What Is Cosmic Energy Meditation And What Are Its Benefits?

Tap into the energy of the universe and allow it to guide you to a state of serenity.

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We all become stuck in life at times, and no force on this planet seems to be able to aid us. That is when you must start cosmic energy meditation! Being at peace with yourself and living in the current moment allows you to absorb cosmic energy. Cosmic energy meditation has the cosmic power to transform your life in a positive way! Do you want to learn more about it and how to do it? Keep reading!

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The level of cosmic energy in a newborn baby is almost zero, and it increases with growth (1).

What Is Cosmic Energy?

Cosmic energy in the human body and the cosmos
Image: Shutterstock

Cosmic energy is the life force that is existent everywhere. It is present in the cosmos, between the galaxies, the molecules and in the space. It is essential to maintain the order in life and expand our consciousness. Kathy Harmon-Luber, a certified Reiki and sound healing practitioner, says, “Cosmic energy is the Universal Life Force. It’s available to us all. By raising our vibration (think positive actions, thoughts, and words), we are tapping into this cosmic energy. At the same time, meditation, Reiki, sound healing, and other types of energy work help us to tap into cosmic energy.”

Cosmic energy is the basis of all our actions, reactions to situations and functions in totality. Our body receives some amount of cosmic energy when we are asleep in total silence and transcendence with mindfulness. Cosmic energy is essential for the following reasons:

  • To maintain an orderly life
  • To lead a happy and healthy life
  • To obtain knowledge and enlightenment
  • To completely involve in all the situations in life
  • To expand our consciousness

This meditative practice is deeply rooted in diverse spiritual traditions and offers peace of mind in multiple ways, such as deep breathing and mental focus. These techniques help reduce stress and have a calming effect on the mind, leading to a sense of tranquility. Additionally, this practice involves the concept of balancing centers within the body.

Through meditation, you may gain heightened self-awareness that improves emotional control and inner peace. Moreover, a strong sense of purpose and peace is fostered by the conviction that all life is interconnected. However, the effectiveness of cosmic energy meditation in promoting peace of mind varies among individuals, emphasizing the importance of an open-minded attitude toward spiritual and meditative experiences.

Learn more about what religion and philosophy say about this method of meditation in the section below.

What Religion And Philosophy Say:

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As per Hindu philosophy, this energy is known as Kashmir Shaivism or Spiritual energy or Prana. The cosmic energy is thought to be the source of kundalini. Certain New Age authors refer to this energy as quantum zero vacuum point energy and as orgone energy.

Benefits Of Cosmic Energy Meditation:

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Our body and mind are surrounded by an energy field, which is nourished by cosmic energy. This positive energy always helps in the cosmic healing of the physical, mental and spiritual self. Cosmic energy reduces negativity, aids in complete healing and creates cosmic harmony in life. Some physical benefits of cosmic energy are listed below:

    1. Cosmic energy supports the regulation of blood flow and lowers the stress on the heart.
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Cosmic energy helps in lowering cortisol and lactate levels in the body. These are often associated with mental stress.
  2. Cosmic energy helps in eliminatingfree radicalsi  XUnstable and highly reactive molecules freely available in the body that cause damage to other healthy cells. from the body.
  3. Cosmic energy does wonders in treating all psychological issues such as anxiety, irritability and depression.
  4. Cosmic energy aids in healing cardiovascular diseasesi  XA cluster of disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels, with the most common ones being artery blockage and heart attacks. and develops skin resistance.
  5. Cosmic energy helps to improve the memory function. It plays an excellent role in enhancing the psychological self by supporting the self-actualizationi  XComplete realization of one’s potential and development of one’s abilities after fulfilling basic and more urgent needs. and rejuvenation feelings.

Neha Pant, a blogger, shares her experience of cosmic energy meditation in one of her blog posts: “What I have personally observed is that when you start to attract a lot of cosmic energy after continuing meditations for a sufficient period of time, the physical exercises prescribed for the meditations fall short (i).” According to her, physical exercise is necessary to make the body ready to receive and allow the flow of cosmic energy.

protip_icon Did You Know?
Cosmic energy meditation is vital to boost the strength of our intellect and feel calm and relaxed (1).

