Virgo And Virgo: Compatibility In Love, Sex, And Friendship

Learn how this pair can push each other to be the better version of themselves.

Reviewed by Mariett Ramm, Astrologer Mariett Ramm Mariett RammAstrologer facebook_icon
Written by , Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by , MA (English Literature) Madhumati Chowdhury MA (English Literature) linkedin_icon Experience: 7 years
Fact-checked by , MA Gracia Odile MA linkedin_icon Experience: 3 years
Last Updated on

Virgo is the sixth zodiac sign, ruled by Mercury. Those born between August 23 and September 22 fall under this sign air-mutable sign, which is also responsible for work, routine, health, and pets. Virgo and Virgo’s compatibility is solid since they excel in communication, which forms the foundation of any successful relationship.

Virgo has great observation skills and high intellect. They desire hard work and perfection. Furthermore, Virgos are highly detail-oriented and take a research-based approach in every area of their lives. In this article, we look into the compatibility between Virgo and Virgo in love, friendship, and more. Keep scrolling!

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Virgo is believed to have originated in ancient Egypt and is known as the Maiden of the Wheat Field as she is depicted holding a sickle and sheaves of grain. She is also associated with the goddess Isis for the same reason.

Friendship Compatibility Of Virgo And Virgo

If there’s one thing we can say with absolute certainty, it is that Virgos are supreme at communi-cation, thanks to them being ruled by Mercury. They are talkers and don’t shy away from voicing their criticisms or opinions to their peers. So, a Virgo will certainly understand their friend and talk to them in a pleasant and peaceful manner, making them extremely loyal and determined friends. Their need for perfection makes them highly organized individuals, thereby turning them into great roommates, business partners, and work buddies.

This friendship will be one of high standards because Virgos wants to understand the basics of life. Once they understand how relationships are formed and managed, they work on it efficiently and can make a success at it.

They will indulge in various activities with their partners to explore the best ways to make a relationship work. Intellectually, they need to try as many different activities as possible and make a success as they organize, plan, and construct every detail. The fact that Virgos tend to be highly organized will only help make their bond even stronger and harmonious.

Virgos are also great at picking up on subtle nuances and analyzing every gesture someone makes. This, paired with their unparalleled communication skills, helps them understand each other’s issues and talk about them openly, thereby resolving any issues that come forth.

Virgos generally do not want to control and have a unique approach to relationships. They have a deep analytical mindset and use their intellectual skills to make a relationship a success. If the two partners come from different backgrounds, they may have different ideas about what makes things work and they may look at the same thing through a different colored lens. Because Virgos are flexible in their approach unless having fixed elements in the birth chart, they learn to adapt the ideas of the other person and collaborate. Nevertheless, in some cases, they may be quick to dismiss each other’s ideas if they differ from their own. That being said, their disagreements may resolve quickly because they are smart enough to settle things peacefully once they master patience.

Being overly critical can also come between the peace and harmony of Virgos. Since Virgos criticizes too much, it is sure to leave the other feeling demotivated and upset. So, taking a more constructive stance rather than being criticized out loud can help diminish the harshness and avoid any conflicts.

Another factor that can affect the bond between Virgos is their insecurity. Virgos tend to be insecure, especially in strenuous situations. So, instead of encouraging each other, they may only end up creating a distance between them.

Virgo And Virgo Compatibility In Love

Virgos are highly detail-oriented and take a research-based approach in every area of their lives. This can either cause fireworks or be a total buzzkill for this love pairing. Virgos often approach love from an analytical perspective and carefully asses their feelings and the relationship dynamics.

When in love, a Virgo is practical, loyal, dependable, and wise. Virgos are highly sensitive beings, but they tend to keep their feelings to themselves. While Virgos may deeply love their partner, they might not always express it in grand or flashy ways. Their love often manifests through practical actions and thoughtful gestures. As a result, they may be really closed off in the beginning. It is common for them to keep things bottled up or resolve any issues immediately as they love being in control and their serving nature.

Annie, a blogger and a Virgo, shares her insights into relationships with other signs. She says, “So when it comes to relationships, I tend to keep a lot in and that goes for other Virgos as well. We won’t blurt out our love for you unless you ask us genuinely. We keep in feeling and emotions and have a nonchalant way of doing things or reacting to things. This gives us a cold disposition, and people end up thinking we are cold and mean (i).”

When two Virgos get together, it is important for them to be comfortable with their vulnerabilities, especially around each other. Additionally, they value their sense of stability, so they don’t bring their walls down so easily. They prefer taking their time to get to know each other before committing to a long-term relationship. So, a Virgo and Virgo pairing finds love at a slow pace.

A Virgo needs a partner who possesses a similar way of communication, and if they don’t, it leaves them feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Virgos usually foster an open and honest communication. While their communication skills are unparalleled, their need for perfection can create distance between Virgos and burn down the flame of romance and passion.

As they tend to be highly critical and appreciate order and organization in their lives, it is common for Virgos to be a bit high-maintenance. They may find comfort in a structured and predictable romantic life. Harsh criticism and comments may cause strife in their loving relationship, leaving the other thinking they cannot meet their partner’s standards. So, they need a partner who understands the language of love through criticism and a desire for order.

Because of their need-to-know-it-all attitude and communication skills, a Virgo and Virgo couple understands each other from the start. They not only push each other to do better but also do not back down from challenging each other throughout the course of their relationship.

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Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone from Gilmore Girls are virgos and married with two daughters. The couple share a great friendship and are partners at work as well.

