66 Best Narcissist Quotes That Help You Understand Them Better
Popular sayings that can help you know more about the inner workings of a narcissist.

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How well do you know who a narcissist is? Lemme give you an insight into their attributes in short. A narcissist usually demands their needs to be met without caring even a bit about others’ needs and wants. It is not in their personality to be empathetic towards others. They are inclined to dominate and subjugate the ones who are part of their lives. And to help you recognize them, we prepared an extensive list of narcissist quotes for you that you can relate to. I am sure these quotes will assist you in being alert when you meet them. Remember, these people are boastful, too absorbed in themselves, and full of self-importance, vanity, and unwavering arrogance, which makes them ignorant beings. Narcissism includes incessant self-centeredness that disregards other people’s existence and importance. They expect excessive admiration and appreciation from strangers as well as acquaintances. Their interpersonal relationships tend to be disruptive. And guess what – they are extremely sensitive to criticism and are never going to accept their flaws and instead blame you for everything.
In This Article
Best Narcissist Quotes
From quotes about a narcissistic man and woman to quotes about dealing with a narcissist and catchy quotes about surviving narcissistic abuse, we have prepared a perfect list for you to share with the ones you care about.
Narcissistic Men Quotes
- “To him, the world’s a stage, and he plays the leading role in every scene.” – Anonymous
Narcissistic men never let others shine. They can even hurt others to satisfy their egos and position themselves at the top.
- “A narcissist man will show his love based on what you do for them.”– Anonymous
These are the ones who measure your worth according to the things you do for them, or else you know that they don’t care for you at all.
- “Feeding on pure souls and hearts is what a narcissist does.” – Anonymous
To satisfy their ego, narcissistic men feed on pure and innocent souls by procuring their energy until they get exhausted.
- “A narcissistic man will break your heart as many times as he wishes to.” – Anonymous
Unbothered about hurting others’ emotions and sentiments, a narcissistic man would never hold back from doing it again and again.
- “A narcissist man mostly cares about his image rather than anything else in this world.”– Anonymous
They are so into themselves that they will try to attach their status and appearances to their worth. They can resort to anything to make themselves look good in front of others.
- “Abuse is indeed a way to vent out a narcissist’s anger and dissatisfaction.”– Anonymous
Abusive behavior is one of the typical portrayals of habits they follow. Vulnerable people satiate their hunger for abuse and domination.
Narcissistic Women Quotes
- “The narcissist devours people, consumes their output, and casts the empty, writhing shells aside.” — Sam Vaknin
A narcissistic woman will hurt others’ sentiments to satisfy herself. She will disregard anyone else’s contribution to her life.
- “All a narcissist seeks is praise and admiration without trying to reciprocate.”– Anonymous
A narcissistic woman will demand appreciation all the time. While they receive what they want, they won’t pay heed to what their counterpart expects.
- “Jealousy runs in a narcissist’s blood.” – Anonymous
They can’t wait to see others fail. And when someone succeeds, they would go green with envy.
- “At the slightest of inconvenience, a narcissist would turn arrogant.” – Anonymous
In all truth, even without any inconvenience, they will try to manipulate others into believing that they are responsible for any change or issue.
- “Narcissists are mostly ignorant.”– Anonymous
The fact is that they can be all arrogant, impulsive, argumentative, and insensitive to others. They might react in a way that is supposed to offend others.
- “Gaslighting is what a narcissist does best.”– Anonymous
You must know that they are good at playing games with your mind. They can quite easily deceive you by convincing you to be the one responsible for any unwanted matter.
Toxic Narcissist Quotes
- “Narcissism blinds a person to the beauty of genuine connection.” – Anonymous
Narcissists always prioritize themselves above everyone else and often disregard the feelings of those around them. Thus, they are never able to build genuine bonds.
- “A toxic narcissist will crave constant praise.”– Anonymous
They will be persistent in demanding and seeking praise.
- “Silent treatment is a narcissist’s most used weapon.”– Anonymous
A narcissist will use silent treatment when dealing with people. Even when the counterpart desperately seeks answers, they will be unavailable and offer no response about it. They don’t care how hurtful this might be.
- “Sympathy and empathy are not something that narcissists have in their books.”– Anonymous
They don’t have any space in their hearts and minds to be sympathetic or empathetic towards others.
- “Toxic amnesia is a useful way of life which narcissists follow.”– Anonymous
Even after confrontation from the other side, they choose to avoid the allegations and convince them that the events and situations where they had victimized the former are insignificant.
- “A narcissist will intentionally and repeatedly remind you of things that will upset you.”– Anonymous
They will try to create chaos in your mind by reminding you about things that make you feel uncomfortable and those you are trying to forget.