Cosmic Energy And Meditation:

Woman doing meditation to receive cosmic energy
Image: Shutterstock

There is abundant cosmic energy in the cosmos. This energy can be channelized by usingchakrasi  X Seven energy points in the body that correspond to different parts of the body that impact our physical and emotional well-being. , breathing exercises or energy healing. However, the best and simplest way to acquire this positive energy is through meditation.

  1. Cosmic energy enters our body through the mind. Meditation helps our mind to be calm and focused to receive this cosmic energy and create a cosmic balance.
  1. In most individuals, the chakras may be partially closed most of the time due to mental distractions such as stress, anxiety, fear, negative emotions and worries. Cosmic energy enters our system through the chakras and supports the individual energy field of the body.
  1. During meditation, the mind and body tends to become one. This makes the physical and spiritual self ready to receive cosmic energy and aids in cosmic energy healing.
  1. Experts suggest that cosmic energy can also be channelized through meditation. This meditation imparts calmness of mind and develops inner peace. When the mind is calm, it can receive the cosmic energy through cosmic connection.
  1. By focusing on breathing through the base chakra and absorbing energy from the earth, one will be able to increase the body energy in a short period.
  1. Reikii  XA healing therapy that uses touch to deliver energy into your body to encourage physical and emotional healing. works on the principle of accessing cosmic energy and internal energy as well. This is another excellent method of receiving cosmic energy through meditation.

Infographic: 6 Benefits Of Cosmic Energy Meditation On Your Health

Cosmic energy can transform your life in many ways. It can help you improve your mental as well as physical health. To help you out, we have rounded up the six benefits of cosmic energy meditation and its impact on your health. Check out the infographic below to know more.

6 benefits of cosmic energy meditation on your health (infographic)

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Cosmic energy meditation helps you transform your life by enabling you to make peace with your inner self and stay in the present. It helps expand your consciousness, obtain knowledge, and lead a happy and orderly life. Moreover, this meditation technique aids in healing the mental, spiritual, and physical self, warding off negativity, improving blood flow, reducing stress, treating cardiovascular diseases, and improving memory. So, practice this meditation every day to activate the seven chakras and channel the cosmic energy into your body.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is cosmic energy powerful?

Luber says, “Cosmic energy is incredibly powerful. On a massive scale, it’s the order of the universe or source/creator energy. At a micro level, it powers invisible atoms into material objects. On a personal level, it’s what powers the manifestation of our dreams and intentions into reality.”

How does cosmic energy meditation work?

Luber says, “It is the Law of Attraction: what we focus on attracts more of that into our lives. In other words, like attracts like. When we do cosmic energy meditation, we raise our vibration, which in turn attracts people and situations into our lives that vibrate at a similar frequency.”

How do you access cosmic knowledge?

Accessing cosmic knowledge requires an understanding of your true self and the ability to tap into your intuition. To do this, you must first calm your mind and release a question that is important to you. Then, connect with your feelings and body, and pay attention to the physical sensations that arise. By trusting these sensations and following cosmic guidance and cosmic wisdom, you can unlock the knowledge you seek.

What is cosmic energy manipulation?

The practice of cosmic energy manipulation involves the ability to shape and manipulate the cosmos. This grants individuals control over everything present in the universe at a cosmic level.

How often should I practice Cosmic Energy Meditation?

There is no set frequency for practicing CEM. The frequency and duration of the practice can vary from person to person. Some people practice it daily, while others practice it once or twice a week. Listening to the mind and body can help one build a routine that works best for them.

Can Cosmic Energy Meditation be combined with other forms of meditation?

Yes, one can combine CEM with other forms of meditation. Approaching meditation with an open mind and combining different meditation techniques can help create a personalized meditation practice that works best for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Cosmic energy meditation may help in personal growth and well-being using the universe’s energy.
  • It may reduce stress and anxiety, and may improve mental clarity.
  • It may aid in heart diseases.
  • It may increase positive thinking, and promote spirituality, and cosmic awareness along with self-awareness.
Cosmic Energy Meditation_illustration

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Relax and let go as you begin your journey into a peaceful state of mind with this cosmic light energy-guided meditation. Follow the video and experience a deep sense of inner peace and harmony.

Personal Experience: Source


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  1. Study of Cosmic Intelligence and Human Health
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