Snake Eyes Piercing: Healing, Cost, Jewelry, & Aftercare

Time to adorn this bold tongue piercing and let your daring side roar!

Written by , BA (English Hons) Pahul Nanra BA (English Hons) linkedin_icon Experience: 2 years
Edited by , BTech Anjali Sayee BTech linkedin_icon Experience: 7 years
Fact-checked by , MA (English Literature) Aparna Harry MA (English Literature) linkedin_icon Experience: 3 years
Last Updated on
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If you are looking for an audacious tongue piercing, your search ends here! Cue the snake eyes piercing that has become a quick favorite of many piercing enthusiasts due to its distinctive look. While the name ‘snake eyes’ may seem daunting at first, the piercing offers an edgy look. Unlike traditional tongue piercings that feature a single barbell pierced through the center of the tongue, a snake eyes piercing involves two small curved barbells placed horizontally at the tip of the tongue, mimicking the eyes of a snake. The piercing – also commonly called horizontal tongue piercing due to its extended placement on the tongue’s tip – creates a symmetrical and visually striking effect. If this piercing has you hooked, keep reading to explore everything about it right here, from its cost and healing time to some aftercare tips, jewelry choices, and more. Dive in!

protip_icon Piercing Guide: Snake Eyes Piercing
  • Placement: Horizontally through the tip of the tongue
  • Best Jewelry: Subtle studs, curved barbells
  • Cost: $40 to $80
  • Pain Level: Medium
  • Healing Time: 1 to 2 months

Are Snake Eyes Piercings Safe?

Snake eyes piercings do pose potential risks due to the unique placement on the tip of the tongue. During the procedure, the piercer inserts the horizontal jewelry in the tongue, forcing two separate muscles to come together. This may raise oral complications such as lisping and difficulty in eating. The barbell piercings also have the possibility of hitting your teeth and touching your gums, causing oral damage. Also, as with any piercing, there is a risk of infection. Since the mouth is said to carry a lot of bacteria, the chance of getting an infection increases with this piercing, leading to swelling, tenderness, inflammation, and among other symptoms. Additionally, since there are nerve endings and muscles in the tongue, the risk of complications increases if the piercing is not done by a skilled piercer.

Another common safety issue that you should consider when dealing with this piercing is its pain level. While some claim to feel mild pain, others agree that snake eyes piercings deliver more than just a pinch. Keep reading to know more.

Pain Level Of A Snake Eyes Piercing

While no oral piercing has ever been an easy breeze, snake eyes piercings are slightly more on the painful side. For the majority of individuals it is higher on the pain scale than the ‘usual single stud at the center of the tongue piercing. This is because the tongue contains nerves, blood vessels, and muscles that hurt when pierced.

However, the pain level also varies from person to person and their own threshold. Typically, you can expect moderate pain involving discomfort during the procedure, followed by mild soreness. Some people have claimed to only feel a pinch or mild discomfort during the piercing process that subsides as the skin heals. The unconventional tongue placement can also lead to increased sensitivity but with proper care the uneasiness is manageable.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Place a thick pillow beneath your neck before you sleep to elevate your head and reduce inflammation.

Once you have overcome the painful procedure you should focus on the healing stage to achieve optimal results without any complications. Scroll down to learn more about it.

Healing Time For Snake Eyes Piercing

After getting the snake eyes piercing, the healing process can take longer than the usual tongue piercings. You can naturally expect the healing time to be prolonged but the overall stages remain the same. The healing process starts with mild discomfort, bleeding, redness, and swelling for two to three days that gradually subside (1). The wounded skin continues to heal for about 6 to 8 weeks but can vary depending on the individual’s skin type and aftercare methods as well.

Dee-Dee Michelle, a Youtuber, shared her personal healing encounter with a new snake eyes piercing. She said, “So the first day, it was pretty swollen, the first two days actually. The ball kept coming out on this side when I was at work and so I had to keep twisting it, which was weird because it was so swollen (i).”

It is ideal to emphasize on the aftercare methods as they contribute majorly in achieving optimal results and an infection-free piercing. So, keep reading to learn some tips you can keep in mind post getting a new snake eyes piercing.

Aftercare For A Snake Eyes Piercing

A good aftercare plan can help prevent the risk of skin infections and other complications usually associated with a new piercing. Here are some simple tips to keep in mind:

  • Use A Saline Solution: Rinse the new piercing with a saline solution twice a day to reduce initial swelling and promote quicker healing (2).
  • Avoid Certain Foods/Drinks: Refrain from consuming spicy or hot foods that may cause irritation to the sensitive pierced skin and delay the healing process. Alcohol should be avoided as well as it can damage the delicate tissues of the open wound.
  • Maintain Oral Hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene with gentle brushing and using an alcohol-free, antibacterial mouthwash is also important to prevent bacterial infection.
  • Refrain From Touching: Do not disturb the new piercing by constantly touching it, as it can lead to a delay in the healing process and cause additional stress. Try to avoid any oral activities, such as kissing, until the skin heals completely.
  • Check Regularly For Infections: Carefully check for signs of infection, such as, increased redness, swelling, or yellow discharge, and seek professional help accordingly.

