10 Benefits Of Star Fruit, Nutrition, Recipes, & Side Effects

Packed with vitamins B and C, and fiber, this fruit aids metabolism, detoxifies the body, and more.

Medically reviewed by Silky Mahajan, CSN, CDE Silky Mahajan Silky MahajanCSN, CDE facebook_iconinsta_icon
Written by , MSc (Biotechnology), Certified Diet & Nutrition Coach Varsha Patnaik MSc (Biotechnology), Certified Diet & Nutrition Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 2 years
Edited by , BSc, Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition and Health Ravi Teja Tadimalla BSc, Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition and Health linkedin_icon Experience: 10 years
Fact-checked by , MSc (Biotechnology), Certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach Payal Karnik MSc (Biotechnology), Certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 2.5 years
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The star fruit may not be visually appealing, but it is replete with benefits. A native to the tropical countries of South-East Asia, the star fruit often gets side-tracked because of its appearance. What it lacks in appearance, it compensates it with a whole host of benefits. Keep scrolling to understand the medical and health benefits the exotic yet humble-looking star fruit possesses.

protip_icon Know Your Ingredient: Star Fruit

What Is It?
A star-shaped tropical sweet and sour fruit that is yellow and green in color.

What Are Its Benefits?
It detoxifies the body, promotes sleep, and helps improve digestion, heart, and respiratory health.

Who Can Consume It?
All except people with diabetes or kidney-related issues.

How Often?
People can consume around 31-75 mg a day.

Consumption of an unripe star fruit can cause vomiting and stomach discomfort.

What Is A Star Fruit?

Star fruit salad
Image: Shutterstock

Star fruit, which also goes by the name of carambola, is generally grown in regions with tropical climatic conditions. You can find this fruit grown in abundant quantities in countries, such as India, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Originally, this fruit is native to Malaysia and belongs to the Oxalidaceae family. When this fruit is cut horizontally, the shape resembles that of a star and hence the name “star” fruit (1).

Now that you know what a star fruit is, let’s understand its taste and flavor profile.

When the star fruit is unripe, it has a dark green color. As it ripens, the green color begins to fade away and it starts turning yellow, which means it’s ready for consumption. The star fruit is generally fleshy, with a bit of a crunchy texture and a sweet and tangy taste.

Kristine Kopechanski, a blogger, tried the star fruit for the first time and found its taste indistinguishable. She states in one of her blog posts, “Even after tasting many pieces, I could not figure out what the taste was (i)!” Kristine further mentions that she did not like it at first and adds, “I found it strange and I was pretty disappointed; but after eating a few more pieces, I found myself starting to like the strange taste, most likely because it was like nothing I had tasted before.”

So how to eat star fruit? If you are someone that loves sour and tangy flavors, you can eat the star fruit when it’s raw. If you do not like to eat fruits and you prefer them in juice form, you can make a refreshing glass of star fruit juice. For the health-conscious people who enjoy making a variety of salads, try adding this fruit to your salad for a fun experience (2). Scroll down to know more about the carambola benefits.

protip_icon Fun Fact
Carambola is said to have been derived from the Portuguese language. It means “food appetizer”.

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Star Fruit

Star fruit smoothie
Image: Shutterstock

Apart from being an exotic and tasty fruit, the star fruit has numerous health benefits as it is rich in vitamin C. It is also known to be a good source of fiber, has astringent properties, is rich in antioxidants, and is hypoglycemic (3). It is also used in traditional ayurvedic medicine for its ability to aid digestion and cooling properties (4).

protip_icon Fun Fact
There are two main types of star fruits distinguished by their color and shape. One is a green sour small fruit, while the other is yellowish, larger, and much sweeter. You also get hybrid variations that are colored orange (with white spots) and reddish orange.

Here Are The Top 10 Health Benefits Of Star Fruit

1. Rich Source Of Vitamins B And C

Star fruits are a rich source of vitamins B and C and gallic acid. These vitamins and minerals are essential for maintaining and improving your immune system. They also help in improving the health of your hair and protect your skin from UV damage (5).

2. Good Source Of Fiber

Soluble fiber which is essential for the smooth functioning of your digestive system is found in the star fruit. In addition to soluble fiber, the star fruit also contains insoluble dietary fiber that prevents the absorption of LDL Cholesterol in the intestinal lining, thereby reducing the risk of heart issues and obesity (6).

3. Low In Calories And Sugar

Star fruit is ideal for those who like to have a low calorie and low carb-based diet as it contains very low sugar levels and can be consumed by people with diabetes or on a weight loss regimen.

