to sleep – I love you! Good night, baby boy!
  3. Every day, you give me a new reason to fall in love with you. So, I am thinking of ways to make you, my boo, fall more and more in love with me. Good night, sweetheart.
  4. I lie in my bed and think of you! Are you too going to think of me before you fall asleep tonight? I hope so… Good night.
  5. I bet you look damn cute when you sleep. Good night, baby.
  6. Hey. I love you. That’s all. Good night, boo-boo.
  7. Good night, sweet plum. I wish this pillow I am curled up against was you…
  8. I keep myself distracted doing stuff during the day. But at night, I can’t stop thinking about you. I am in love. Good night.
  9. I just realized that my bed is a lot more comfortable when you take up two-thirds of it.
  10. Just wanted to let you know that you are a part of all my thoughts – dirty or not! Night night, mi amor!
  11. Good night, baby. Don’t let the bed bugs bite! But honestly, I think I saw one at your place earlier. Just saying.
  12. Good night, baby boy. You better be dreaming of me, or else…
  13. It’s raining out here, and I miss your arms around me, comforting me. Life is so gloomy without you. Good night.
  14. Hey, butthead. You mean the world to me. Good night.
  15. Even though you try to hide it, it is so obvious that you are a warm-hearted person. I love that about you. Good night.
Good night messages for him 6
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Who do you think you will dream of tonight? I know for a fact that I am going to dream of you. Love you, baby. Good night.
  2. I just wanted to say – sweet dreams, mi amor. I will be thinking of you the whole night.
  3. Spending today with you was a dream come true. Good night, sweet plum.
  4. I am like a flower that cannot live without the sun. The thing is, you are my sun. Good night.
  5. I don’t like to sleep at night at all. Minutes spent with you are much more precious than hours of dreams. Good night, bae.
  6. If love is a mental disease, darling, I am completely out of my mind. Sweet dreams, my baby doll.
  7. I have only one weakness and one strength – your love for me. Good night.
  8. When I fall asleep in your arms, I wake up in your dreams. I love you. Good night.
  9. I have a crush on your mind. I am in love with your personality. Your looks are just a bonus, mi amor.
  10. There is always room for love. You just have to let go of fear. Good night, baby boy.
  11. Darling, I liked it when you smiled. But I LOVED it that I was the reason. Good night.
  1. A hug is like a boomerang – you get it back immediately. Good night.
  2. Happiness is a drug – and baby, I want to be your dealer. Night night!
  3. I want to cuddle so badly. I miss you sooo much. Good night, babe.
  4. Good night, the coolest, hottest, funniest, awesome-est person I know.
Good night messages for him 7
Image: Shutterstock
  1. I was just going through some of our old texts. I am literally smiling ear to ear at my phone right now. Good night!
  2. I just wanted to wish you a good night. Sending you virtual kisses, hugs, smiles, squishes, and sweet dreams of me.
  3. Good night, cutie. I hope you wake up smiling in the morning.
  4. Every day I find myself more and more obsessed with you! I don’t ever want to let go of this obsession because it keeps our love burning bright. Good night, my addiction!
  5. Love you 3000. Good night.
  6. Good night! You know you are in love when you can’t fall asleep – because reality is actually better than your dreams.
  7. As you read, I fell in love with the way you fell asleep – slowly, and then all at once. Good night, love.
  8. Being loved by someone gives you strength, but loving someone gives you courage. Love me like you do, forever. Good night.
  9. Love is like a sweet disease – the only medicine is the happiness of another person essential to your own.
  10. I am sorry we fought. But, I realized that you don’t love someone because they are perfect, you do in spite of the fact that they are not. Good night.
  11. You are the apple of my eye, peep. I am so in love with you. And always will be. Good night.
Good night messages for boyfriend
Image: Shutterstock
  1. I wish I could wrap my arms around you and lull you to sleep. Good night, honey.
  2. Every day spent with you is impossible to forget. See you in your sweet dreams.
  3. I am all yours and you, mine. Good night, moonshine!
  4. Lost in your memories, I wish to be with you again. Good night, dearest!
  5. Whenever you need me, just know that I am one call or text away. Sweet dreams, love.
  6. Here comes the goodnight hugs and kisses xoxo. Good night, babe.
  7. Your perfume still lingers on the clothes I wore today. Sleeping with the thoughts of you. Goodnight.
  8. You are my favorite song and I can listen to you all day long. Good night, my love.
  9. I promise to make our lives full of bliss, love, and laughter. Let’s meet soon, baby. Goodnight.