Another tip to prevent the risk of complications is to clean your new snake eyes piercing carefully. Check out the section below as we walk you through the easy instructions.

How To Clean A Snake Eyes Piercing

  1. Wash your hands with a mild, antibacterial soap. Use gloves if needed.
  2. Then mix half a teaspoon of non-iodized sea salt with one cup of warm water to create a saline solution.
  3. Soak a clean cotton swab in the saline solution. Remove the excess water and apply on the pierced area.
  4. Carefully wipe the snake eyes piercing, removing any dirt. Avoid applying excess pressure or movement while wiping.
  5. Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water to get rid of any residue.
  6. Follow the above steps twice daily to promote optimal healing and prevent risks of infection.

A common struggle that you are bound to come across with a fresh snake eyes piercing is eating. Scroll down to read some simple tips you can follow to make the process easier!

How To Eat With A New Snake Eyes Piercing

Surely eating with a new snake eyes piercing is a task but the below easy tips are guaranteed to help you.

  • Opt for soft foods like oatmeal pudding, mushy cereal in milk, and porridge.
  • Cut the food in manageable, bite-size pieces.
  • Chew slowly, ensuring not to accidentally bite on the tongue.
  • Avoid hot or spicy foods that may irritate the sensitive pierced skin.
  • Avoid carbonated and alcoholic beverages.
  • Rinse the mouth with saline solution or mouthwash post eating to maintain good oral hygiene.

Youtuber Dee-Dee Michelle also talked about her eating experience with the fresh tongue piercing. She noted, ‘It was so freaking painful to eat… For the first two days, for eating… I wanted to touch it because it would hurt, so I would have to break off pieces and whatever I am eating and put it in the back of my mouth (i).’

Apart from the difficulty in eating, there are many other disadvantages (and, of course, advantages too) that come with a snake eyes piercing. Discover them in the section below.

Pros And Cons Of A Snake Eyes Piercing


  • Minimal Interference: It does not interfere much with daily oral activities like brushing as much as some other tongue piercings.
  • Symmetrical Appeal: The piercing placement at the tip of the tongue creates a symmetrical effect and makes it more visually appealing.


  • Challenging Aftercare: The unique tongue placement requires diligent aftercare routine. Proper oral hygiene should be maintained to prevent any complications.
  • Oral Health Impact: The snake eyes piercing can cause an increase in saliva production and even lead to tooth damage with the jewelry piece clanking against your teeth.

One of the major cons of this piercing are the risks that come with it. Learn more about them in the section below.

Risks Of A Snake Eyes Piercing

  • Infected Snake Eye Piercing: An infected snake eye piercing will show symptoms like swelling, redness, and pus. The infection can arise due thriving bacteria in the mouth caused by bad oral hygiene. Ensure to clean your mouth regularly with a saline solution and consult a doctor or professional piercer if the problem persists.
  • Swollen Snake Eyes Piercing: Excessive inflammation and continued discomfort can be experienced with a new snake eyes piercing. Factors like inadequate aftercare, improper technique, or jewelry irritation can contribute to the inflammation. A recent study about oral piercing complications also reported swelling experienced by 41 patients after getting freshly pierced (3).
  • Snake Eyes Piercing Rejection: As a natural response of the body in keeping foreign objects out, piercing rejection can take place. Ensure to watch out for signs like excessive pain, swelling, migration, uneven healing, and piercing bump.
  • Snake Eyes Piercing Speech Impediment: As the piercing is located on the tongue itself, it can interfere with its independent movement, thereby causing swelling, numbness, and a difficulty in speech.
  • Snake Eyes Piercing Tooth And Gum Damage: The horizontal placement of the piercing can lead to certain dental issues and overall oral damage over time. Constant friction against the teeth and gum may lead to enamel erosion and gum diseases like gum recession and bleeding gums. Recent research suggests that complications like tooth fracture can also occur with a tongue piercing (4).

Now that you have read through the pain scale, healing process, aftercare tips, pros and cons, and risks, let us get to the real make or break factor of this piercing – its cost!

How Much Does A Snake Eyes Piercing Cost?

Typically, a snake eyes piercing can cost anything between 40 to 80 dollars. However, there are certain factors that can affect its price, such as the piercing studio’s location, expertise of the piercer, material of the jewelry piece, and additional services like aftercare products.

