Vampire Facial: What Is It, Benefits, & How Does It Help?

Get help from your own blood to boost collagen production and rejuvenate skin.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Kendall R. Roehl, MD, FACS Dr. Kendall R. Roehl Dr. Kendall R. RoehlMD, FACS facebook_icontwitter_iconlinkedin_iconinsta_icon
Written by , MA (English Literature) Ramona Sinha MA (English Literature) linkedin_icon Experience: 11 years
Edited by , BTech Anjali Sayee BTech linkedin_icon Experience: 7 years
Fact-checked by , MA (English Literature), Certified Skin Care Coach Shiboli Chakraborti MA (English Literature), Certified Skin Care Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
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The trend of vampire facial was popularized by Kim Kardashian when she posted an Insta selfie with her face slathered in blood. If you haven’t heard of it before, a vampire facial is a cosmetic procedure that uses your blood to boost collagen production. This PRP micro-needling technique is popular among celebs and red carpet A-listers. If you are wondering how this anti-aging treatment works and the steps involved, scroll through this article to clear all your doubts.

What Is A Vampire Facial? How Does It Work?

Vampire facial
Image: Shutterstock

Vampire facial is the nickname that has been coined by the beauty industry. This facial is called platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facial or therapy.  It is a beauty treatment that involves micro-needling followed by the application of platelet-rich plasma or PRP on your skin (1).

The PRP is extracted from your blood. The blood is rich in platelets that have extremely high levels of growth factors (2). When applied to your skin, these growth factors help in boosting the cell turnover ratei  The cell renewal factor or the speed at which dead skin cells shed and are replaced with younger, healthier cells constantly . The growth factors boost collagen and elastini  The most abundant protein in the body that allows body tissues to stretch out and shrink back to their original shape. production and increase the skin’s hydration levels (3). They also infuse your skin with antioxidants. This procedure also improves the absorbing power of your skin – which means your skin can absorb other skin care products better. It is one of the many anti-aging treatments available to help reduce wrinkles and boost collagen production for younger-looking skin. However, there are more anti-aging treatments, such as dermal fillers, Microdermabrasion, etc., that you can consider to get that healthy-looking, young skin.

To sum it up, a vampire facial uses your blood to promote healthy cell functioning.

protip_icon Trivia

The vampire facial can be paired with LED light therapy. It promotes healing and also improves the efficacy of facial therapy.

Initially, the blood facial treatment might seem extremely painful, but in reality, it’s not. So, what exactly happens during the treatment? Check out the procedure below.

Vampire Facial: The Procedure

Procedure of a vampire facial
Image: Shutterstock

Here’s what happens when you go for a vampire facial or PRP facial:

  1. The skin care professional will first draw out blood from your body.
  2. They will then extract platelets from your blood. They spin the blood at a fast pace using a centrifuge to separate its layers. The plasma rich in platelets is extracted from it.
  3. These platelets are then applied to your skin through microneedling or microdermabrasioni  A cosmetic procedure that gently exfoliates the skin to improve signs of aging, photodamage, and overall skin tone and texture. . When the platelets are applied, they trick your skin into thinking that it is injured, making it produce more collagen.

A blogger shared her experience about getting vampire facial done in her personal blog. She said, “As long as the procedure’s done by a qualified doctor (as opposed to a beauty salon therapist) and done under sterile conditions, it’s a great weapon in the 40-something’s anti-aging arsenal. I know because… (Mum, look away)… I tried it (i).” She also described, “The injections were not as bad as I thought. Only one made me jump. A nurse kindly numbed the area with an ice cube before each jab while I squirmed on the treatment bed and tried to visualise myself drinking cocktails on a beach in Bali.” The facial resulted in the skin under her eyes becoming plumper and looking 100% natural, as she added: “Three days of swelling was worth the result.”

protip_icon Quick Tip
Avoid taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs at least a week before the facial therapy. They may interfere with the function of the platelets.

The aesthetic procedure is not painless, and you will feel mild to moderate levels of discomfort. It all depends on your pain tolerance levels. So, why take all this pain? Are there any benefits?

What Are The Benefits Of A Vampire Facial?

Benefits of vampire facial
Image: Shutterstock

As we discussed earlier, the platelet-rich plasma contains growth factors that boost collagen development and enhance the skin’s elasticity. This procedure helps to (4):

  • Improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Improve your skin texture
  • Reduce the size of the skin pores
  • Improve the appearance of acne scars
  • Helps in skin rejuvenation and turns skin plumpier.
  • Give you a youthful glow and smooth skin
  • Improve the effectiveness of skincare products

This facial procedure is non-invasive and can be combined with other facial procedures. Similar to a vampire facial, plasma fibroblast skin tightening also offers non-invasive skin rejuvenation, helping to tighten and firm sagging skin. Although it has become a trend du jour and is dubbed as the key to the Fountain of Youth, it has several side effects.

Are There Any Risk Factors Involved?

Risks factors involved with the vampire facial
Image: Shutterstock

The vampire facial is definitely the next big thing in skin care. It may help in facial rejuvenation and improve several skin conditions, but it also comes with a series of potential side effects. If you google the cons, you will find numerous instances of a vampire facial gone wrong. Here are a few side effects of the procedure:

1. It Might Cause Infection

There have been a few cases (according to news reports) in which people were exposed to blood-borne infections, such as Hepatitis Bi  A potentially life-threatening disease caused by a virus that can lead to serious liver infection and damage and C and HIV

(5). This happens when the procedure is not followed correctly, without proper equipment, adequate infection control practices, and the supervision of a medical professional. Often, in spas, untrained people carry out the procedure without any proper guidance. So, in case you are planning to undergo a vampire facial, make sure that the medispa is experienced in performing such procedures.