- “Toxic narcissists cling on to empathetic and genuine people whenever they get a chance.”– Anonymous
They attract others by being all nice and kind at first. And when they gain their trust, they start showing their true colors.
- “When confronted with their abusive nature, narcissists will portray them as victims.”– Anonymous
While they subjugate others with their abusive behavior, they never accept that and move on to be all sad and depressed as if they are the ones who are hurt.
- “Narcissists are the ones who will never send you a sincere apology.”– Anonymous
They don’t feel bad about not apologizing to the concerned individuals. They are occupied in their worlds.
- “You will be forced to get over hurdles all by yourself if you are with a narcissist.”– Anonymous
They can’t seem to help you out in your troubling times and merely want you to get over it without any concern about your take on it.
- “With a toxic narcissist, get ready to face their demeaning nature as they would belittle and bully you as many times as they can.”– Anonymous
Have you encountered such a person who tries to belittle you more in front of others to make you feel bad? If yes, you need to avoid them.
- “The narcissist devours people, consumes their output, and casts the empty, writhing shells.” – Sam Vaknin
Narcissists are emotionally “hungry” for the attention and admiration of others. They use people to satisfy their own ego and desires.
- “When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens, I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed, to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose.” – Brené Brown
Narcissism is a defense mechanism deeply rooted in the fear of being seen as ordinary or unworthy. Narcissists constantly seek to be exceptional for the fear of not being extraordinary enough to garner attention or love.
- “Love doesn’t die a natural death. Love has to be killed, either by neglect or narcissism.” – Frank Salvato
Love doesn’t fade away on its own, it requires deliberate actions like neglect or narcissism, to extinguish it. It emphasizes the role of negative behaviors and attitudes in damaging relationships.
- “Intuition – once you have had a narcissist in your life, you must develop your intuition and learn to listen to it and act accordingly.” – Tracy Malone
It is important to develop and trust your intuition, especially if you are dealing with a narcissist who deceives others easily. Your intuition can help you make better decisions and protect yourself from similar situations in the future.
- “But that’s the thing about narcissists. They can try to fool you, with all their heart, but in the end, they’re just fooling themselves.” – Ellie Fox
While narcissists may attempt to deceive others, their ultimate deception is against themselves, as their actions often reveal their true nature and motives.
- “Since narcissists deep down feel themselves to be faultless, it is inevitable that when they are in conflict with the world they will invariably perceive the conflict as the world’s fault.” – M. Scott Peck
Narcissists tend to blame the world or external factors for their conflicts rather than take responsibility for their actions.
- “Narcissistic love is riding on the rollercoaster of disaster filled with a heart full of tears.” – Sheree Griffin
Narcissistic love is akin to riding a rollercoaster of disaster, heartbreak, and tears.
- “Relationships with narcissists are held in place by the hope of a ‘someday better,’ with little evidence to support it will ever arrive.” – Ramani Durvasula
Relationships with narcissists often persist because of the hope for improvement. However, there is little evidence to suggest that such positive change will ever occur.
- “How starved you must have been that my heart became a meal for your ego.” – Amanda Torroni
A narcissist’s hunger for ego, gratification, and validation pushes them to use you and your emotions. This highlights the imbalance and emotional toll in the relationship.
- “Maybe, the lesson we can all learn from the inner sadness of a narcissist is to see through our own fabrications, our own illusions, so that we can be set free to be real once more.” – Shannon L. Alder
The inner sadness and turmoil of a narcissist can teach us to break free from our own illusions and enable us to rediscover our authenticity.
- “Narcissus weeps to find that his image does not return his love.” – Mason Cooley
A narcissist is self-absorbed and loves everything about themselves.
- “Hate is the complement of fear and narcissists like being feared. It imbues them with an intoxicating sensation of omnipotence.” – Sam Vaknin
Narcissists wish to be feared to give them a sense of power and control.
- “When we meet and fall into the gravitational pull of a narcissist, we are entering a significant life lesson that involves learning how to create boundaries, self-respect, and resilience. Through trial and error (and a lot of pain), our connection with narcissists teaches us the necessary lessons we need to become mature empaths.” – Mateo Sol
Getting involved with a narcissist serves as a valuable life lesson that teaches us to establish boundaries, develop self-respect, and build emotional strength. This ultimately helps us evolve into empathetic and emotionally mature individuals, despite the challenges and pain.
- “That which he projects ahead of him as his ideal is merely his substitute for the lost narcissism of his childhood – the time when he was his own ideal.” – Sigmund Freud
As people grow older, they develop an idealized self-image that serves as a substitute for the narcissism they experienced as children.
- “A narcissist’s criticism is their autobiography.” – M. Wakefield
The criticism a narcissist directs at others often reflects their own insecurities and personal experiences.