  10. Thanks for everything you have done for me. I love you. Sweet dreams.
  11. You make me feel so loved and secure. I wish you were here to hold me to sleep. Good night.
  12. The moon is so beautiful tonight. Do you know who else also looks beautiful? You, my love! Have a good sleep.
  13. My heart races when I think of the things I will do to you in my dreams. Good night, wild dreams!
  14. I am so happy to own a place in your heart and mind. Now I’m ready to take over your dreams, honey. Good night.
Good night texts for husband
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Leaning in for a big virtual kiss as I wish you good night, baby.
  2. Opposites attract and I really can’t resist your thoughts as I drift to sleep. Good night.
  3. I have been looking for you all my life, and I am glad that destiny helped us meet. Have a sound sleep, love.
  4. A gentleman deserves a lady like me and you completely own me *winks*. Good night, honey.
  5. I giggle like a little girl whenever I think of you, and you mean the world to me. Sleep tight, sweetheart.
  6. The moment our eyes met, I knew that you were the one. Good night, boo!
  7. You think I’m shy but you don’t know what I am going to do to you in my dreams. Good night, the love of my life.
  8. I choose to be with you every single day and night, dear hubby. Good night.
  9. I love you dear and I am blessed to go to bed thinking you feel the same as me. Good night.
  10. You are my prince charming and I am your princess. Let’s make a love story that our kids will tell their children. Sending warm hugs and kisses. Good night.
  11. I want to tell you that I am picturing my whole life with you and I look so happy in it. Sweet dreams, honey bun.
  12. Your voice is the sweetest melody to my ears and your “I love you” is my favorite sound. I love you too, good night.
  13. I will always love you, no matter what. Thanks for being my partner. Good night dear one.
  14. I am listening to your favorite song and it makes me want to sleep right next to you, hugging you.
  15. I am sending you this sweet “I love you” with a kiss to send you to dreamland.
Goodnight messages for husband
Image: Shutterstock
  1. I always wished for a gentleman like you to be my husband. I didn’t know that God was listening. Good night, baby.
  2. I want to rest my head on your chest, wish you goodnight, and fall asleep listening to your heartbeat.
  3. Thinking about your loving embrace really helps me fall asleep anytime. Can’t wait to do this every night. Good night, love.
  4. Opposites attract, and I just cannot resist you whenever I’m with you. See you in your dreams!
  5. Love, you are my guardian angel, my peace, and my future. Good night!
  6. The song playing outside reminds me of you, and I miss you so much. Sleep soundly, sweetie.
  7. Close your eyes and listen to our song and you will find me closer to your soul in your dreams tonight. I miss you.
  8. Although I have been too caught up with my job these days, my heart still longs for you at the end of the day. Hoping for the weekend to arrive soon. See you soon, love. Good night.
  9. I can’t help but fantasize about you when I can’t fall asleep. Sweetest dreams, darling.
  10. Your lips are the most tempting of all things in this world. Can’t promise to resist them in my dreams tonight. Sleep well.
  11. I need some cuddles and kisses to have a good night. Hoping to be there with you by your side, every night. Rest well, love.
  12. If only I could have you teleported to my bed, honey. Good night, sleep tight.
  13. You are my superhero! Thanks for patiently fighting my inner demons and loving me unconditionally. Sleep well.
  14. All day it was hard for me to focus on work and now your thoughts won’t even let me sleep. Let’s meet soon, good night.
Wishing good night to husband.
Image: Shutterstock
  1. You lack a healthy dose of vitamin Me! You should come here to fill your prescription tomorrow. Sweet dreams.
  2. If counting sheep doesn’t help, you can always count on me. My warm hug can help you fall asleep faster. Good night.
  3. I am sending endless love for my baby who deserves the sweetest dreams.
  4. This cold and empty bed craves your presence. I will wait for you to be back. Good night.
  5. Hey sexy, I could not take my eyes off you today. See you soon, good night.
  6. I am so blessed to have such a caring and sweet boyfriend like you. Can’t wait for you to become my husband! Good night, dear love.
  7. I love it when you turn around to hug me while we are sleeping. Love you, my man. Sleep well.
  8. You have the key to my heart and my apartment too. Good night, baby.
  9. After all these years you still make my heart pound when you say sweet things to me. I love you, darling. Good night.
  10. I would love to keep you up, my love, but you need to rest now. Good night.
