23 Effective Medicine Ball Exercises And Their Benefits
Tried and tested methods to tone your muscles and help strengthen your body.

Image: Shutterstock
Medicinal ball exercises are a favorite of many fitness experts. A fit and toned body is a dream come true, and these exercises can help you achieve exactly that. They even help you flatten your tummy and build strength. Here is a historical fact for you – did you know that Hippocrates recommended using a medicinal ball for his patients to recuperate from injuries? Even now, these exercises are considered to be among the best to tone the body. Moreover, these balls are affordable and come in different colors, sizes, and weights. In this article, we learn how to do the 23 best exercises with a medicinal ball at home, the number of repetitions you should do, and precautions to take. Check them out!
- Frequency: 2-3 times per week
- Benefits: Tone the body, build strength, improve flexibility, and burn calories.
- Equipment Needed: Exercise mat, 3-10 pounds medicine ball.
- Space Required: Small area
- Assistance Required: No
- Who Should Avoid: Anyone with shoulder or back pain and anyone who has undergone abdominal surgery recently.
In This Article
What You Need?
Medicine ball – 3-10 lbs
Choose a ball that is not too heavy but heavy enough to slow your motion.
Key Takeaways
- Exercise with a medicine ball can help you get a fit, toned body and a flat stomach.
- These workouts emphasize increased strength and power development.
- The use of a medicine ball for exercise and recovery from injuries was first recommended by Hippocrates.
- Exercises with a medicine ball are a great way to increase cardiac health as well as flexibility, and reduce arterial stiffness.
What You Should Aim For?
Aim for accuracy and better coordination and not how many reps or sets you are able to do at one go.
Reps Per Set
Start with 5-10 reps per set. Once you get the hang of the exercises, you can go up to 10-15 reps per set.
Start with 10 minutes of medicine ball workout exercises every alternate day. Once you grow more comfortable, increase the duration to 20-45 minutes every alternate day.
Now, let’s get into action.
23 Effective Medicine Ball Exercises And Benefits
I have categorized the medicine ball exercises into exercises for the abs, glutes and legs, arms and shoulders, chest and back, and full body medicine ball exercises.
Let me first tell you how to get a flat tummy with medicine ball exercises.
Medicine Ball Exercises For A Flat Tummy/Toned Abs
1. Overhead Slam

Starting Position
Hold a medicine ball. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and the knees slightly bent.
Steps To Do Overhead Slam
- Lift the medicine ball overhead.
- Bend at your hips, hinging forward. Do not arch back.
- Slam the ball directly in front of you, but not too hard. Control is the key.
Repeat 10 more times to complete a set.
5 mins
Make sure to bend your knees just slightly and not squat
. Keep your shoulders relaxed and core engaged.
2. Medicine Ball Crunch

Starting Position
Lie on your back. Lift your legs at a 90-degree angle with the floor, and hold a medicine ball overhead.
Steps To Do
- Keeping your legs steady, crunch up and try to touch the medicine ball to your toes.
- Go back to your starting position.
Do 5 reps initially and gradually increase it to 10 reps.
5 mins
Do not rush. Take your time to learn to keep your legs straight and steady while you crunch. Take care of your neck and keep it relaxed.
3. V-Up

Starting Position
Lie flat on your back and hold the medicine ball overhead. Keep your legs extended, and core engaged.
Steps To Do
- Lift your hands and legs simultaneously to form a “V”.
- Pass the ball from your hands to in between your ankles.
- Go back to the starting position.
- Lift your hands and legs up simultaneously and pass the ball from in between your ankles to your hands and go back to the starting position.
10 reps to complete a set.
7 mins
Keep your legs and arms straight as you get up to form the “V”.
4. Straight Leg Sit-Up

Starting Position
Lie flat on your back and hold the medicine ball with both your hands.
Steps To Do
- Extend the arms up so that the medicine ball is right above your hips.
- Keep your legs together and slowly raise them, forming an “L”.
- Lower your legs.
10 reps to complete a set.
7 mins
Do not take your legs beyond where your hips are and keep them straight.
5. Split Push-Up Knee Tuck

