9 Pieces Of Advice Every Shopaholic Must Follow

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

There is nothing wrong with admitting that you are a shopaholic. If you are someone who likes to go crazy and go on shopping sprees every now and then, we understand where you are coming from. You’re probably the type of person who checks out one top and buys it in four other shades. Or you might be that person who cannot live without adding new shoes to her shoe collection every month. Either way, being a shopaholic can eat away at your wallet and bank account pretty quickly if you are not careful. If you want to save yourself from going into debt or wasting your last chunk of salary on a few dresses, we have a bunch of tips for you. Here are nine pieces of advice you must follow if you believe you are a shopaholic:

1. Ensure That You Prioritize Your Spending

Ensure That You Prioritize Your Spending
Image: IStock

We understand that this may be easier said than done, but bills will always speak louder than your need to purchase other items. You will have to prioritize and decide what expenses need to be taken care of first. It would be best if you thought about the big picture before deciding whether you want to make a big purchase. In the end, your electricity bill is more critical than that boot you spotted at the last sale you attended.

2. Make A List Of Your Needs And Wants

Make A List Of Your Needs And Wants
Image: IStock

Everybody has a list of immediate needs and things that they may not need but want to buy. You should make a written checklist on a piece of paper, abide by it, and purchase only the things of absolute necessity. If you have any money saved up from your purchases, you should consider buying something you want.

3. Give Yourself A Little Room To Indulge

Give Yourself A Little Room To Indulge
Image: IStock

Are you dying to own those cute new shoes or an adorable purse? As long as you have followed steps one and two, you could indulge yourself a little bit. If you cut yourself off completely, it will be difficult for you to get over your addiction. It is perfectly okay to indulge yourself in a gift every now and then.

4. Carry Less Cash/Leave Your Credit Cards At Home

Carry Less CashLeave Your Credit Cards At Home
Image: IStock

One of the easiest ways to restrain yourself will be to carry less cash when you decide to go shopping. If you have little to no money in your wallet when you go shopping, you will be less likely to spend cash. Avoid carrying your credit card with you when you go shopping. If you really want to go heavy on avoiding shopping, you should freeze your credit card in ice.

5. Try Following The Three Day Rule

Try Following The Three Day Rule
Image: IStock

If you have avoided purchasing something you really wanted, then it’s a good idea to follow the three-day rule. You don’t purchase the item and wait for three days. If you still feel the need to buy the item you wanted, then go ahead and purchase the product.

6. Keep Questioning Yourself

Keep Questioning Yourself
Image: IStock

It’s vital that you ask yourself plenty of questions before you decide to purchase something. Ask yourself if you really like the product you are purchasing. Ask yourself if you really want to purchase the product you are looking at. And most of all, ask yourself if you have an outfit that looks similar to what you are buying.

7. Avoid Sales

Avoid Sales
Image: IStock

Sales are a place where shopaholics end up indulging the most and going nuts. But that’s precisely how they get us! By offering products at discounted rates, we tend to indulge ourselves more and buy more items. We think we are saving money, but in reality, we end up spending more than what we would have spent had it not been a sale.

8. Block Online Sites That Tempt You

Block Online Sites That Tempt You
Image: IStock

If you are someone who is tempted easily, it’s a good idea to block off any sites that encourage you to shop online. You can find plenty of extensions to put on your browser so that you avoid browsing shopping websites for too long. Sometimes limiting access is what will stop you from spending and reduce your urge to spend.

9. Donate/Sell All The Outfits You’ve Outgrown

DonateSell All The Outfits You’ve Outgrown
Image: IStock

Once you have outgrown old clothes and outfits, it’s a good idea to donate or sell off your outfits. This will help make more space for new clothes in your closet. You’ll also learn how many items you wasted money on and don’t wear anymore.

You need to make it a long-term commitment to tame the side of yourself that is a shopaholic. You will eventually learn to see things with a bigger picture in your mind. As silly as it might sound, where there is a will, there is a way. So keep these nine tips in mind when you go shopping, and we guarantee you will save more money. Do let us know all of your thoughts in the comment section below!

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Niharika Nayak

Niharika NayakBA (Media & Communication)

Niharika has a passion for all things art, music, and travel and has over 4 years of experience in writing for social media. During her spare time, she likes experimenting in the kitchen, playing video games, and hanging out with stray animals. She has a bachelor's degree in media and communication from the Manipal Institute of Communication and aspires to...read full bio

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