- “Narcissism is voluntary blindness, an agreement not to look beneath the surface.” – Sam Keen
Narcissism often involves deliberately avoiding self-reflection and ignoring what lies beneath the surface of one’s own personality and behavior.
- “Half the pain in human life comes from gazing in mirrors.” – Marty Rubin
Much of the suffering in humans arises from excessive self-obsession and self-critique. This is often symbolized by the act of looking into mirrors.
- “And we need to know what it is to be human if we are to avoid becoming narcissists.” – Alexander Lowen
Being humane and humble helps you avoid obsessing over yourself and becoming a narcissist.
- “Please repair your narcissism before you start loving your neighbor as yourself.” – Charles F. Glassman
If someone is too focused on their own needs or themselves, they may struggle to truly love and empathize with their neighbors selflessly and compassionately.
- “Narcissists, however, are similar to a spider that has built a web for its prey to bring itself.” – Mwanandeke Kindembo
Narcissists manipulate and trap others, like a spider building a web to ensnare its prey, using them for their own benefit.
- “Gaslighting is mind control to make victims doubt their reality.” – Tracy A. Malone
Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic used by narcissists to make people question their own reality, leading to low self-esteem and trust issues.
- “A narcissist paints a picture of themselves as being the victim or innocent in all aspects. They will be offended by the truth. But what is done in the dark will come to light. Time has a way of showing people’s true colors.” – Karla Grimes
A narcissist always portrays themselves as a perpetual victim. They get offended by the truth. But time eventually reveals their true nature.
- “Narcissists damage and hurt but they do so offhandedly and naturally, as an afterthought. They are aware of what they are doing to others – but they do not care.” – Sam Vaknin
Narcissists intentionally harm and cause pain to others without remorse but show no concern for the impact they have on others.
- “The narcissist is like a bucket with a hole in the bottom: No matter how much you put in, you can never fill it up. The phrase “I never feel like I am enough” is the mantra of the person in a narcissistic relationship. That’s because to your narcissistic partner, you are not. No one is. Nothing is.” – Ramani Durvasula
The narcissist’s insatiable need for validation and attention cannot be satisfied in a relationship. The partner constantly feels inadequate because the narcissist views everyone as insufficient and incapable of meeting their needs.
Co-parenting With A Narcissist Quotes
Co-parenting with a narcissistic partner seems challenging and exhausting. Here are a few quotes to enlighten you if you have been co-parenting with a narcissistic person.
- “Narcissists refuse to accept custody of the kid.”– Anonymous
They are too selfish to procure responsibility and custody for the upbringing of the child, yet due to legal commitments, they are bound to do so. However, they don’t do it wholeheartedly.
- “A narcissist might intrude and disrupt your child’s routine and habits.”– Anonymous
They might ascertain you of handling them well, although they resort to unhealthy habits in the name of taking care of your child.
- “A narcissist parent will try to turn your kid against you.”– Anonymous
This is what a narcissist does- gaslighting—gaslighting your kids to misbehave with you and eventually turning them against you.
- “A narcissist will undermine your capability of putting efforts as a parent even in front of your children.”– Anonymous
This will ruin your children’s perception of you. They will criticize you in front of your kids and then talk behind your back every time they get a chance.
- “Leave your pride, ego, and narcissism somewhere else. Reactions from those parts of you will reinforce your children’s most primitive fears.” – Henry Cloud
It is important to set aside your pride, ego, and narcissism when parenting your children to avoid exacerbating their basic fears and insecurities.
- “A narcissist will never co-parent. They will counter-parent. They don’t care about the emotional damage that constant drama inflicts upon the children as long as it causes emotional drama to you.” – A.Price
Narcissists do not engage in co-parenting. Instead, they counter-parent by using their children to provoke emotional turmoil in the other parent and often disregard the harm it causes the children.
- “Parental alienation is an emotional act of violence that is aimed at an adult, but critically wounds a child.” – Steve Maraboli
Parental alienation can be used by a narcissist to inflict emotional harm on their partner but can end up inflicting deep wounds on the child.
- “Stop drinking the kool-aid that every divorced couple should be able to co-parent. If you have a relentlessly high-conflict Ex, try parallel parenting instead, different houses, different rules, and as little contact as possible.” – Virginia Gilbert
Parallel parenting with separate households and rules may be a more suitable option for the child, especially when dealing with a narcissistic ex.
- “For a narcissist, co-parenting is never going to be about the well-being of the children. It’s always going to be about you. Oddly enough, we can use this fact to gain back power.” – Zari Ballard
Co-parenting with a narcissist involves looking after their own interests rather than putting their children’s welfare first. This understanding can be used to regain some control of the situation.
- “If you hold on to hurt and anger with a narcissist, the children will have no normal parent. The narcissistic parent will use them as puppets, lovebomb, and abandon them. You are their only hope.” – Tracy Malone
Letting go of hurt and anger is crucial when dealing with a narcissist parent as they may emotionally manipulate the children, leaving you as their only source of normalcy and support.