A medium star fruit that may weigh around 100 grams will contain a little over 6 grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams of sugar. (7)

4. Prevents Inflammation

The high levels of antioxidants present in star fruit give it anti-inflammatory properties that help alleviate the symptoms of inflammatory skin disorders such as psoriasis and dermatitis (8).

5. Helps In Improving Digestion And Metabolism

Person with a healthy digestive system after consuming star fruit
Image: IStock

The presence of riboflavin and folic acid helps in regulating your metabolism (6). Star fruit is rich in dietary fiber, which aids in bulk formation and smooth bowel movement. It also has gut-friendly and anti-inflammatory properties and cleanses toxins and bacteria from the gut, helps in better nutrient absorption, and improves digestive health.

6. Detoxifies Your Body

Star fruits have diuretic properties that help in expelling excess amounts of water and toxins from your body. This fruit helps in cleansing your liver and kidneys. However, studies have shown that people with pre-existing kidney conditions should avoid consuming star fruit as it causes renal issues (9). An experiment conducted to observe the anti-cancer properties of star fruit extract showed that it protects liver cells in rats against liver cancer (10).

7. Anti-ulcer Properties

In traditional medicine such as Ayurveda, the extracts of the star fruit have been used in the treatment of stomach ulcers. Its extracts contain terpenoidsi  A class of organic chemicals in plants that have wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties. , flavonoids, and mucilagei  A thick edible substance found in plants that contain various potent compounds and are often used in medicines. that help in treating ulcers (4). The cooling and anti-inflammatory properties of the star fruit are helpful in alleviating eyesores. Making a salve of the fruit and applying it to your eyes will do the trick (5). The presence of vitamin C, gallic acid, and epicatechini  A type of flavonoid that acts as an antioxidant and cleanses inflammation-causing toxins from the body. help in the treatment of mouth ulcers (11).

8. Improves Respiratory Health

A prototypical study was conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of combining star fruit juice with honey on participants who had Chronic Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The study concluded this combination along with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents can alleviate COPD and help improve respiratory issues (12).

9. Improves Heart Health

The star fruit has a whole host of nutrients that are beneficial for our health, especially potassium and sodium that are essential electrolytes that help in regulating blood pressure and cardiovascular health (13).

10. Improves Sleep

If you are having trouble getting a good night’s sleep, look no further than the star fruit as it contains magnesium, a mineral known to promote sleep. The magnesium present in the star fruit helps in activating the chemical Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) that helps induce sleep (14).

11. May Improve Hair Health

Star fruit possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may promote hair health. Antioxidants like vitamin C and beta carotene found in star fruit help with iron absorption (15). This may potentially reduce hair loss. In addition, this fruit is also a good source of zinc (15). Some research suggests that zinc may help treat alopecia areata and promote recovery of the hair follicles (16). Deficiency of micronutrients like iron, vitamin C, and zinc was also found to increase the risk of hair loss and alopecia (17). However, more direct scientific research linking star fruit to hair health is warranted.

Star fruit also contains 91% water, which makes it a good and healthy option during hot and humid summers.

Nutritional Facts of Star Fruit

The simple yet amazing star fruit often gets side-stepped due to its appearance. However, you do not judge a book by its cover, exterior of the fruit in this case. The humble-looking star fruit is loaded with vitamins and macronutrients. The table below provides the nutritional value of star fruit.

Minerals Found In Star Fruit.

Mineral Amount (mg/100g of fruit*)
Sodium3.8 – 3.85
Potassium167.13 – 6.40
Calcium6.37 – 6.40
Potassium167.13 – 6.40
Phosphorous17.87 – 17.88
Magnesium11.85 – 12.05
Iron0.34 – 0.45
Copper0.19 – 0.45
Zinc0.29 – 0.51
Manganese0.04 – 0.52
*On a dry weight basis (3).

Vitamins Found In Star Fruit

Name Amount (mg/100g star fruit)*
Carotene0.003 – 0.55
Tartaric acid4.37
Oxalic acid9.6
Ketoglutaric acid2.2
Citric acid1.32
Vitamin B1 & B20.12
Vitamin C25.8
*On a dry weight basis (3).

Varieties Of Star Fruits

There are two main varieties of star fruits, the smaller-sized fruits are tart in taste and the bigger and longer counterparts are sweet. Both of these fruits when unripe are dark green in color and during the ripening process their colors may vary from a bright yellow to golden or orange. The star fruit tastes best when it is allowed to ripen on the tree. The ripening will take 60-75 days based on the climatic conditions, irrigation practices, and the variety of the fruit.

