18 Romantic Love Letters For Your Husband

The magic of this old-school way of expressing your sweet, romantic feelings never fails.

Reviewed by Hemali Adhiya, ICF Certified Relationship Coach Hemali Adhiya Hemali AdhiyaICF Certified Relationship Coach facebook_iconyoutube_iconinsta_icon
Written by , Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by , MA (English) Asmita De MA (English) linkedin_icon Experience: 3 years
Last Updated on

Writing love letters may seem old-school, but sometimes, it is one of the best ways to surprise your husband. It is a deeply personal method of conveying affection and delighting your spouse. If you have never written love letters to your husband, it is time to give it a try. Handwritten love letters are precious.

Though this is the age of text messages, your effort in sending love letters to your husband makes it superior to the new age ways. You can never go wrong while expressing your love via handwritten love letters. Be it a simple letter or a lengthy one – its essence is to express your love in a few lines.

Everyone would love to get a handwritten letter brimming with love and emotions. It can brighten your husband’s day in an instant. These are tokens of care and affection that no one would want to miss in life.

Here, we have put together a few sample love letters in English to help you write one for your husband. You can send love letters to him on any special day or even on an ordinary day to make him feel loved. Keep reading.

Appreciation Letters For Your Husband

Writing an appreciation letter to your husband is a wonderful way to show him how much he means to you. If not letters, thank you messages for husband on post-it notes or cards are also a great way to express your gratitude and love. If you need some inspiration, check out the following samples to find the perfect words.

1. Dearest Hubby,

I know this can be out of the blue, but I realized how I do not appreciate you much. Thank you for your morning kisses, the breakfast-in-bed on the weekends, the spontaneous road trips, your amazing playlist that has filled our life with music and more love, and your ninja-reflexes that save the day every time my clumsiness has a mind of its own. You are great with the grand and the not-so-grand gestures, and I can never wrap my head around how I got so lucky. In case you ever feel I take you for granted, you are allowed to have the last slice of pizza – and I promise I won’t complain.

Thank you so much for all the things you do without me having to ask. And thank you for choosing me every day!

I love you so much and I look forward to the next surprise you are going to pull out of your pockets!

Yours forever
[Your name]

Husband reads an appreciation letter from his wife
Image: Created with Dall.E

2. Hey Love,

Ever since we’ve been together, you have been such a support system in everything that I have wanted to do. Whether it was switching up my career or moving to a new home, you being by my side has made everything in my life so easy and smooth.

Thank you for bringing love, stability, and affection into my life – something that I never imagined would happen before I met you. Your positive energy has been my strength throughout, and I cannot imagine spending my life with anyone else but you.

Your proud wife,
[Your name]

3. My Superhero,

I never knew that an extrovert like you would lovingly adopt an introvert like me and completely change my life. While you see the glass as half full, I am more of a glass-half-empty kind of person, yet somehow we fit. So, thank you for showing love and care even on the days I find myself hard to love.

I love you for not judging me for the way I am and, instead, embracing my weirdness as my quirk. I can’t wait to spend more and more time getting to know each other’s personalities, no matter how different they are.

Your quirky wife,
[Your name]

4. My Dear,

I am writing this letter to let you know that I am incredibly lucky to have you in my life. Whether it’s me or my family, you have embraced every aspect of my life into yours effortlessly, and I cannot begin to tell you how happy that makes me. You put me on a pedestal, forgive me when I am wrong, and ground me when I am being difficult.

Thank you for turning my life into a dream world and being the perfect husband. I love you, my husband.

Your loving wife,
[Your name]

protip_icon Quick Tip
You may give him a thoughtful gift along with the appreciation letter. Make his favorite snack or grab his favorite drink – pick anything that shows you remember all the small details about him. He will love this gesture.

Wedding Anniversary Letter For Your Husband

A wedding anniversary letter for your husband can be a heartfelt way to celebrate your special day together. It is the perfect chance to reflect on your journey and share your love. Check out these anniversary letters for him to find the right words.