Virgo And Virgo Sexual Compatibility

Virgo’s unmatched attention to detail makes them exceptional lovers. Their need to serve their partner to the best of their abilities makes them want to please each other in the bedroom. They focus on their partner’s pleasure and know their turn-ons. Thanks to their incomparable communication skills, they let each other know what they like in bed easily. They may compete a bit to see who can do the most for the other, but once they get the hang of it, it is a smooth ride.

Virgos may also experience some setbacks in their sex life. Their overly critiquing nature may cause them to look for faults, which can prove to be quite the dealbreaker when it comes to sex. Along with this, their need for perfection and the desire to please their partner in the best way possible may make them insecure in bed. This leaves them feeling tense and unsatisfied, often not knowing the reason behind it.

Now that we have covered the compatibility levels, take a look at the compatibility percentages of Virgo-Virgo couples.

Virgo And Virgo Compatibility Percentage

Virgo and Virgo’s partnerships are often marked by a high degree of compatibility, given their shared traits and values. In communication and intellect, their compatibility can soar as high as 80%, as they understand and value each other’s perspectives. Emotionally and romantically, they hover around 50% due to their reserved nature, but with effort, this can improve. When it comes to shared values and life goals, their compatibility hits 70%, as both partners often align on the essentials. Their mutual interests may contribute to about 90%, given their common preferences for quality and substance in activities. Overall, Virgo-Virgo couples have a high compatibility percentage and the potential for a stable and harmonious relationship.

Now that you know all about Virgo and Virgo compatibility in friendship, love, sex, and percentages, learn about their pros and cons.

Pros Of Virgo And Virgo Compatibility

  • They Are Exceptionally Loyal

If there’s one thing that we can say for certain, it is that loyalty is a given with an Earth sign like Virgo. Their true and honest nature, paired with their need to be of service, makes them highly trustworthy partners. So, cheating on each other is out of the question.

  • They Resolve Conflicts Easily

Virgos avoid dwelling on things and holding grudges. Instead, they believe in talking, analyzing, and resolving issues and moving on from them. This is ideal for keeping a relationship going strong for a long time. However, it is important to note that this is not always the case. There is a possibility for conflict resolution if both partners are open to communicating.

  • They Work Hard On Their Relationship

Their hard-working and attentive nature makes Virgos work hard for their partner’s happiness and well-being. They leave no stone unturned when it comes to making an effort in their relationship and give their 100% all the time.

Cons Of Virgo And Virgo Compatibility

  • They Can Be Overly Critical

Virgos can be very critical of themselves as well as others. They also have high standards. So, it is possible that their significant other may struggle with opening up to them about various issues. This can have a negative effect on their relationship.

  • Their Relationship May Be Exhausting

Virgos strive for perfection and demand the same from their partner. But, wanting too much from their partner can cause a strain in their relationship, thereby making it incredibly exhausting. Compatibility issues pop up when their partner falls short of their expectations.

  • They Think Too Much

A little bit of worrying is fine, but overthinking and worrying all the time can ruin a relationship. Virgos tend to let their anxious nature get the best of them, mostly because they have an analyti-cal mind. So, even if they don’t have anything serious to worry about, they let their imagination go wild and build worst-case scenarios in their head.

When a Virgo and another Virgo fall in love or form a relationship, they create a genuine bond without allowing outside influences to interfere. They respect each other’s privacy and are not afraid to express their love, concerns, and desires to one another, making them a very compatible and successful couple. Their need for perfection makes them highly organized people who make excellent housemates, business partners, and coworkers. Virgo and Virgo compatibility can be amazing as long as both partners are willing to slow down, take time to understand each other, and reign in their criticisms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are two Virgos soulmates?

Two Virgos make a good match considering they have many shared interests and can push each other to be the better version of themselves. Therefore, there are chances of them being soulmates. However, we cannot decide on a soulmate just by looking at sun signs. It is important to consider other factors such as beliefs, compatibility, and interests.

Can Virgo marry Virgo?

A Virgo can marry another Virgo since they share the same qualities. Of course, they encounter conflicts in their marriage, but marriage challenges are inevitable. All they need to be is committed to the relationship to sustain their marriage.

Key Takeaways

  • Virgos are great communicators and very loyal friends, but they may sometimes get too critical.
  • Virgo and Virgo compatibility in love will either burn in a never-ending flame or die out tragically.
  • When it comes to sex, Virgos have a need to satisfy each other’s needs leading to explosive passion.
  • Virgos are keen on making every relationship work and strive to be excellent, which may exhaust the bond.

Uncover astrological insights for Virgo pairs in this video. It explores the dynamics between this pair, regardless of gender, as well as the potential challenges of Virgo-Virgo relationships and how to get along. Click play to find out more!

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Mariett Ramm
Mariett RammAstrologer
Mariett Ramm is a seasoned astrologer with over 30 years of experience, renowned for her unique blend of analytical prowess, intuitive insights, and profound understanding of evolutionary astrology. She has authored three bestselling multi-genre books that have established her as an authority in the astrological community.

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Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha has a master's degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad, a professional Relationship Coach diploma, and over four years of experience in writing. She writes about relationships and lifestyle.Sneha began her career as an instructional designer, shifted to freelance technical and research writing, and self-published a novella on the theme of adolescent mental health.

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Madhumati Chowdhury
Madhumati ChowdhuryAssociate Editor
Madhumati is an associate editor with seven years of professional experience. She has previously worked as an editor, proofreader, and a writer with various organizations, helping her navigate through the various facets of content creation and refinement with ease.

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Gracia Odile
Gracia OdileBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Gracia Odile is a teacher-turned-beauty and lifestyle writer with three years of professional experience. She has a bachelor's degree in English from St. Stephen's College, a master's in Anthropology from the University of Madras, and a degree in education from GGSIPU.

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