When Is The Best Time To Eat Star Fruit?

Fruits when consumed during their season taste the best, this is applicable to the star fruit as well. Although star fruits are available all year round, their harvest season is from June to February. Production peaks from September to December.

How To Eat A Star Fruit?

To begin with, start by choosing a ripe star fruit. You can tell the difference between a ripe and unripe star fruit based on its color. Ripe ones are yellow in color and unripe ones are green, the flesh should ideally be firm to touch. If you’ve picked up an unripe fruit from the store, leave it on the counter for 2-3 days to ripen. Make sure you wash the fruit thoroughly before cutting it

How To Cut A Star Fruit?

  • Place the washed ripe fruit on your cutting board horizontally such that the ridges are facing up towards your fingers.
  • Cut the stem end of the fruit using a sharp knife.
  • Holding the fruit vertically on the cutting board make shallow cuts along each of the five ridges of the fruit.
  • Place the fruit horizontally on the cutting board and now slice it. The thickness of the slices is subject to your personal preference.
  • Remove the seeds and enjoy your star fruit.

If you do not want to go through the hassle of cutting the star fruit, you can also choose to eat it whole.

How To Store Your Star Fruit?

You can store your ripe star fruit at room temperature on your kitchen counter, fruit basket, or refrigerator for approximately a week. Under-ripe star fruit can be kept on the kitchen counter, fruit basket, or refrigerator for approximately four weeks. If your star fruit is overripe, it will turn to mush within a week, eat it before it becomes mushy.

Ways To Eat Star Fruit

Eating a star fruit is fairly simple- cut, wash it and eat it. However, if the MasterChef within you, decides to whip up a culinary treat, Here are a few ways in which you can eat the star fruit.

Adding It To Your Salad

Give your regular salad a nice twist by adding chopped-up star fruit. It will uplift the flavors and texture of your salad and leave you with a wonderful experience. This amazing fruit can be added to vegetarian, vegan, and chicken salads.

Add star fruit to your salad
Image: Shutterstock

Make A Fruit Punch

A star fruit punch is a refreshing drink on a hot summer afternoon. Here is a simple recipe that you can follow to make your own star fruit punch.

Make a fruit punch with star fruit
Image: Shutterstock

Ingredients Required.

  • 4 star fruits chopped into small pieces
  • ½ cup of pineapple juice
  • 3 tablespoons ginger syrup
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (1 medium-sized lemon can be used for juice)
  • 2 cups of crushed ice (you can use ice cubes if you do not have crushed ice)
  • ½ cup of lemon-flavored soda
  • 2-3 slices of star fruit for garnish (optional)
  • 2 glasses to serve


  1. In a blender add the pineapple juice and star fruit pieces and blend till it’s a smooth paste.
  2. Using a sieve, pour this mixture into 2 glasses.
  3. The residual solids can be discarded.
  4. To the sieved mixture add the ginger syrup and lemon juice and stir well and refrigerate for 45-60 minutes.
  5. Fill each of the 2 glasses with 1 cup of crushed ice and pour in the mixture.
  6. Add ¼ cup of lemon soda, garnish with star fruit slices and enjoy!

While the star fruit is a great fruit, it does have some side effects that you need to be aware of. Read through to find out.

Side Effects Of Eating Star Fruit

The star fruit undoubtedly is a tasty and delicious exotic fruit with a whole host of health benefits. However, there is a flip side to it as well. Studies have shown that people with pre-existing kidney or renal diseases should avoid eating star fruit as it causes nephrotoxicity due to the high oxalate content that is present in it. People on prescription medication should also avoid eating star fruit or should consult their doctor before consuming it (18).

If you have a diabetic condition, consuming star fruits in large quantities over a prolonged period may lead to renal complications. A study that analyzed two diabetic patients who developed severe renal failure after consuming star fruit juice as a remedy stated that this was the first-ever case of star fruit-induced nephrotoxicity. Given the limited sample size, the study concluded by stating that understanding the complete medical history, consumption habits and any other remedial medication being used by the patients prior to developing renal failure is imperative (9).

Infographic: Nutrition And Benefits Of Star Fruit

Star fruit, also known as carambola, is known for its sweet and tangy flavor. It is loaded with many beneficial nutrients. When consumed as a part of your regular diet, star fruit offers an array of health benefits.