5. My Honey,

Happy anniversary! I am so happy to see how far we have come! Do you know that you always have been my source of strength and joy? I feel so lucky to have you. Thank you for making our relationship so special. I shall treasure every memory we have made till my last breath. Here’s to us and to many more happy years ahead!

Your darling wife,
[Your name]

6. My Love,

Happy wedding anniversary to you!

I can’t believe it has been X years already. It just feels like yesterday when I walked down the aisle and saw you waiting for me at the altar. Time flies, I guess! But, this time with you has been like a fairytale, all thanks to you.

I am glad we have come this far and cannot wait for the adventures that await us in the future. I wish we stay this close forever and push each other to be the best versions of ourselves for life.

Your loving wife,
[Your name]

7. My Darling,

Today marks X years of us being together, and I still feel as though we are the young college students who just started dating. It could be because our love is just as fresh and exciting as it was when we first got together.

I am extremely grateful for all this time and the magical moments I have gotten to spend with you and our kids. Looking back, I realize how you have been my support system all these years without batting an eye. Here’s to another X years of love, affection, and an inseparable bond.

Happy anniversary, love!

[Your name]

8. Dear [husband’s name],

Happy 1st Anniversary, babe!

I can’t believe it’s been a year of us being husband and wife. There’s so much I want to say and so many things I wish to tell you about this magical year we’ve spent together. First, let me tell you what an amazing life you have given me, and this past year has been everything I hoped for and more.

I am so happy and proud to call you my husband because there’s no one else I’d rather be with. People kept telling me that it takes time to adjust to married life, but you have made it such a breeze.

Thank you for loving me unconditionally, and I can’t wait to spend many more such years with you by my side.

Your darling wife,
[Your name]

Letters For Your Husband On Your Wedding Day

Couple on their wedding day
Image: Shutterstock

9. Dearest Husband,

So, we made it! We survived the whole boyfriend-girlfriend stunt and made it to the wedding day of our dreams. Well, mostly my dreams, but you get the flow! And I am so excited to discover all the amazing adventures that await us for the rest of our lives. You know I’ve said many times already, and I will never stop saying it, that you are my favorite person to explore new things with. Fortunately, marriage is a first for us both, and I am guessing it is going to be a joyride figuring it all out with you by my side.

I am so excited but also a little scared now that our families are so integrated. But I know with all that we have been through, this shall be just another little hurdle.

I just want to remind you, that no matter what, I would agree to marry you a hundred times over. There is no one for me but you, and if there was anything more that I could give you than the rest of my lifetime, I would. But here we are!

Love you deeply, madly, eternally,
Your wifey!

10. Hey [husband’s name],

Can’t believe that the day we’ve been waiting for for so long is finally here. I just cannot keep calm, and the butterflies in my stomach have moved up to my heart and head!

It gives me immense joy and pleasure to know that we are going to be husband and wife today because I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You are everything I hoped for and more. I know that married life will come with its own set of challenges, but I promise you that it is all going to be worth it because we will have each other to hold on to.

Come whatever may, you’ll find me right by your side for life. Love you to the moon and back!

Your soon-to-be wife,
[Your name]

11. Dear [husband’s name],

Aah! It’s here, it’s here! The day I officially become your wife is here. Trust me, I have imagined this day a thousand times over in my head already. Maybe it is just the pre-wedding jitters talking! But, I just cannot wait to start my married life with you.

I hope you are ready for the wild adventures that await us because I certainly am. On this special day, I promise you that we will always find time for each other and continue to treat each other with utmost respect no matter how many years go by!

I love you and I cherish you. See you waiting for me at the altar tomorrow!

Your would-be wife,
[Your name]

Apology Letters For Your Husband

Woman apologizing to her husband
Image: Shutterstock

12. Hey Babe,

I know we said some things we didn’t mean to each other last night, and I am extremely sorry if I hurt you. I don’t like us fighting at all, and I am sad that it had to come to that. There’s nothing I wouldn’t give for us to go back to normal and talk it all out because this is killing me.

I love you and want you to know it, so I am writing this letter to tell you exactly that! I hope you will forgive me for my actions because the last thing I’d want to do is hurt you.