Starting Position
Assume the push-up position with your legs placed a little wider than hip-width apart. Keep your right palm on top of a medicine ball.
Steps To Do
- Balance and lower your body.
- Flex your left knee and bring it towards the ball.
- Hold for a second and then bring your left leg back to its original position.
- Come back to your starting position and hold the ball with your left palm.
- Again, lower your body and bring your right knee towards the ball.
- Hold for a second and bring your leg back to its original position.
- This completes 1 rep.
5 reps to complete a set.
8 mins
When you assume the push-up position, do not point your elbows outward. Keep them in a neutral position where they are neither facing outward nor too close to the body.
6. Medicine Ball Russian Twist

Starting Position
Sit on the floor. Keep your knees flexed, and feet flat on the ground. Hold the medicine ball with both your hands.
Steps To Do
- Keeping your knees flexed, lift your legs, making a 90-degree angle with the ground. Support your body with your hips, and keep your core engaged.
- Rotate your body to the left and touch the floor with the medicine ball.
- Then, rotate your body to the right and touch the floor with the medicine ball.
10 reps to complete a set.
4 mins
Do not put your feet down on the ground.
Medicine Ball Exercises For The Hips And Legs
7. Medicine Ball Burpees

Starting Position
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a medicine ball near your chest with both your hands.
Steps To Do
- Squat down and place the medicine ball on the floor. Keep your arms extended.
- Press on top of the ball and shift your body weight to the ball.
- Jump back and assume the plank position.
- Now, quickly jump your legs back in and come to a squat pose.
- Quickly stand up and press the ball overhead.
10 reps to complete a set.
8 mins
Make sure you squat properly and balance your body before jumping back on your feet.
8. Single Leg Hip Bridge

Starting Position
Lie flat on your back. Keep your right knee flexed, right foot on top of a medicine ball, and your left leg extended. Keep your hands on your side, with the palms flat on the floor.
Steps To Do
- Lift your left leg and ensure it is perpendicular to the floor.
- Supporting your body on your right foot, thrust your hips up.
- Hold this position for a second and then lower your hips.
- Do this with your left foot on the medicine ball and right leg straight up.
10 reps to complete a set.
8 mins
Do not push your hips up with the help of your palms. Do not drop your pelvison any side.
9. Single Leg Squat

Starting Position
Hold the medicine ball with both your hands close to your chest. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and knees slightly bent.
Steps To Do
- Lift your left foot off the ground and extend it forward.
- Carefully squat down, keeping your left leg extended.
- Lift yourself back and place your left foot beside the right foot.
- Now, lift the right foot off the floor and extend it forward.
- Squat down and come back up again.
10 reps to complete a set.
8 mins
Do not flex your knees outward while squatting.
10. Medicine Ball Sumo Squat

Starting Position
Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart, and the toes pointing out. Hold the medicine ball in front of you with both hands.
Steps To Do
- Inhale and squat down until the thighs are parallel to the ground and the core is engaged. Lower your hands.
- Stand back up and exhale.
- Now, keep your shoulders relaxed, squeeze your glutes, and extend your hands overhead. Pause for a second, lower your hands and squat down again.
10 reps to complete a set.
9 mins
Control your movement. Do not rush. You can also do a partial squat, but keep your back straight.
Medicine Ball Exercises For The Arms And Shoulders
11. Shoulder Press

Starting Position
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a medicine ball (slightly heavy) in front of you with both your hands.
Steps To Do
- Extend the arms overhead towards the ceiling.
- Pause for a second and then lower your hands back to the starting position.
15 reps to complete 1 set.
5 mins
Use a medicine ball that is not too heavy to lift but heavy enough to work your arm and shoulder muscles.
12. Medicine Ball Bicep Curl

Starting Position
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold the medicine ball (heavier in weight) in front of your chest with both your hands.
Steps To Do
- Slowly lower your hands until they are fully extended towards the floor.
- Pause for a second and then curl your hands back up to the starting position.
20 reps to complete a set.
8 mins
Keep your shoulders relaxed and core engaged when you do this exercise.
13. Medicine Ball Tricep Extension