Learn about the key nutrients in star fruit and the major benefits it offers from the following infographic. Check it out!

nutrition and benefits of star fruit (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Star fruit is a tropical Asian fruit popular for its unique appearance. This nutritionally rich crunchy fruit is packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Star fruit benefits range from promoting digestive health to reducing inflammation in the body. In addition, it may help boost immunity, heart, and respiratory health. You can reap the benefits of star fruit by adding it to your salads and juices or eating it raw. Star fruit has health-promoting properties but can also be harmful in excess. So, limit your consumption and reap the benefits of this delicious Asian fruit (19).

Frequently Asked Questions

Is star fruit a superfood?

Star fruit is considered to be a superfood due to its rich nutrient profile and wide range of health benefits. It is low in calories and high in fiber and vitamins, most notably, vitamin C.

Is star fruit good for pregnancy?

Yes, starfruit is great for pregnant women as it may help boost immunity as well as relieve constipation, a common issue in pregnancy. However, consume starfruit in moderation if you are pregnant to avoid the risk of any adverse effects.

Is star fruit good for kidney stones?

No. Star fruit is high in oxalic acid, which is positively associated with the formation of kidney stones. In fact, individuals with kidney issues should avoid consuming star fruit as it may further damage the organs and induce nephrotoxicity.

Key Takeaways

  • Also known as carambola, star fruit is commonly grown in places that have tropical climatic conditions.
  • Star fruit is a rich source of vitamins B and C.
  • Star fruit’s high levels of antioxidants help prevent inflammation.

Illustration: Benefits Of Star Fruit Nutrition Recipes & Side Effects

Benefits of Star Fruit_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

Learn everything about the starfruit from this YouTuber who grows this fruit tree on her property. Watch this video to get an insight into the flavor and other characteristics of starfruit along with some enjoyable recipes!

Personal Experience: Source


Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.

  1. Averrhoa Carambola: An Updated Review
  2. Starfruit: A fruit for healthy life
  3. Nutritional And Medicinal Properties of Star Fruit (Averrhoa Carambola): A Review
  4. Nutritional and medicinal properties of Star fruit (Averrhoa carambola): A review
  5. The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health
  6. Impact Of Micronized Starfruit (Averrhoa Carambola L.) Fiber Concentrate On Lipid Metabolism In Mice.
  7. Nutritional Values of Star Fruit (Raw)
  8. Analysis of the Potential Topical Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Averrhoa carambola L. in Mice
  9. Star Fruit Toxicity: A Cause of Both Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease: A Report of Two Cases.
  10. Prophylactic Role of Averrhoa carambola (Star Fruit) Extract against Chemically Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Swiss Albino Mice
  11. A Preliminary Study on The Effects of Star Fruit Consumption on Antioxidant And Lipid Status In Elderly Thai Individuals
  12. Prototype “Star Fruit-Honey Product and Effectiveness on Antioxidants” Inflammation and Walking Distance in Participants with Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  13. The Role of Potassium and Sodium in Your Diet
  14. GABA Mechanisms And Sleep
  15. Nutritional and medicinal properties of Star fruit (Averrhoa carambola): A review
  16. The Therapeutic Effect and the Changed Serum Zinc Level after Zinc Supplementation in Alopecia Areata Patients Who Had a Low Serum Zinc Level
  17. The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Hair Loss: A Review
  18. “Star Fruit: Health Benefits” “Safety” Side Effects and Drug interactions.
  19. Status Epilepticus Induced By Star Fruit Intoxication In Patients With Chronic Renal Disease. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1059131105001470
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Silky Mahajan
Silky MahajanMSc, CSN, CDE
Silky has been practicing nutrition for more than 14 years and is an active member of the Indian Dietetics Association (IDA). She has a masters degree in nutrition and dietetics and is a Certified Sports Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Educator.

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Varsha Patnaik
Varsha PatnaikHealth & Wellness Writer
Varsha holds a master's degree in biotechnology from Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, and is a certified diet and nutrition coach with two years of experience. She combines her scientific knowledge and her passion for writing to produce research-backed content in the health and wellness domain.

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Ravi Teja Tadimalla
Ravi Teja TadimallaCo-Editor-in-Chief
Ravi Teja Tadimalla is a Co-Editor-in-Chief and a published author. He has been in the digital media field for over a decade. He graduated from SRM University, Chennai, and has a Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition & Research from Wageningen University.

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Payal Karnik
Payal KarnikSenior Health & Wellness Writer
Payal Karnik is a senior health and wellness writer and a Certified Health and Nutrition Life Coach. She is a biotechnology graduate from the University of Mumbai with a keen interest in writing and a natural curiosity for science.

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