16 Best Tips To Fix A Broken Relationship Effectively
Strategies that can revive the lost connection and help you improve your relationship.

Image: Shutterstock
Going through a storm is a part of being in a relationship. But, sometimes, it can feel like the damage done to your “ship” is too big to get over. You wonder how to fix a broken relationship and if it is possible at all. You need to understand that you are strong, and the pain you feel right now will gradually fade. But you also need to decide if the relationship is worth salvaging. If you want to save the special bond you share with your partner, despite the downs, there are some tips you can follow. Scroll down to check these 15 suggestions to help you fix your relationship and get back stronger together.
In This Article
Ways To Fix A Broken Relationship
Fixing a broken relationship is not easy. It begins with focusing on some of the most important things in a relationship, like trust, communication, and effort. And it all feels like building everything from scratch. However, if you intend to make things work, you can eventually rebuild your relationship. Here are a few tips on how to fix a broken relationship.
1. Return To Where You Started

Re-evaluate what brought the two of you together. What you loved about each other and the nuances that seemed cute then but irritate you now. There were reasons for loving your partner, so dive deep into your heart and remind yourself about those.
Example: Think of a habit of your partner that used to bring a smile to your face. Instead of letting annoyance or anger take over, remind yourself of the positive feelings it once evoked. By avoiding anger and shouting, you can maintain a sense of calm and control, which is crucial in repairing relationships.
2. Communicate Openly
Communication is the key to a healthy relationship with fewer chances of misunderstanding. Keeping quiet about certain things leads to an endless blame game in our minds. Do not assume your partner understands everything you are feeling. It is not necessary that both partners will have the same emotional intelligence or have similar perspectives. Something said casually or in humor may have hurt you, and your partner may have no clue about it. Communicate openly and tell your partner what hurt you instead of keeping it bottled inside and becoming bitter about it.
Example: If something about your partner is bothering you, like their smoking habit or spendthrift nature, do not brush things under the carpet. Tell them what is bothering you and try to find a solution together. Speaking up will prevent unnecessary resentment and misunderstandings. This approach can lead to significant improvements in your relationship, giving you hope for a better future together.
3. Eliminate External Factors
Sometimes, it is hard to realize that issues are building between partners due to a third person or thing. Find out who the bad apple is and be open with each other – make sure no one is filling the other’s ears. Do not let external factors be the cause of any mistrust or bad blood. Remove anyone with negative energy that comes between you both.
Example: If you notice your partner becoming more distant, possibly spending more time with a friend you’re not entirely comfortable with, it’s important to approach the situation with understanding. Open up a dialogue with your partner, express your concerns regarding the whole situation with the friend and your apprehensions, and try to understand your partner’s perspective. This approach can foster a sense of compassion and consideration in your relationship.
4. Learn To Forgive

Everyone makes mistakes, and if your partner is regretful of their actions, it is worthwhile to forgive them. Forgiveness and empathy might help detach from the pain and start afresh on a positive note. Make sure your partner is genuinely sorry and does not intend to repeat the mistake. Take the higher ground and forgive to move forward in the relationship. Do not let the past hold you back, even if healing the past hurt proves to be difficult.
Example: There are moments when your partner’s actions hurt you deeply. Imagine a situation where your partner forgot about your anniversary. You were very excited for the day and had everything planned. But, he made other plans or simply had work scheduled. However, after realizing his mistake, he apologized sincerely and tried to make it up to you. Although forgiving is not easy, especially when you are deeply hurt, considering it an honest mistake and letting go is the best way to go. This gesture will help you avoid the bitterness.
5. Set Boundaries
Every relationship is based on mutual understanding and compromise. If rules need to be set, they should be followed by both of you. Respecting each other’s boundaries while protecting your own helps you avoid conflicts and build a trustworthy bond.
Example: If you want your partner to spend Sunday afternoons with you, make sure you do not have other plans. You must also have some Sundays as his own, which he can spend while chilling with friends or just lazing around at home. He will do the same. Giving space is crucial. If you want your partner to quit smoking, you, too, abide by the rules. Play a fair game—rules apply to both.
6. Share Something Special
If your relationship is in troubled waters, it is time to take the anchor. Plan something special for your partner. Spend quality time doing something fun like you used to do before. Try to shut out your problems for a while and be like old times. This is an excellent way to reignite a dimming fire, remember the good times, and express how much the relationship means to you.
Example: Take your partner for a long drive to their favorite spot or a place that you both cherish. In that moment, let go of your worries and fully immerse yourself in each other’s company. Revisit the old memories and deepen your connection.
7. Accept Your Partner Wholly