  11. When we are together, I will kiss you goodnight every night. Sending a virtual sweet kiss for now.
  12. My heart belongs to you and be assured that I will never leave your side. Good night.
  13. Every night the distance between us becomes unbearable, but talking to you on the phone helps me feel closer to you. Thanks for everything, love. Good night.
  14. I want to tell you that you are the perfect glue that fixes all my broken parts with just one hug. Let’s stick together for a lifetime. Good night.
  15. I hope you get the most refreshing sleep for the big day tomorrow. Sweet dreams, sweetheart.
Romantic good night messages for boyfriend
Image: Shutterstock
  1. I can feel your heart longing for me across the miles. Let’s stay strong until we meet again. Good night.
  2. I treasure every memory I have ever made with you. I wish to make countless more. Good night, hubby.
  3. Rest your head and drown out your heavy thoughts, baby. You did great today. Have a relaxing sleep.
  4. Good night to the man who knows every inch of my soul. I love you.
  5. You bring me peace and I wish to be your safe haven too. Good night, love.
  6. Thank you for always soothing my soul with your kind words. You truly are a gem, babe. Good night.
  7. My heart is filled with joy and ecstasy as I look at our pictures of today. I had a great time. Have a good night, my love.
  8. For you a thousand times over, my beloved. Good night.
  9. I did not know I was easy to love until you came around and won my heart. Sweet dreams.
  10. When we first met, I knew you were going to be the one. I will play those memories again and again until I fall asleep tonight. Sleep well, honey.
  11. You make me believe in fairytale love. Good night my prince!
  12. To the precious person who has claimed my heart – may you have a refreshing sleep.
  13. May the morning tomorrow fight away all your fear and worries. Good night, baby.
  14. Hoping to see you in my dreams tonight, sweetheart. Have a good sleep.
  15. You are so damn precious when you smile, my man. I love you, good night.
Sending good night messages to boyfriend
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Hey, you are mine! I wish to be with you in every life. Good night, dearest.
  2. You are running circles in my mind, I am going to fall asleep in the company of your thoughts. Rest well, honey.
  3. Your arms are my favorite place to lay peacefully. Good night, dear.
  4. I am still thinking about the last time we kissed, and I wish to recreate it every time we meet. Good night.
  5. Sleep well, my soulmate. Know that nothing can separate us.
  6. I want to dance with you, kiss you, laugh with you – guess we’ll have to do it in our dreams tonight.
  7. My sweet angel, you are the last thought when I go to sleep and the first person I think of every morning. May you have a restful sleep.
  8. You heal me when I am broken. You are my magician. My dream has come true. Good night.
  9. I love you to the moon, around the galaxy, and back. My shining star, good night.
  10. My love for you will never end. It grows stronger every day. Good night, my beloved.
  11. You are the beacon of light that guides me through my darkest nights. I love you and wish you sound sleep.
  12. Good night to the man who makes me feel no less than a princess.
  13. You must be tired of daydreaming about me all day. You can carry on with the rest after you fall asleep. Good night, honey.
  14. Do you know what would have made my bed a lot cozier? Having you in it! Good night.
Good night messages for him
Image: Shutterstock
  1. I cherish you more than anyone or anything. Good night, sweetie.
  2. Talking to you on the phone today made me so happy. Thanks for making some time in your busy schedule. Now rest well, baby.
  3. Whenever you feel like nobody is there for you, you will find me rooting for you. Love you always, good night.
  4. I hope you never feel alone because you’re constantly on my mind and you’ll find me in your corner each time. Love you always. Good night.
  5. Every moment spent away from you feels like an eternity. I can’t wait to have you all for myself again. Good night.
  6. I want somebody to kiss me on my forehead as I drift off to sleep. That somebody’s you! Sweet dreams, prince.
  7. Good night to the most loving husband. You restore my faith in love and marriage.
  8. My dreams are always sweeter than yours because you’re in them!
  9. Good night love. You are waiting for me in my dreams and I don’t like to keep you waiting.
  10. I want to melt into your arms and drift off to dreamland. Good night, honey.
  11. Hey baby, I wish upon the stars to make every dream of yours come true. Sleep well.
  12. I adore your sleepy eyes and sleepy voice. Good night, my hero.
  13. Once we are together again, we’ll make up for every day we have had to spend apart. I love you unconditionally, my hubby. Good night and take care!

