What Is Intuitive Eating And Why It Is Better Than Any Other Diet

Written by Tanya Arora • 

Atkins, Paleo, Ketogenic, vegan – these are just some of the diets that are well-known all around the world. But have you ever heard of the diet called ‘intuitive eating’? We’re not surprised if you haven’t! Despite making a wave for some time, intuitive eating never caught on as it should have. The principles of this diet are very different and have been proven to be effective. Just take a look at Steven Hawks, the man who lost 20 kilos with intuitive eating (1).

So, if you’re tired of fad diets and want to eat whatever you desire and still lose weight, read on about the principles of intuitive eating (2). Within these principles, you’ll find why intuitive eating is better than any diet-

1. Don’t Think About Dieting

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Intuitive eating is all about throwing the whole idea dieting out of the window! Authors of a book on intuitive eating, Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole, stress on the fact that, in the end, dieting of any kind is a waste. You have to accept that dieting is not going to do you any good.

2. Pay Attention To Your Hunger

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Hungry? Eat. That’s one of the core principles of intuitive eating. Instead of waiting to eat at a later time, you should eat as soon as you feel the first pangs of hunger. This can prevent you from overeating, which in turn, can prevent weight gain (3). That said, the purpose of your eating should be to satisfy your hunger rather than to indulge.

3. Stop When You’re Full

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When the dish is appetizing, you might want to continue pigging out even when your stomach aches in protest. That’s not something you should do as per the rules of intuitive eating. You should eat till your comfortably full (your tummy shouldn’t feel tight). You can pause in between meals to know when you’re full.

4. Don’t Dictate Your Menu

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Beating yourself up over a few extra calories you consumed is not going to do you any good. You shouldn’t think of your daily food intake in terms like ‘good’, ‘bad’ or ‘low fat’. Treating food as your enemy is going to stress you out further, and thus prevent weight loss (4). You should treat food as a source of energy and nutrition that also satisfies your cravings.

5. Make Food Your Friend

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Remember, food is not something to be feared. It’s not desperately trying to stop you from being healthy and fit. If you don’t allow yourself to eat, it will cause major cravings. And constant denial of these cravings can lead to an unhealthy obsession. As a result of this, you will end up overeating.

6. Relish Delicious Food

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Your menu should include a balance of tasty dishes and healthy dishes. And you should enjoy the the food when you eat it. Right from the presentation of the dish to its aroma, texture and taste – savor every aspect of the dish in front of you. The satisfaction of eating something you love will help you feel full sooner as compared to something you don’t like.

7. Don’t Give In To Comfort Eating

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Food is a stress reliever that most people turn to – focusing on its short-term benefit of improving the mood and ignoring its long-term side effect of obesity. Since you already know that eating is not a problem solver, try to curb comfort eating as much as you can. Look for other ways to enhance your mood such as listen to music or watch movies or go out on bike rides.

8. Accept Your Figure As It Is

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Whether you’re short and chubby or tall and super skinny, accept your body for the way it is. If you are not confident in your own skin, even weight loss can’t help you. You have to accept your physical appearance. This can be very hard. Especially when popular media is constantly telling you to lose weight. But loving your body as it is can actually help you improve it.

9. Indulge In Physical Activities You Like

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Love going on a long run? Or are you more of a gym person? The 9th principle of intuitive eating is all about choosing physical activities you love. Such activities can energize you and improve your mood while helping you burn all the extra fat.

10. Focus On Your Health

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Intuitive eating is not about dieting for weight loss. It’s all about eating to stay healthy. Your end game should always be taking proper care of your body, which is simply being mindful of what goes into your body. Ensure that your diet contains plenty of tasty sources of minerals and nutrients so you never feel stressed while trying to be healthy.

Intuitive eating is so simple, it’s like basically eating what you want but doing so mindfully. If you’re apprehensive of this diet, consult a health expert before trying it out. If you have tried this diet, let us know what you think of it.

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