- “Children of narcissists learn that love is abuse. The narcissist teaches them that if someone displeases you, it is okay to harm them and call it love.” – M. Wakefield
Children raised by narcissistic parents may internalize the damaging belief that love involves mistreatment. Narcissists often show that harming others can be disguised as an expression of love when they’re displeased.
Surviving Narcissistic Abuse Quotes
- “Don’t just leave- stay away.”– Anonymous
By this one, we would like to enlighten you that merely leaving their surroundings won’t help you get better, but stay away from their lives. Don’t even leave one option to reconnect with them.
- “Don’t let guilt come up your way.”– Anonymous
While you are healing, try to recall that you made compromises with that abusive person, and now you deserve love, not abuse and humiliation.
- “Remind yourself that you went through a rollercoaster.”– Anonymous
Don’t forget to remind yourself that you went through a lot and yet chose to stay strong. This will aid you in making peace with your past traumas.
- “Shower yourself with gifts and make your self-care a priority to survive abuse from a narcissistic person.”– Anonymous
It is good to acknowledge your worth by showering yourself with gifts and making the best use of your time practicing self-care.
Letting Go Of A Narcissist Quotes
- “Avoid people who are constantly ignoring you for wanting the same things that you offer them.”
These are toxic narcissistic opportunists who demand everything from you – be it something emotional or materialistic. Still, while you make a hint of wanting the same, they blame you by trying to mean that you are asking for too much.
- “Don’t even try to put effort into letting them know that you are leaving them.”– Anonymous
They don’t deserve to know that you are about to leave them after all the unfair treatment you had to go through.
- “Nothing is braver than walking away because you realize it’s time to protect your heart.”– Anonymous
When people and situations get exhausting, be kind enough to take care of yourself because no one will rescue you from it. It would be wise to stay away from the ones who make you feel bad about yourself.
- “At a moment when we must face too much self-righteousness and narcissism on our path, it is a soothing relief for our soul if we can permeate through the shallowness around and penetrate the essence of matters, allowing us to still our mind.” – Erik Pevernagie
In a world filled with excessive self-righteousness and narcissism, the ability to cut through superficiality and find inner peace can be a comforting and calming experience for us.
There is a fine line between self-love and self-obsession. Initially, a narcissist may look like a confident person who knows their worth. But soon, you will start feeling uncomfortable around them when you realize that the self-admiration is unsustainable and is beyond tolerable. Their egoism and conceit make everything about them. If you have had similar experiences, these narcissistic quotes will help you understand their behavior better. Try to know if they are personally dealing with something terrible that triggers this side of them. Suggest therapy if their behavior is getting toxic and harmful. If they refuse to cooperate or change their ways, it would be better to maintain a healthy distance from them.
Frequently Asked Questions
What scares a narcissist the most?
Abandonment is one of the greatest fears of a narcissist. A person with narcissistic traits is always scared of being alone.
Can a true narcissist change?
They may change but only if the desire to change in a narcissist arises from within. Narcissists have a superiority complex and believe that they are always right, making change very difficult. However, if they begin to see the fault in their ways, take accountability for their actions, and view things from other people’s perspectives, they can change.
Are narcissists ever happy?
Despite their unlikable personality traits, narcissists are likely to be happier than most people. This could be due to indifference to other people’s opinions, a lack of shame or guilt, and staying in their own bubble of superiority.
Is narcissism a disease or a choice?
Narcissism is a complex personality disorder and not a choice. It can vary in seriousness from person to person, and choice does play a role in improving one’s narcissistic behavior. Only those with severe personality traits fall into the lower end of the narcissistic spectrum and are diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).
Can a narcissist love their child?
Narcissists lack a sense of empathy, making them incapable of taking ethical and emotional decisions. They may not be able to form a loving bond with their children, and may often use them to their advantage to seek attention and play victims.
How can identifying narcissistic quotes help in dealing with a narcissistic person?
Narcissistic quotes can help you gain insights about their personality and behavior as they are not good communicators. You can use this information to save yourself from their manipulative tricks or to help them for their own good.
Key Takeaways
- A narcissist only cares for and tries to fulfill their own needs while disregarding the needs of others.
- They have no empathy for others and are driven to dominate, subjugate, and manipulate others to get what they want.
- The quotes help you identify and understand narcissists better to better deal with them and avoid problems in the future.
- The quotes provide an insight into the minds of a narcissist and the thought process that makes them toxic and destructive.
Illustration: Best Narcissist Quotes That Help You Understand Them Better

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team
Check out this video for the top 20 quotes on narcissistic abuse. Get insight into the effects of this type of abuse and how to cope with and heal from it.

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