Who Is A Sigma Male? Personality, Benefits, & Drawbacks

Dominant, introverted, and influential – these traits make this sign stand out from the crowd.

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Written by , Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
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Introverted alpha males are known to have a sigma male personality. They are also called lone wolves. Sigma males are dominant, influential, good-looking, and prefer to be alone. In this article, we talk in detail about the sigma male personality, their personality traits, benefits of this personality type, and its drawbacks, among other related things. Continue reading to know the answer to “What is a sigma male?”

What Is Sigma Male Personality?

What is sigma male personality
Image: Shutterstock

A Sigma male is an introverted alpha male without a pack. They are the men you would call “lone wolves.” It is a new addition to the personality hierarchy dominated by alpha males. They are successful, good-looking, dominant, and influential but tend to be loners. Some common examples of sigma males in popular culture include John Maclane (the badass cop from The Die Hard series), and John Wick (the assassin from the movie series played by Keanu Reeves, who is also considered a sigma male).

If you wonder about the origin of this imaginary personality or social hierarchy, and how sigma male differ from alpha males, we have explained it below.

The Wolf Pack Personality Theory

These personality traits came from the Wolf Pack Theory (which was later debunked). In 1947, animal behaviorist Rudolph Schenkel published a study called “Expressions Studies on Wolves,” which stated that alpha wolves lead the pack. However, the study was based on the traits of captive wolves. In his book Brave New World published in 1932, Aldous Huxley stated that humans needed to follow a similar social hierarchy as animals for stability and happiness in society (1). He further segregated each person based on social rank and character traits into alpha, beta, gamma, epsilon, or moron males. Since then, humans have categorized males (and sometimes females) under similar terminology.

However, wildlife biologist L. David Mech debunked the theory after studying wolves in the wild. According to him, wolves do not have any sense of rank, and they are not born leaders or followers. Wolves live in families, and the “alphas” are the parents whom the offspring follows (2).

Even though the theory was debunked, the imaginary concept of alpha and sigma males stuck around. It further gained traction with popular culture and is considered a tool to stereotype men and trigger their insecurities about masculinity. Let’s take a look at how sigma men are positioned in the socio-sexual hierarchy.

The Role Of Sigma Male In The Socio-Sexual Hierarchy

The role of sigma male in the socio-sexual hierarchy

The socio-sexual hierarchy was created by Theodore Robert Beale, also known as Vox Day, an American far-right activist and writer. It segregates people based on their behavioral patterns. According to the hierarchy, there are six different personality types:

  • Alphas: They are natural leaders, dominant, extroverted, charismatic, and a tad aggressive.
  • Sigmas: They are introverts who don’t play by social rules. People with the sigma personality type are at par with alphas, except that they don’t stay in a group. They are not aggressive and keep to themselves.
  • Betas: They are the seconds-in-command to the alpha. They are passive and follow the alpha’s order.
  • Deltas: They are hardworking men with self-esteem issues. They tend to come across as insecure in relationships.
  • Gammas: They may have narcissistic traits and often come across as egotistical and abusive. They do not take orders well.
  • Omegas: Omega males are introverted and intelligent, with emotional baggage. They tend to be clingy and needy in relationships.

Sigmas and alphas are at par with each other, but there are quite a few differences that set them apart.

Sigma Males Vs. Alpha Males

Sigma MalesAlpha Males
Not a part of the hierarchyLead the social hierarchy
Tend to be lonersTend to be leaders of the pack
Don’t want to appease the alpha and are unbothered by how people perceive them. They are not community people.Thrive on building community and take responsibility

Sigma males do not stick around in a group long enough to be a part of them. They believe the smarter decision is to work by themselves and that a team or group comes with too many responsibilities and voices. But what is a sigma personality type like? Read on to know some of the classic traits of a sigma male.

Character Traits Of A Sigma Male

Sigma male
Image: Shutterstock
  • They Are Introverted: A sigma male tends to keep to himself. While he may join groups occasionally, he does not stick around for long. If they have something to tell you, they will, but they will be off by themselves otherwise.

Lindo Shandu, in his blog, talks about Sigma male or female. Speaking from personal experience, he shares, “I once had a girl (not a girlfriend) who used to pay me a visit every single day, and as much as I liked and enjoyed her company, sometimes I felt like she wasn’t giving me any space to breathe (i).”

  • They May Be Dominant: Sigma males have a commanding presence like alpha males. But where alpha males may be loud or friendly, sigmas tend to be reserved and quiet. Sigma males will have leadership roles, but they lead their team without being overly friendly.
  • They Are Influential: Much like the alpha, the sigma male is also very influential. They tend to help set goals in any group. They are adaptable and do not conform to society’s standards. They set their own rules.
  • They Are Successful: Sigmas are successful. However, they may not be team players. Even when they are part of a group or team, they tend to go off and do their own thing. But they consistently achieve their goals, are determined, self-sufficient, driven, and focused.

Scroll down to the next section to learn about some all-time famous Sigma males.

Famous Sigma Males

Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves
Image: Shutterstock

One of the most well-known celebrities is labeled as a sigma male. The actor is perceived to be an enigmatic person and is known for his humility and sense of independence.

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs
Image: Shutterstock

The co-founder of Apple Inc., is known for his innovative, path-breaking, and unconventional approach to the field of technology and design. Also, he had unique and remarkable leadership skills which were widely recognized and appreciated across the world.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk
Image: Shutterstock

The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is known for his ambition, independent thinking, and ability to challenge conventional norms. His work in the field of space and electric vehicles is hugely appreciated and has brought him immense success.