Your darling wife,
[Your name]

13. Darling,

I want to start by saying sorry for my behavior earlier this week. Trust me, I didn’t mean for it to happen. There were a lot of things occupying my mind, and I am sorry that I took it all out on you. You deserve better and I know it, so I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

I am ready to work it out with you if you are. I know that you need your space right now, and I will be here waiting for you as long as you need. All I can think about is our short getaway last week and the happy memories we made together, so it just saddens me to see us fighting like this.

Please give me another chance to make things right. I’m looking forward to talking it out with you.

With love,
[Your name]

Letters For Your Husband On His Birthday

Woman celebrating her husband's birthday
Image: Shutterstock

14. Dear Husband,

Happy happy birthday, my love!

There’s just so much I want to tell you, but I am at a loss for words. Being with you as your wife these past few years has been such a blessing. You have always put me first and loved me selflessly, but today is your day and I want to celebrate you and only you.

I thank God every day for creating you and getting to spend my life with you. Your positivity and patience keep me going even in the toughest of times. I hope you have the most wonderful birthday. Your gift will be waiting for you at home!

Your darling wife,
[Your name]

15. Darling Husband,

Many happy returns of the day, dear!

On this special day, I want to tell you that I love you. Not only are you an amazing husband but also an exceptional father. After an entire year of being pampered by you, today is your day to sit back and be pampered by me. Whether it is a nice day together at the arcade or a relaxing day at the spa, we will do whatever you want today.

I hope you have a terrific day and indulge in things you love. I pray to God that you get whatever you wish for. Love you, dear!

Forever yours,
[Your name]

16. Dear Hubby,

Wish you an amazing birthday, my love.

On this special day, I hope you get everything you have wished for and more. You have been working so hard for us and the kids, and it makes me so proud to call you my husband. I cannot wait for you to see the amazing day I have planned for you with all the things that you love doing.

This reminds me of that one birthday when we ended up going to a bonfire with complete strangers while camping and you sang a beautiful melody, turning it into a night to remember!

Forever yours,
[Your name]

P.S. Eagerly waiting to camp out with you all over again.

Letters For Your Husband On Valentine’s Day

Letters for your husband on Valentine’s Day can be a sweet and personal touch to your celebration. They’re a great way to express your feelings and add a special touch to the day. So, when you are exploring Valentine’s Day ideas to surprise your husband and finalize one, include a sweet letter for him in your plan to double his happiness. Check out these letter templates for inspiration.

Woman celebrating valentine's day with her husband
Image: Shutterstock

17. Hey Love,

Happy first Valentine’s day, hubby!

It feels like just yesterday when we were holding hands and exchanging roses on our first Valentine’s day back in college. Now that we are husband and wife, this day needs to be even more special.

Can’t wait for you to get home and pop a bottle of champagne along with our favorite movie. Don’t worry, I have all your favorite foods ready too! I am sure you will enjoy the night and remember it for a long time.

Forever yours,
[Your name]

18. Dear Husband,

It’s my favorite day of the year. While our love for us deepens each day, I am glad we have this special day to celebrate the both of us. You know I’m a hopeless romantic, and Valentine’s day is just an excuse for me to shower you with more romance. This letter is just the beginning of the celebrations that await you today.

Thank you for loving me the same even after all these years, so much so that it brings back memories of our first Valentine’s day together. You are all I need, my love!

Your forever Valentine,
[Your name]

Each of these examples shared in the article reflects personal sentiments and memories. While you can always take inspiration from these samples, there are a few crucial tips you should consider to express your feelings effectively and meaningfully. Take a look at the next section.

Additional Tips For Writing A Love Letter

The following tips will help you write a more thoughtful and impactful love letter. These tips are practical and also help you add personal touches to your letters.