2. It Is Painful

Yes. Even Kim Kardashian regretted getting a vampire facial done due to the pain it caused (she didn’t use any numbing gel as she was pregnant). If you have low pain tolerance, it’s better to avoid this.

3. It May Cause Inflammation

Woman experiencing skin inflammation after vampire facial
Image: Shutterstock

Inflammation and bruises are very common during this procedure (if you remember singer Kerry Katona whose face was swollen after her vampire facial). You need to follow a proper aftercare regimen to make sure the inflammation is gone.

Infographic: Benefits Of A Vampire Facial

The platelet-rich plasma microneedling technique, generally known as the vampire facial, involves using your own blood to make you look younger through skin cell rejuvenation. Although this procedure is popular among celebrities, anyone can resort to this relatively hassle-free anti-aging treatment. Check out the infographic below to learn about the top benefits of the vampire facial.

benefits of a vampire facial (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Vampire facial is a cosmetic procedure that involves micro needling and applying plasma-rich platelet taken from your blood on your face. These platelets stimulate the production of collagen and boost the hydration levels in your skin. Vampire facials improve the skin’s texture, reduce acne scars, wrinkles, and fine lines, leaving you with softer and healthier skin. However, they may result in side effects such as blood-borne infections, inflammation, and pain. Consult your doctor to understand the benefits and risks of the procedure before opting for a vampire facial. In addition to a vampire facial, consider PRP under-eye treatment to address dark circles and puffiness, leaving your entire face looking refreshed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the cost of a vampire facial?

A vampire facial may cost anywhere between $1500 and $2500.

How long does a vampire facial last?

After the facial, your skin continues to regenerate for at least 3 months. The overall effect of the facial may last for about a year (or more).

How long does it take to recover from a vampire facial?

Recovery may take anywhere from 5 days to a week.

What is better – microneedling or vampire facial?

Both are good facial treatments that stimulate collagen with different techniques. However, while microneedlingi  A minimally invasive skin treatment procedure that stimulates collagen production to treat skin concerns like acne, wrinkles, etc. is a topical and non-invasive treatment, platelet-rich plasma is directly injected into the skin in a vampire facial. Therefore, the result of a vampire facial may be better than that of microneedling.

What is better – Botox or vampire facial?

Though both help to improve the appearance of your skin, the results of a vampire facial last longer than those of Botox. The results of vampire facials may last for 18 months, while Botox may last for only 3 to 4 months.

Who is a good candidate for a vampire facial?

Anyone with uneven skin tone, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, or other signs of aging is a good candidate for a vampire facial.

What is the difference between a vampire facial and a vampire facelift?

A vampire facial combines microneedling and uses tiny needles to make almost undetectable pricks in the skin. A vampire facelift combines a filler with PRP and delivers results immediately.

Can I use retinol after a vampire facial?

No, you cannot use retinol after a vampire facial as it may cause dryness and inflammation.

Key Takeaways

  • The facial involves the extraction of platelets from the blood and then applying them to the face.
  • This facial may enhance the production of collagen in the skin to reduce wrinkles and add glow.
  • It may increase the effectiveness of skincare products.
  • This process may be very painful and may cause inflammation of the skin.

Illustration: Vampire Facial: What Is It Benefits & How Does It Help?

Vampire Facial: What Is It, Benefits, & How Does It Help?

Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

Discover the captivating benefits of the vampire facial, as the video below unveils the secrets behind this rejuvenating treatment. Witness the transformative power of your own blood for a radiant and youthful complexion.

Personal Experience: Source


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  1. Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection for Rejuvenation of Photoaged Facial Skin
  2. Can Platelet-rich Plasma Be Used for Skin Rejuvenation? Evaluation of Effects of Platelet-rich Plasma on Human Dermal Fibroblast
  3. Platelet-rich Plasma for Skin Rejuvenation and Treatment of Actinic Elastosis in the Lower Eyelid Area
  4. Single-handed vampire facial: Combining microneedling with platelet-rich plasma for single-hand use
  5. Regenerative Medicine Stem Cell Therapies and Platelet-Rich Plasma: Where Is the Evidence?
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Dr. Kendall R. Roehl
Dr. Kendall Roehl is a board-certified plastic surgeon with 20 years of experience at Memorial Plastic Surgery in Houston, Texas. She offers cosmetic surgery procedures for the face, body, and breasts including facelifts, tummy tuck surgery, and breast reconstruction.

Read full bio of Dr. Kendall R. Roehl
Ramona Sinha
Ramona is an editor at StyleCraze with 11 years of experience in writing and editing. She has authored over 200 articles on skin and hair care. She graduated from the University of Calcutta, West Bengal, and did her post-graduation from the University of Kalyani, West Bengal.

Read full bio of Ramona Sinha
Anjali Sayee
Anjali SayeeAssociate Editor
Anjali is an associate editor at StyleCraze. She specializes in hairstyles and hair and skin care and has written over 200 articles in these domains. She has 7 years of experience, and her philosophy about hair and skin care is simple: if you love and care for it, it will be healthy.

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Shiboli Chakraborti
Shiboli ChakrabortiCommerce Editor
Shiboli has a master’s degree in English literature from The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, and is a certified skincare coach with four years of experience. As a commerce editor, she guides her team members on the best practices to create crisp and authentic content.

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