  • It is recommended to get this piercing done by a skilled piercer with years of experience under their belt. An amateur piercer may cause mistakes that lead to serious consequences. But getting a skilled piercer will cost more owing to their expertise, hygienic practices, and busy schedule.
  • A reputable piercing studio will also cost more since they have expert piercers and follow the highest hygiene and safety standards.
  • The cost may increase if you request to use a numbing cream to soothe discomfort.
  • Low quality material may be cheap, however they increase the risk of complications through allergic reactions, storage of bacteria, and breaking before the piercing is healed. High-quality material, though expensive, reduces the chance of these risks.
  • If you want to buy aftercare products recommended by your piercer at the studio itself or buy their custom products, the price can increase.

It is always suggested to confirm the price with your local piercing shop before making an appointment. Also, these prices do not include post-piercing check ups.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Occasionally suck on ice chips to reduce inflammation during the initial healing process.

Inquiring about the cost is only the first step. You also need to decide on the ideal style and material of jewelry before you get a snake eyes piercing. Read about it in detail below.

Best Jewelry For A Snake Eyes Piercing

The most common and ideal type of jewelry for a snake eyes piercing is the curved barbell with two rounded studs on each end. There are numerous jewelry options that you can opt for like delicate studs, curved barbells, and jewelry pieces featuring gemstones like diamonds or opals. For the material, invest in something that is hypoallergenic such as, gold, stainless steel, titanium, niobium, and surgical steel. It is recommended to not use low quality or allergen-causing materials such as nickel. A recent study also reported how the majority of the patients with piercings reacted more to nickel than any other jewelry material (5).

While choosing the right jewelry for your snake eyes piercing is crucial, selecting the ideal size is also important in achieving optimal healing and for overall comfort.

Snake Eyes Piercing Size

Choosing the right size of jewelry for a new snake eye piercing is important for comfort and healing. The gauge size of your piercing determines its thickness; the higher the gauge size, the thinner the barbell. Choosing a thin barbell may cause the piercing to close off, while a very thick one can prevent the skin from healing altogether. Typically, a 14-gauge barbell to 16-gauge straight barbell is suitable. Ensure your jewelry is not too tight to allow for proper movement and to prevent possible complications during the healing process.

While a snake eyes piercing offers a stylish and edgy look, it demands careful consideration and aftercare too. The selection of an experienced piercer, appropriate jewelry size, and commitment to meticulous hygiene are important. This unique piercing, located on the tip of the tongue, requires patience during the healing process as well. Remember to keep an eye out for signs of infection and immediately consult a doctor if you notice them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can snake eyes piercings paralyze you?

While there is no scientific research to prove that snake eyes piercings can paralyze you, it is suggested to keep in mind that there are certain risks associated with it. Infection or nerve damage (in rare cases) can occur, leading to severe consequences.

What is the difference between frog eyes piercing and snake eyes piercing?

Frog eyes and snake eyes piercing vary in location. While a snake eyes piercing is a single horizontal piercing on the tip of the tongue, frog eyes involve two higher piercings, resembling the eyes of a frog.

Can you kiss with snake eyes piercings?

It is recommended to refrain from kissing during the initial healing stage to avoid any excess pressure on the piercing. Once completely healed you can indulge in the act, keeping in mind your partner’s comfort level. Remember to use gentle movements and ensure proper oral hygiene.

What is the difference between snake bites and snake eyes piercing?

The two piercings differ in style and placement. A snake bite piercing features dual lip piercings on each side of the lower lip, while a snake eyes piercing refers to a single piercing placed horizontally on the tip of the tongue.

How do you hide a snake eye tongue piercing?

You can conceal a snake eye tongue piercing by opting for a flat disc or clear retainers that help minimize its visibility.

Key Takeaways

  • A snake eyes piercing refers to a single piercing done horizontally on the tip of the tongue.
  • Its healing period can be longer than the usual tongue piercings and can last between 6 to 8 weeks.
  • Certain foods like hot and spicy foods should be avoided during the healing stage.
  • Opt for hypoallergenic jewelry materials for your new piercing like gold, stainless steel, surgical steel, titanium, and niobium.

While snake eyes piercing offers an edgy statement with its unique tongue placement it comes along with various oral complications as well. To learn more about this piercing from a personal experience, check out the video below.

Personal Experience: Source


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  3. Oral and dental complications of intra-oral piercing
  4. Complications of body piercing
  5. Ear piercing as a risk factor for contact allergy to nickel
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Pahul Nanra
Pahul NanraBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Pahul Nanra is a content writer with a penchant for all things fashion and beauty. She has two years of experience in writing across beauty and lifestyle genres. She is an English Honors graduate from Delhi University with a diploma in Fashion Designing from YMCA.

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Anjali Sayee
Anjali SayeeAssociate Editor
Anjali is an associate editor at StyleCraze. She specializes in hairstyles and hair and skin care and has written over 200 articles in these domains. She has 7 years of experience, and her philosophy about hair and skin care is simple: if you love and care for it, it will be healthy.

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Aparna Harry
Aparna HarryBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Aparna Harry is a beauty and lifestyle content writer with over three years of experience in writing for different genres. She has a master’s degree in English Literature from The English And Foreign Languages University and a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Mysore.

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