When you get into a relationship, you love the person for who he/she is, not for who you want them to be. So, learn to accept the little nuances. Not accepting all the facets of your partner will eventually lead to frustration and resentment. Try to overlook the small things and communicate about the big things.
Example: If you don’t like a behavioral trait of your partner, such as his carefree attitude, try accepting it instead of abhorring him for that. Think of it in a way that makes his trait less frustrating and more fun-inducing. This shift in perspective can make their trait less frustrating and more enjoyable, fostering a sense of hope and optimism in your relationship.
8. Let It Be Fluid
Couples often split because they get very rigid and polarized about their ideas. It becomes a case of ‘my way or the highway.’ This is very unhealthy as you are not open to any views or ways of your partner. Be fluid and open to suggestions and ideas from the other side. Respect what your partner says, feels, and does, and you will be respected back.
A blogger recalls her own personal experience of dealing with a half-happy relationship. She explains that it is important to realize that carrying the baggage of the past only worsens the present, further adding that it is important to accept the other person as is, to establish a jubilant bond. “I need to work on handling the hurt in a constructive way and work on making me a healthier, happier person, so when tough things come my way, I can ride them out much easier. Working on myself will inevitably make working on our present issues more doable (i).”
Example: If you and your partner have different approaches to dealing with a situation, conflicts may arise. But there is a way out. For instance, if you like detailed planning while your partner prefers spontaneity, try to find a middle ground. Remember that being flexible in your opinions can have a positive impact for your relationship. Compromise slightly and make your opinions flexible. This will avoid heated arguments.
9. Remember, The Honeymoon Period Does Not Last Forever!
Initially, everyone puts their best foot forward in a relationship. We put on our best clothes and our best behavior. But with time, you see a shift in character and all the realities. Be open to understanding that no one is perfect. Probably, your partner also sees things in you that are new. Make a sincere effort to adjust to each other instead of giving up so quickly.
Example: As your relationship progresses, you start noticing certain things in your partner that you don’t completely approve of. For instance, his habit of keeping things haphazardly or maybe his tendency to eat junk food. Instead of getting frustrated, try to calm down and understand that no one is perfect. Talk to your partner regarding the issues and find a solution. This might involve some compromise on both sides. For instance, you could agree to a weekly cleaning schedule, and your partner could try to incorporate healthier food choices into his diet.
10. Show Some Interest

As the relationship gets older, our partner may take things for granted. We put the relationship in auto-mode, expecting the passion to remain the same even though the enthusiasm is missing. Show interest in your partner and initiate meaningful conversations. This is a way to keep your connection alive and, more importantly, to make your partner feel heard and understood. Remember, silence can be comforting, but it can also be deafening.
Example: Ask your partner how his day went or what happened at work. Ask how the ballet lesson or the golf practice went. This will help your partner realize that you are involved in the relationship and care about his feelings.
11. Avoid Heat Of The Moment Arguments
Avoid saying things in anger and rage. Do not bring up the past and nag when both of you are arguing. Back off, and later when both have calmed down, communicate with reasoning and openness. Words uttered in the heat of the moment are often rude and hurtful. This may worsen the situation that is already sensitive and widen the breach. Instead, decide to talk again when you both are less agitated and angry. This patience will prevent you from hurting your partner deeply and avoid misunderstandings.
12. Do Not Isolate
Many of us tend to practice withdrawal when things get unpleasant. This attitude can be very depressing for your partner. It leads to frustration due to a lack of communication. Learn to let your partner in. If you cut yourself off from your partner, your problem might seem distant, but you might drift away from your partner. You need to lose the problem, not the relationship.
13. Reignite The Flame

