A List Of Advices That Only Comes From Narrow-Minded People

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons Experience: 2.5 years

Advice is often well-intentioned, but not all advice is created equal. While some counsel can be insightful and genuinely helpful, others are nothing more than clichéd mantras that reflect a narrow perspective on life. In this article, we’ll explore the types of advice that only narrow-minded people tend to give, and why it’s essential to consider a broader perspective when making decisions and choices in life. Read on to know more!

1. Support Your Husband No Matter What

“Support your husband no matter what” is a piece of advice often given in traditional contexts. While supporting your partner is crucial, this advice can be narrow-minded when it implies blind loyalty in the face of unhealthy or unethical behavior. A healthy relationship should be built on mutual respect and understanding. It’s important to recognize that blind support isn’t always the best course of action; instead, open communication, addressing issues, and seeking solutions together is a more balanced approach.

2. Don’t Go To Bed Without Resolving A Conflict With Your Partner

Don't Go To Bed Angry With Your Significant Other
Image: Shutterstock

“Never go to bed angry” is a well-known piece of relationship advice. While it can be valuable in certain situations, it’s important to understand that every argument or disagreement doesn’t require immediate resolution. Sometimes, taking time to cool off and reflect can lead to more constructive discussions later on. A one-size-fits-all approach to conflict resolution doesn’t consider the complexity of individual relationships.

3. Make Your Passion Your Work

This advice encourages people to follow their passions and turn them into a career. While it’s wonderful if you can do what you love for a living, it’s not practical for everyone. For some, it may not be feasible to turn a hobby or passion into a full-time job due to financial constraints, market demand, or other factors. Work can be a source of fulfillment and purpose, but it’s okay if it’s not always your “dream job.” It’s essential to find meaning and balance in different aspects of life.

4. Always Follow Your Dreams

Always Listen To Your Heart And Follow Your Dreams
Image: Shutterstock

While following your heart and dreams can lead to personal fulfillment, it’s crucial to consider a broader perspective. Sometimes, circumstances, responsibilities, or external factors can limit your ability to pursue certain dreams. Instead of only following your heart, it’s wise to also engage your mind in practical decision-making. A balanced approach considers both the emotional and rational aspects of your choices.

5. Get Married Now, And Love Will Follow

The advice to get married and hope that love will follow is a narrow-minded approach to marriage. Love is the foundation of a healthy, enduring marriage. While there may be arranged marriages that work out, marrying without love can lead to unhappiness, resentment, and even failed relationships. It’s important to enter into marriage with genuine affection and a strong emotional connection.

6. Feeling Sad? Don’t Think About Bad Things

Feeling Sad Don't Think About Bad Things
Image: Shutterstock

Telling someone not to think about bad things when they’re feeling sad oversimplifies the complexity of emotions. Sometimes, it’s necessary to address and confront negative feelings to process and heal. Avoiding them entirely can lead to suppression and potentially more significant emotional issues. It’s crucial to acknowledge and understand your emotions rather than dismissing them.

7. Be Smart, Don’t Let It Affect You

The advice to be “smart” and not let things affect you is a way of brushing aside the importance of acknowledging and managing emotions. It’s essential to recognize that everyone is affected by various situations and experiences, and it’s okay to feel emotions like sadness, anger, or frustration. Emotional intelligence involves understanding and managing emotions in a healthy way, rather than denying or suppressing them.

8. Remind Recruiters Of Yourself As Often As Possible To Get The Job

Remind Recruiters Of Yourself As Often As Possible To Get The Job
Image: Shutterstock

Job hunting can be competitive, and standing out is crucial. However, the advice to continually remind recruiters of your presence may be counterproductive if it’s done excessively. Bombarding recruiters with messages or follow-ups can be seen as pushy or unprofessional. Instead, it’s essential to strike a balance between showing your interest and respecting the hiring process.

9. Nothing Is More Important Than Family

Family is undoubtedly important, but this advice can be narrow-minded when it implies that family should always be prioritized above all else. Each person’s circumstances and responsibilities are unique. While family is a crucial part of life, it’s essential to balance family obligations with personal goals, career aspirations, and individual well-being. A balanced life considers both family and personal growth.

10. Live Each Day Like It’s Your Last

Live Each Day Like It's Your Last
Image: Shutterstock

The advice to “live each day like it’s your last” is well-intentioned, but when taken literally, it can lead to recklessness and a disregard for long-term consequences. A balanced approach involves cherishing moments while responsibly planning for the future.

It’s essential to consider the context, your unique circumstances, and a more balanced perspective when evaluating the advice you receive. Life is a complex journey, and broad-minded thinking allows for greater adaptability and a more thoughtful approach to making decisions and choices.

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Indrani Karmakar

Indrani KarmakarSenior Social Writer

Indrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and...read full bio

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