Starting Position
Stand with your feet hip-width apart (or sit on a chair), hold the medicine ball, and extend your arms overhead. Keep your core engaged.
Steps To Do
- Flex your elbows and lower the ball behind your head until the forearms are at 45 degrees with the upper arms.
- Squeeze the triceps and pull your arms back up.
15 reps to complete a set.
8 mins
Keep your arms close to your ears.
14. Figure-8 Scoop

Starting Position
Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Hold the medicine ball near your chest with both hands. Keep your shoulders relaxed.
Steps To Do
- Lunge on your left and scoop the ball down towards the outside of your left thigh.
- Press your left foot to stand straight again and bring the ball back up over your head.
- Lunge on your right and scoop the ball down towards the outside of your right thigh.
- Press your right foot to stand straight again and bring the ball back up over your head.
10 reps to complete a set.
10 mins
Keep your back straight when you lunge.
Medicine Ball Exercises For The Chest And Back
15. Medicine Ball Superman

Starting Position
Lie face down on the floor or a mat. Hold a medicine ball with both hands. Keep your arms extended in the front.
Steps To Do
- Raise your arms and your legs slowly and simultaneously. Go as high as you can.
- Pause for 2 seconds and then come back to the starting position.
10 reps to complete 1 set.
7 mins
Talk to your doctor before doing this exercise if you have back pain.
16. Medicine Ball Push-Up

Starting Position
Assume the push-up position. Keep your palms close and on top of a medicine ball.
Steps To Do
- Inhale and lower your body till your chest touches the medicine ball.
- Pull your body back up and exhale.
5 reps to complete 1 set. You can do 2 sets or increase the number of reps.
8 mins
Do not keep your palms too far away.
17. Sit-Up With Chest Press

Starting Position
Lie flat on your back. Hold the medicine ball in front of your chest with both hands. Keep your knees slightly bent.
Steps To Do
- Pull your upper body up, flex your knees, come to a sitting position, and extend your arms fully in the front.
- Lie down and straighten your legs, bring your hands back to the starting position.
10 reps to complete 1 set.
8 mins
Do not rush. Take your time to learn how to do this exercise to avoid injuries.
18. Catch And Overhead Throw

Starting Position
Stand in front of a wall with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a medicine ball with both your hands overhead.
Steps To Do
- Bend your elbows and lower your forearms behind your head until they are at 45 degrees with the upper arms.
- Now, forcefully throw the medicine ball forward.
15 reps to complete 1 set.
12 mins
Stand close enough to the wall so that you can catch it.
Medicine Ball Full-Body Exercises
19. Lunge With Twist

Starting Position
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, shoulders relaxed, and core engaged. Extend your arms forward and hold a medicine ball with both your hands.
Steps To Do
- Put your right foot forward, flex your left knee, and lower your body. Your knee should almost touch the floor.
- Rotate your torso towards your right.
- Pause for a second and then rotate your torso back to the center.
- Lift your body up and get back to the starting position.
- Put your left foot forward, flex your right knee, and lower your body. Your right knee should almost touch the floor.
- Rotate your torso to your left.
- Pause for a second and rotate your torso back to the center.
- Lift your body up and return to the starting position.
10 reps to complete 1 set.
8 mins
Avoid doing this exercise if you have a recent knee injury.
20. Squat Press Throw

Starting Position
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold the medicine ball in your hands.
Steps To Do
- Squat down and throw the medicine ball up with full force.
- Stand up once you do so.
15 reps to complete a set.
12 mins
Step away as you throw the ball up so that you don’t get hit by it.
21. Rock And Roll Up

Starting Position
Lie flat on the floor with the knees flexed and feet flat on the floor. Hold the medicine ball with the arms fully extended overhead.
Steps To Do
- Pull your knees to your chest and bring your hands towards your knees.
- Use this force to pull your body up. Assume the squat pose and then stand up straight.
- Pause for a second, squat again, put your buttocks first on the floor and go back to the starting position.
5 reps to complete 1 set.
10 mins
Do not rush. Take your time to do this exercise.
22. Power Cross Chop

