12 Adorable Ways To Celebrate Valentine’s Day From The Comfort Of Your Home

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

Ah, Valentine’s Day. You either love it or you hate it. Whether you are single or in a relationship, you often feel the pressure of celebrating or finding someone to celebrate that day with. Well, one good thing about the pandemic is that it has made sure that we can’t do a lot of things that we might have done on previous Valentine’s Day. Maybe you and your adventure loving partner liked to go to amusement parks together or maybe you liked to visit exquisite restaurants together. Well, this year has put quite the dampener on most of our plans. However, there are still plenty of fun ways we can celebrate the day without leaving the comfort of our own homes:

1. Have Breakfast In Bed

Have Breakfast In Bed
Image: Shutterstock

While you don’t necessarily need an occasion to have breakfast in bed, it doesn’t hurt to occasionally give it a shot, right? Making your partner breakfast in bed is a beautiful way to show your love for them. They’ll definitely appreciate you for taking the extra effort to make their day special.

2. Wear Matching Outfits

Wear Matching Outfits
Image: Shutterstock

Aren’t couple-themed outfits just adorable? They’re an easy way to make any day seem festive, and on the occasion of Valentine’s Day nobody will judge you for indulging in them. If wearing full matching outfits is too cringy for you and your partner, you guys can just wear matching jammies and chill in them. What better way to let loose, right?

3. Make A Photo Book

Make A Photo Book
Image: Shutterstock

A photo book is truly one of the most thoughtful gifts you can give your partner on Valentine’s Day. Putting a photo book together makes for a great way to pass time as well. So why not make a date of it? Both you and your partner can sit down together and select your favorite pictures together to put up in your photo book.

4. Take A Class Together

Take A Class Together
Image: Shutterstock

Maybe you and your partner are interested in becoming at-home bartenders or maybe you want to up your art skills? What better way to bond than taking an online class together? There will be plenty of fun, couples themed Valentine’s Day virtual classes that you and your partner can partake in.

5. Make A Charcuterie Board

Make A Charcuterie Board
Image: Shutterstock

If you and your partner are the kinds who love to dress to the nines and make things fancy, then there are tonnes of tricks and treats that you can try. You can add anything you want onto that wooden board. If you’re a meat and cheese lover, then a charcuterie board is perfect for you. And if cheese, wine, meat and crackers aren’t your thing, you can opt for a dessert themed charcuterie board.

6. Make Cute Cards

Make Cute Cards
Image: Shutterstock

Remember those adorable days when you used to make cute cards for every occasion. Card-making is a great way to bring out the inner children in you and your partner and you guys can have a fun time using your art supplies to make it.

7. Plan A Game Night

Plan A Game Night
Image: Shutterstock

If both you and your partner are fans of competitions and enjoy competing against one another, why not plan for a game night? And hey, if you have any friends who’d like to join in virtually you can definitely give that a shot.

8. Have A Movie Marathon

Have A Movie Marathon
Image: Shutterstock

If both you and your partner are a fan of a certain film series or show, what better way to spend your Valentine’s Day than cuddled up in bed with your remote and favorite person? Take Netflix and chill to a whole new level this Valentine’s Day by just taking a day of rest to chill and watch whatever shows/movies you want.

9. Write Love Letters

Write Love Letters
Image: Shutterstock

Whether you are with your partner on Valentine’s Day or far apart (long distance couples, we feel you), love letters are important. Tell your partner about how you fell in love with them. Or maybe write down all the things you love about them. In the end, it is the little things that count the most.

10. Cook A Romantic Dinner

Cook A Romantic Dinner
Image: Shutterstock

Just because you and your partner cannot hit the latest and hottest restaurants in town, doesn’t mean you can’t have a delicious dinner, right? Turn cooking dinner into a team effort and lay down the ingredients you will require to cook. Prepare something that the both of you love, and dress to the nines. Just because you can’t go out on the town, doesn’t mean you can’t go all out, right? If you’re having a virtual date with your partner, you can prepare the same meals over Skype and eat it together. While you’re at this, you can compare notes and make the meal even more awesome.

11. Decorate Your Apartment

Decorate Your Apartment
Image: Shutterstock

Turn your home into a romantic La-La Land by decking it up in all of your favorite colors and things. You can put up some sweet wall treats and other heart-shaped/Valentine’s Day themed decor to make your day feel just a little bit extra special.

12. Try Recreating Your First Date

Try Recreating Your First Date
Image: Shutterstock

Even if you can’t go to the same place that you went to on your first date, you can still celebrate the day by attempting to recreate or emulate your first date at home. If you went to a fancy restaurant on your first date, you can print out the menu and prepare one of the dishes on the menu. Or if you went hiking on your first date, you can use a projector to project pictures from that day onto the wall and pretend you’re doing the same thing again.

Even if you’re not with your loved one this Valentine’s Day, there’s no better way to celebrate it than to celebrate it with the person of your choice. It’s always a great idea to spend the day with your loved one but we understand if you can’t. Don’t beat yourself up over it and plan to do something special for them next time. Do let us know if any of these ideas helped you plan out the perfect date for Valentine’s Day.

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Niharika Nayak

Niharika NayakBA (Media & Communication)

Niharika has a passion for all things art, music, and travel and has over 4 years of experience in writing for social media. During her spare time, she likes experimenting in the kitchen, playing video games, and hanging out with stray animals. She has a bachelor's degree in media and communication from the Manipal Institute of Communication and aspires to...read full bio

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