Harry Styles

Harry Styles
Image: Shutterstock

The singer, musician, and actor who started his career with the band ‘One Direction’ is known for his eccentric personality and unique take on music, fashion, and gender neutrality.

protip_icon Quick Tip

The Sigma man has a penchant for playing with fire. He’s not a troublemaker or a lawbreaker, but he’s not afraid to cross the line. He doesn’t do this to brag or prove a point. Instead, he has a valid justification that accords with his viewpoint.

If you are wondering how to be a sigma male, these are the major personality traits that you can incorporate into your personality.

However, each personality type has its benefits and drawbacks. Here are the benefits and drawbacks of being a sigma male.

Benefits Of The Sigma Male Lifestyle

  1. They Lead Their Way: Sigma males choose their own way rather than following someone’s lead. They do what makes them happy. Living like this comes with freedom without obligations to other people or circumstances.
  2. They Are Not Tied Down: Being a sigma male does not come with the responsibilities like an alpha. They are not held back by family, tribe, a home, or commitments. They do not have to make decisions with other people in mind.
  3. They Are Clear-Headed: Sigma men know what they want and go for it. Since others do not impact their goals and desires, they go all out to achieve them.
  4. They Are Not Dramatic: They don’t want emotional baggage and tend to steer clear of people and drama. They avoid building relationships with too many people.

Sigmas have qualities that most women find attractive. They lay out what they want from the relationship and do not make false promises. They are not clingy or needy and are confident, attractive, and mysterious.

Drawbacks Of The Sigma Male Lifestyle

Sigma male
Image: Shutterstock
  1. They Are Loners: Sigmas are introverted men who do not like to mingle with people and form bonds with many. Most people tend to think that they are lonely, but sigmas do not feel the same way.
  2. They Are Commitment-Phobic: Most sigma men stay away from a full-fledged relationship because they do not want to commit. Committing to someone comes with responsibilities and being a part of a group of friends and family. This goes against the introverted and loner mentality of the sigma. Sigmas may also come across as emotionally unavailable.

Given these drawbacks, you may think women may not prefer sigma males. On the contrary, they find them attractive. Let’s explore this in the next section.

Do Women Prefer Sigma Men?

Do women prefer sigma men
Image: Shutterstock

Most women are attracted to mysterious men, which gives sigma males an edge. They think that they may make a sigma male commit and are often attracted to them.

Sigma males don’t feel the need to commit to a relationship altogether. They leave the relationship whenever they want to. Most sigmas are completely honest with women about what they want. This comes across as self-confidence to most women, and that is a character trait women like.

Man ignoring woman
Image: Shutterstock

Sigma males are mysterious, charming, attractive, and loners. They are difficult to tie down. In a way, they are rebellious as they go their own way. However, sigma males often never stick to one woman since companionship comes with baggage. Sigma males are mostly not looking to form a strong emotional bond with their partners. They just want a good time. A sigma male may be the most compatible with a sigma female since they have similar personalities and goals.

Infographic: The Sigma Male Personality

Not all sigma males might be the same. Many of them may be exceptions to the typical sigma male rules. However, a few distinct characteristics set them apart from other personalities. Check out the infographic below for a summarized breakdown of their personality traits.

the sigma male personality (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

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There isn’t a specific zodiac sign that a male Sigma belongs to. However, a sigma male’s personality is defined by the characteristics of particular zodiac signs. Several zodiac signs, including Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn, have the natural traits of a sigma male.

If you see a man who is an introvert, a bit dominant, influential, and successful, you will know they are a sigma man. It is good that they can lead and are clear-headed, but they may not be okay with commitments. Well, it is their mysterious nature that often draws women towards them. Also, we cannot deny that they can be charming, too. They can be very interesting men, though mostly, they are loners. This article on the sigma male personality will help you identify this person better.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are sigma males calm?

Although sigma males maintain a calm composure on the surface, they are conscious of their surroundings and always observe.

What do sigma males look for in a woman?

Since one of the main reasons sigma males detest taking responsibility for other people, if they ever feel the need of a companion, they’d want them to be responsible, self-assured, and independent. And because they usually are not the settling type, if they choose to partner up with someone, it is a huge commitment they will take seriously and expect the same from their partner.

What makes a sigma male happy?

Sigma males are supposedly never in need of anything to make them happy as they are self-sufficient in caring for all their needs. They would make arrangements for themselves before anyone realizes they need to do something for them.

Key Takeaways

  • A sigma male is a man who is autonomous and nonconformist and one who does not fit into cultural or traditional gender stereotypes.
  • They may not exist on the conventional alpha-beta spectrum and are frequently misconstrued.
  • Self-reliance, independence, and a strong sense of identity are some characteristics shared by sigma males.
  • One of the difficulties that sigma guys may encounter is trying to fit in with cultural norms and traditional gender roles.
  • They encourage people to embrace their uniqueness and be proud of who they are; they are different from traditional alpha and beta males and should not be compared to them.

Illustration: Who Is A Sigma Male? Personality Traits Benefits And Drawbacks Explained

Sigma Male Personality

Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

Have you ever felt like you don’t quite fit in with the traditional alpha or beta male stereotypes? You might just be a sigma male. Check out this video to know more.

Personal Experience: Source


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  1. Masculinity femininity and leadership: Taking a closer look at the alpha female
  2. Alpha status dominance and division of labor in wolf packs
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Hemali AdhiyaICF Certified Relationship Coach
Hemali is an ICF-Certified ACC Level Life Coach with 3 years of experience in relationship, marriage, and grief coaching. Her sessions aim to bring about transformation in her clients’ lives, perspectives, and relationships.

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Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
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Shatabdi BhattacharyaAssociate Editor
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Gazala Firdos Ansari
Gazala Firdos AnsariBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Gazala Ansari is a beauty and lifestyle writer with two years of experience. She writes on relationships, makeup, and lifestyle and has bachelor's and master's degrees in English literature from the Central University of Jharkhand.

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