Starting Position
Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart and hold a medicine ball in front of your chest.
Steps To Do
- Keeping your core engaged, twist your torso to your left, and bring the medicine ball just above your left shoulder.
- Now, quickly bring the ball towards and across your right thigh.
- Lunge simultaneously as you do step 2, with your left knee flexed and your right leg supporting your body weight.
- Raise your body and go back to the starting position.
- Do the same on your left.
10 reps to complete 1 set.
7 mins
Lunge properly and lower your body with your knee almost touching the floor.
23. Medicine Ball Plank

Starting Position
Assume the push-up position with your legs slightly wider than hip-width apart. Place your hands on top of a medicine ball.
Steps To Do
- Shift your weight forward so that your shoulders are directly over the ball.
- Keep your body in a straight line. Do not bend at the hips or knees.
- Tighten your core and maintain a neutral spine.
- Hold this position for at least 30 seconds to 1 minute. Breathe deeply.
Planks strengthen your core, arms, shoulders, and glutes and engage your entire body.
Perform 5 reps to complete a set.
8 minutes
Anthony Lawrence, a blogger, shares his experience of using the medicine ball during his workouts to make it fun. He writes, “Pretending I was shooting baskets, I feinted a pass and then pantomimed a layup shot (i).” He continues, “This was great exercise and fun. Not many muscles were missed and when I stopped after twenty minutes I felt that I’d had an exceptionally good workout.”
Now, you know about the different Medicine Ball exercises. It’s time to understand the benefits of doing these exercises in the next section.
Benefits Of Medicine Ball Exercises
- Medicine ball exercises help build muscle strength and explosive power.
- The dynamic nature of medicine ball workouts challenges your coordination and balance.
- Many medicine ball exercises target your core muscles, leading to a stronger and more stable midsection.
- Incorporating medicine ball exercises into your routine can help you burn more calories and boost your metabolism.
- Medicine ball exercises mimic real-life movements, improving functional fitness and daily performance.
Infographic: Interesting Trivia About Medicine Balls
‘Medicine balls are popular in the world of physical fitness. But, did you know that they have an interesting history? Check out the infographic below for some interesting trivia on medicine balls.

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
Medicine ball exercises add a fun dimension to your workout routine. Medicine ball workouts are like full-body workouts, which include core strengthening exercises, weighted ball exercises, plyometric exercises, upper body exercises, and lower body exercises. These not only help tone your muscles but help strengthen your body as well. Overhead slam, V-up, Russian twist, hip bridge, sumo squat, and many other exercises mentioned above can be done with medicine balls of various sizes as per your fitness levels and goals. Do these every day or on alternate days to make the most of their many benefits. Also, do not miss alternating these medicine ball exercises with strength training, functional training, athletic training, and resistance training for dynamic movements.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is a slam ball the same as a medicine ball?
No. As slam balls have thicker surfaces, they are perfect for intense exercises such as high-impact throwing exercises. Conversely, medicine balls have significantly thinner rubber, leather, or plastic surfaces.
Which is better: kettlebell or medicine ball?
Kettlebell. A kettlebell workout is versatile, targets multiple muscle groups at the same time, and burns more calories than medicine ball exercises.
What is the difference between a medicine ball and a wall ball?
Wall balls are larger and softer than medicine balls and are intended to be thrown at walls.
What other exercises can you pair with medicine ball workouts?
You can alternate between medicine ball exercises and other workouts like high-intensity interval training (HIIT), endurance exercises, cross training, power training, and stability exercises.
Illustration: Effective Medicine Ball Exercises And Their Benefits

Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team
Get ready to sweat with this 15-minute medicine ball HIIT workout video! This total body circuit will have you burning calories and toning up in no time. Check it out!
Personal Experience: Source
StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Me and My Medicine Ballhttps://pcunix.medium.com/me-and-my-medicine-ball-7c55954dde5b
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- Regular exercise ball training reduces arterial stiffness in sedentary middle-aged males

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