Nancy Landrum

Relationship Coach

Relationship Coaching
University of Santa Monica, California
27 years

Nancy is a relationship coach with 27 years of experience in guiding couples and stepfamilies through transformative relationship skills and strategies. With a master's degree in Spiritual Psychology, emphasizing on consciousness, health, and healing, she blends her personal experience and research-backed strategies to help couples develop healthy communication skills and achieve relationship happiness. Nancy's coaching services are available in-person, on Zoom, and through her online course at She is also a regular contributor to Relationship Rehab TV and Talk and has authored eight books, including How to Stay Married & Love It! and Stepping TwoGether: Building a Strong Stepfamily. Nancy is 77 years young, enjoys her daily walks, especially barefoot walks on the beach, is an avid gardener, and delights in her mischievous, playful, and sometimes cuddly young cat, "Buddy"!

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