  • Write your letter when you’re relaxed and in a good mood.
  • Choose a peaceful environment. It can help you think clearly without any distractions.
  • Instead of typing, pen down your feelings the old-school way. Handwritten letters are more personal and show your thoughtfulness.
  • You can recount experiences that are memorable to both of you. Describe your feelings and why they are memorable.
  • Be authentic and express your emotions, even if it makes you sound vulnerable or cheesy.
  • Highlight their positive qualities. Let your partner know why you admire and cherish him.
  • Read your letter aloud to detect awkward words and phrases.
  • You may consider using scented papers, stickers, or pressed flowers to add a personal touch.

Remember, the most important aspect of writing a love letter is your sincerity. Even if your letter is not perfect, your partner will find it precious because it was written from the heart.

Infographic: 7 Tips For Writing A Romantic Letter To Your Husband

Today, we live in a time where texts and email are our primary modes of communication. However, nothing beats the charm of an old-school love letter. Writing a beautiful and deep love letter to your husband can make his day. If you find yourself struggling with words, don’t worry. We have compiled a list of simple tips to help you write the most romantic love letter to your husband. Check out the infographic below!

7tips for writing a romantic letter to your husband (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

protip_icon Quick Tip
You may write words of affirmation to lift his spirit during Valetine’s day. Praise and compliment him; use kind words to show him what he means to you.

Mailing love letters is not limited to couples in a long-distance relationship and is neither an outdated tradition. Well-crafted and thoughtful words can ignite strong feelings of passion, longing, appreciation, and much more. So, even if you are married, it is not a bad idea to shower your husband with affection and remind them of the early courtship days by writing a love letter for him. So, choose from the letters mentioned above if you do not feel particularly creative today, or write one of your own and send them over the old-fashioned way.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do husbands want from their wives?

Every individual desires a loving and committed partner who has their back and believes in them. Marriage necessitates compromise, honesty, and open communication to build emotional intimacy. A spouse who can balance these characteristics is widely liked.

How do you describe a loving husband?

An individual who is generous, compassionate, and attentive to the needs of his partner can be called a loving husband.

How long should a love letter to my husband be?

A love letter could be a couple of paragraphs long that conveys your genuine emotions. But if your husband loves reading, it can be a page or two.

Is it okay to use quotes or poems in a love letter to my husband?

Yes, you can definitely include a poem or quote in your letter. You could pen down your own poem for your husband or write down a quote that describes your love for him.

How can I express my feelings of love and gratitude to my husband in a sincere and heartfelt way?

You can write all the things that he does for you that you appreciate. Tell him how grateful you are for his presence in your life and how he has made it more beautiful. You can mention some memories of the both of you that matter to you the most.

Can a love letter to a husband help to strengthen and deepen the relationship between spouses?

A love letter is a romantic and emotional reminder of the love that you and your husband share. It reiterates the love you have for each other and makes the other person feel special.

How can I deliver a love letter to my husband in a special and meaningful way?

You could attach your letter to the bathroom mirror for them to read it first thing in the morning, hide a card in his cupboard or work study, or send your love along with a romantically prepared lunchbox or flowers.

Key Takeaways

  • Handwritten love letters to your husband are timeless gestures of affection and appreciation.
  • Appreciate your husband for his efforts, for his support, and his bravery.
  • Thoughtful love letters can make him feel more special on special days like birthdays and wedding anniversaries.

Express your love and appreciation for your husband through heartfelt words. Watch this video to get inspired by the beautiful letter it features.

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Hemali Adhiya
Hemali AdhiyaICF Certified Relationship Coach
Hemali is an ICF-Certified ACC Level Life Coach with 3 years of experience in relationship, marriage, and grief coaching. Her sessions aim to bring about transformation in her clients’ lives, perspectives, and relationships.

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Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha has a master's degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad, a professional Relationship Coach diploma, and over four years of experience in writing. She writes about relationships and lifestyle.Sneha began her career as an instructional designer, shifted to freelance technical and research writing, and self-published a novella on the theme of adolescent mental health.

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Asmita De
Asmita DeAssociate Editor
Asmita De is an associate editor with over three years of experience. She graduated in English Literature from the University of Calcutta. She has collaborated with several digital companies and reputed publishing houses as an editor.

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