9 Signs That Your Hair Is Healthy

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

It’s pretty normal to be worried about the state of your hair and be unsure of how to tell whether it is healthy or damaged. Sometimes your hair might look and feel great, but then you could be suffering from hair fall or scalp infection. You might be concerned about the status of your hair, but there are plenty of ways for you to tell whether your hair is healthy or is in need of some TLC (tender, loving, care). If you are wondering what signs you need to look out for to tell if your hair truly is healthy, look no further. Without further ado, we present to you nine signs that your hair is in good condition and healthy:

1. Your Hair Looks Shiny

Your Hair Looks Shiny
Image: IStock

One of the most prominent signs that you have healthy hair is that your hair will be pretty shiny. This is the case because if your hair looks shiny, then it is probably because the natural oil and sebum produced by your scalp nourish the entire length of your hair. If the oil on your scalp is evenly distributed across your hair, it will look much shinier and healthier.

2. You Lose A Less Amount Of Hair When You Brush It

You Lose A Less Amount Of Hair When You Brush It
Image: IStock

Losing some amount of hair when you brush and shampoo is completely normal and nothing that you should worry about. This means that your hair is going through its normal growth cycle and is falling out naturally. However, you should also be careful about the way you brush your hair, as brushing too aggressively will also lead to hair fall. If you do notice excessive hair fall even while brushing your hair gently, you should immediately go to your doctor or your regular hairstylist to find out the actual cause.

3. Your Hair Doesn’t Get Tangled

Your Hair Doesn’t Tangle Often
Image: IStock

If you have smooth silky hair that doesn’t get tangled, your hair is probably in good shape. When hair is suffering from dryness and frizziness, split ends and tangles become all too common. It is also often accompanied by severe breakage and excessive hair fall. One way to keep split ends in check would be to get regular trims and haircuts. Also, smoothening serums or oils are no-brainers when it comes to dealing with dry and frizzy hair.

4. Your Hair Growth Is Fast

You Notice That Your Hair Grows Quickly
Image: IStock

One of the most prominent signifiers of healthy hair is hair growth. If you notice that your hair is growing extremely slowly, you might have issues. If you see less than a quarter of an inch of hair growth every month, then there may be a problem with your hair growth, and you might even have vitamin deficiencies. However, if you see a quarter to more than half an inch of hair growth every month, then that is a good sign that you have healthy hair. If you notice that the growth of your hair has slowed down, then you should probably go and speak to your doctor.

5. You Don’t Have Split Ends

You Don’t Have Split Ends
Image: IStock

There is a significant difference between having split ends and having “dead ends”. Dead ends are normal, while split ends show that you have damaged hair. If the ends of your hair appear dull or less damaged, then you might just need a haircut. A simple haircut will help remove any hair that looks dull or lifeless.

6. You Can Stretch Your Hair Without It Breaking

You Can Stretch Your Hair Without It Breaking
Image: IStock

You should brush your hair regularly and at least give it a good brush twice a day. Brush your hair once early in the morning when you wake up and again right before you go to bed. If you can stretch your hair strand without breaking off easily, you can safely believe that your hair is healthy. A good indicator of the health of your hair is if you can stretch it to its full length and snap it back without facing any breakage. It’s all about taking good care of your locks.

7. Your Hair Can Hold Moisture

Your Hair Can Hold Moisture
Image: IStock

Another indicator of the health of your hair is if you can hold moisture in your hair strands. You can test out whether you have porous hair or healthy hair by dipping your hair in a bowl of water. If you see that your hair is floating at the top of the bowl, then that is a sign that your hair is healthy. However, if you see that your hair is drowning then in the water, then it is a sign that your hair needs some attention.

8. Your Hair Is Soft To The Touch

Your Hair Is Soft To The Touch
Image: IStock

You can also tell the health of your hair by the way it feels when you run your fingers through it. If your hair feels silky and soft, then it is a sign that your hair is adequately moisturized. If you notice that your hair is soft, then it shows that your hair is properly moisturized. If your hair feels dull and dry, then it is a sign that you need to oil and moisturize your hair more often. Regular care is the trick to maintaining the natural softness of your hair.

9. You Eat A Balanced Diet

You Eat A Balanced Diet
Image: IStock

In the end, the best way to tell if your hair is healthy is by the diet that you follow. If you follow a nutritious diet, then your hair will automatically be beneficial as well. Healthy hair comes from having a healthy inside, and hence you need to ensure that you are getting the right nutrients and supplements. Lack of nutrients and amino acids can affect the nourishment of the scalp too leading to hair issues. You can take help from your nutritionist in forming a good diet that comprises all essential nutrients and proteins that are necessary for a healthy body and hair.

If you have checked most of the points that we have mentioned, kudos to you for maintaining your fabulous healthy hair. For those who are struggling with your hair care and are worried about the health of your locks, why not speak to a professional about it. After all, we do appreciate the good hair days and why not try to make every day a good hair day. Do let us know if you have any tips to tell if your hair is in good health in the comment section below.

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