These good night love messages for him are guaranteed to put a smile on his face. It is also a great way to make him know that he is the last thing you think about before going to bed. Remember, the most touching good night messages reflect your genuine feelings. Therefore, feel free to blend different ideas and add personal touches to craft a message that’s uniquely yours!

Infographic: Heart Warming Good Night Messages For Him

‘Good night’ and ‘sweet dreams’ are too generic to share with your partner at the end of the day. Why not say something special and put a smile on their face? Sounds good, right? Here are some sweet, witty, and romantic good-night messages at a glance that will tell him how infatuated you are with him.

a heart warming good night messages for him (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Getting a good night’s sleep is important for good health and leads to a fresh start to the morning. Share your sweet and loving messages wishing them a restful night to make sure your husband or boyfriend gets a peaceful sleep. These good night messages will make your man feel your warmth and love while going to bed and waking up. Something as simple as ‘Love you 3000. Good night or Good night, my love’ can bring a smile to your partner’s face as they slowly drift off to sleep. So, do not forget to end a love-filled day with a thoughtful good night message.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can deep love quotes help me understand love better?

For sure! Romantic love quotes from famous personalities can put into words what you could not articulate yourself. Love is such a strong emotion that talking about it or making sense of it can be overwhelming for some people. This is where quotes about deep love come in handy.

How can deep love quotes be used to communicate love and appreciation in a long-distance relationship?

Long-distance relationships can be challenging and often be mired by a lack of communication. Quotes about deep love can be a great way to convey your feelings and appreciation through text when meeting in person is not an option.

How do you know which type of good night message is best for your relationship?

It depends on your partner’s sense of humor, emotional depth, likes or dislikes, and the kind of relationship you two share. However, always keep in mind that good night messages for husband/boyfriend will only appeal to them if it’s sincere and in accordance with their preferences and boundaries.

How can you adjust your good night messages for him based on his personality and preferences?

If the partner has a great sense of humor or likes puns, you can send them a cute goodnight wish. If a partner deals with emotions seriously, send them a heartfelt emotional message.

Is it important to include emojis in a good night message?

If the partner also uses emojis and likes them, it can be a good addition to your goodnight messages. You can get creative with different emojis!

Why are good night messages important in a relationship?

Good night messages are a simple and powerful way to nurture and maintain emotional intimacy. A thoughtful goodnight message show your partner that you think about them before sleep and care about their well-being. Sending these messages helps you communicate your inner feelings, which keeps the connection strong and reassures your partner of your love and affection.

Key Takeaways

  • Goodnight messages are a great way to show your warmth towards your boyfriend or husband.
  • Personalize your goodnight message to show your partner you care. Use nicknames or inside jokes.
  • Remind your partner that they are the last thing you think about before bed. It will make them feel special.
  • A romantic goodnight message can bring a smile on their face at the end of a long day.

Express your love to your beloved with these romantic messages. Check out this video for 15 sweet good-night text messages to send him!

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Hemali Adhiya
Hemali AdhiyaICF Certified Relationship Coach
Hemali is an ICF-Certified ACC Level Life Coach with 3 years of experience in relationship, marriage, and grief coaching. Her sessions aim to bring about transformation in her clients’ lives, perspectives, and relationships.

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Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha has a master's degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad, a professional Relationship Coach diploma, and over four years of experience in writing. She writes about relationships and lifestyle.Sneha began her career as an instructional designer, shifted to freelance technical and research writing, and self-published a novella on the theme of adolescent mental health.

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Shatabdi Bhattacharya
Shatabdi BhattacharyaAssociate Editor
Shatabdi is an associate editor and an alumnus of Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata, where she honed her skills and developed a deep understanding of the world of literature and expression. She has worked with various organizations and websites operating in different industries, ranging from education to lifestyle, showing her adaptability and drive to learn.

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