Sometimes, boredom can creep into a relationship due to daily responsibilities and the absence of romance. Rekindle the romance through small and big gestures. Make an effort to give each other time and attention. This is how you fall back in love: through shared moments that can help rediscover the connection and bring the spark back.
Examples: Creating ‘us’ time is a crucial step in rekindling romance. Whether it’s taking a holiday together or a walk after dinner, holding hands, these activities help you form your bubble of love and romance. They remind you of the togetherness that used to be a significant part of your relationship.
14. Respect Choices
Each of us needs our space and time. Respect each other’s space, choices, and boundaries. Set your boundaries where your partner respects your time with friends, and you respect that they do not want to be among the crowd. Boundaries are also limitations on what we will or will not tolerate. It is a matter of self-worth and respect.
Example: If your partner does not like to party, do not force them to go out. Instead, let them spend cozy time at home and enjoy their own company. This can be a wonderful opportunity for you to enjoy quiet time together, fostering a deeper sense of intimacy and connection. Additionally, make time to join them for quieter activities that involve only the both of you. This will further foster mutual respect and understanding.
15. Spice Up Your Sex Life
Lack of sex is often a sign of a stagnant relationship, where couples do not feel excited in each other’s presence, nor do they look forward to spending time together. This may eventually create a rift in the relationship. A strong physical connection can help you reconnect with your partner mentally (ii). It also helps strengthen the emotional connection.
Example: Try to spice things up and make your sex life exciting with variations and foreplay. Express your love often, whether verbally or in bed. Do not hesitate to be open about your desires.
16. Reflect On Yourself
Lastly, what is most important is to step back hard and look in the mirror. Do not rush to fix the cracks within the relationship without first taking a good long look at your own actions. It is not about self-blame but about self-awareness: the very foundation for meaningful change. Identifying weaknesses in yourself allows the relationship to grow. When your actions are aligned with your intentions, you become ready to accept your partner from a place of authenticity and accountability.
Example: Reflect on your contribution to the relationship’s strife. Ask yourself questions like – What patterns of behavior have you gotten into? What unspoken needs or unresolved fears are you bringing into this dynamic? Find answers to these questions to analyze your mistakes and discover solutions.
Key Takeaways
- Re-evaluating what brought the two of you together is a good way to start appreciating all the good things about your partner and the relationship.
- Clear communication regarding issues and what caused the fracture is essential to start bridging the gap.
- Accepting your partner for who they are and forgiving past mistakes can help to start afresh.
Infographic: Activities To Rekindle Romance
The suggestions shared in the article will help resolve disagreements and fix your broken relationship. You can also indulge in activities to strengthen the relationship. We have listed some activities that you can engage in as a couple to reignite passion and intimacy. Scroll down and take a look. Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
These are key strategies if you are wondering how to fix a broken relationship. But, when someone goes through a heartbreak that has caused a breakup, they can’t think straight. They fall into the trap of myths that ultimately delay the reconciliation or reduce its likelihood. Continue reading to find the common misconceptions that will help you approach the situation better.
Common Misconceptions About Fixing Broken Relationships
Relationships are not always smooth and lively. There are moments of sadness and dissatisfaction. When problems arise, many people fail to understand what to do and how to navigate the situation. Understanding the myths surrounding broken relationships will help you find ways to fix the issues and re-strengthen the bond. Scroll down.
- Love Is Enough To Fix Every Problem
While love is the core feeling that holds two people together, other aspects like communication, trust, effort, and compromise are also essential to keeping the relationship healthy and helping it flourish. Love alone can never solve problems if partners are not willing to work on strengthening the relationship.
- Time Will Heal Everything
This popular saying is true to a certain extent, but it does not address the root problems. Simply waiting for time to make things better will not solve the underlying problems. Instead, active communication and mutual understanding are essential to fixing errors and re-bonding.
- Fighting Signal The End Of A Relationship
Arguments are common in relationships. They are not a sign of a doomed relationship. Instead, how you approach the conflicts and whether you make efforts to sort out the problem matter.
- Only One Person Needs To Change
A relationship involves two people, so the faults of both should be taken into consideration. Both partners should reflect on their behaviors and identify their mistakes. Repairing a relationship should be a mutual effort from both parties.
- You Cannot Go Back To How Things Were
That’s not true. After a serious rift, partners feel dejected and miss the old romance. But, things can revert and the bond can strengthen once more. Both partners should make efforts to solve the problems and make each other feel special. Start by having an open and honest conversation with your partner about these myths and how they may have influenced your relationship. Remember, it’s never too late to work towards a healthier, stronger relationship.
Ups and downs are part of every relationship, and as long as the love is intact, one must try to salvage it. If you feel that you and your partner have grown distant lately or have been fighting more than usual, you should resort to the above tips on how to fix a broken relationship. For instance, you should focus on communicating openly, learn to forgive, and attempt to reignite the initial spark, among other things. Working together to revive the lost sexual intimacy and restarting from the early period of your courtship can be other ways to strengthen your relationship.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you fix an unhappy relationship?
Yes, in many cases, it is possible to fix an unhappy relationship. However, it is very important to first understand why the relationship is not working. Some things that might assist in fixing a relationship are rebuilding trust, improving communication skills, couple’s therapy, and self-reflection for conflict resolution. In case there is abuse or trauma involved, it may not be possible to fix the relationship.
What are the signs of a broken relationship?
Resentment, a lack of mutual respect, trust, communication, intimacy, and sex, contempt, dishonesty, and a desire for space and distance are some signs of a broken relationship.
How do I save a dying relationship?
Don’t give up on the relationship but take a break from it to think things through. An honest conversation with your partner about your feelings and the good times can go a long way in rejuvenating the relationship at present.
How do I fix a relationship after losing feelings for my partner?
Try to understand what has changed, start communicating what you feel to your partner, and see if both of you can figure out where it’s coming from and if you see a future together. If you find yourself on the same page, the sparks will rekindle and the rest will take care of itself.
How do I know if my partner is committed to fixing the relationship?
Observe their actions to gauge if they are really interested in giving the relationship another chance. Taking time out to make the relationship work again, be it doing things you like or actively taking steps to rectify past mistakes, is an important sign of their commitment.
Does couples therapy help fix a broken relationship?
It can help you understand each other more clearly as well as give you an insight into the deeper issues in your relationship and offer ways to resolve them.
Illustration: Best Tips To Fix A Broken Relationship Effectively

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team
Discover three powerful strategies to mend the cracks in any broken relationship in this video. Let these genuine tips guide you towards healing and rekindling the love that once flourished.
Personal Experience: Source
StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Fix My Faults: FACING & FIXING MY FAULTS TO REACH HAPPINESShttps://fixmyfaults.wordpress.com/
Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.
- Forgiveness and Relationship Satisfaction: Mediating Mechanisms
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3156929/ - The positive implications of sex for relationships

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