10 Amusing Situations Every Woman Will Understand

Written by Saumya Gaur • 

Have you ever noticed how we women live in our own dreamy-universe? Our everyday experiences, problems, victories, and everything is so distinct from the ones men have. We wouldn’t be exaggerating if we said that while we do end up doing all the work, we also end up having more fun. We are sure that you have often found yourself in a situation where you look up and find another woman nodding at you sympathetically, “Been there, sister”. Many of our experiences are so unique, yet so universal. Like when Aunt Flo decides to pay a visit and you are caught unaware, you ask around for a sanitary napkin and sure enough, a gentle angel comes to your rescue. See? We have got each other’s back in the sisterhood, haven’t we? Let’s take a look at some amusing situations that every woman will understand-

1. The Dress That Haunts Your Dreams!

The Dress That Haunts Your Dreams
Image: IStock

You know which dress I am talking about. It is THE DRESS! We’ve all had one such dress in our lives, the one which makes us wait for our paycheck. Then, as soon as we gather enough money and finally buy it, we see that the same dress is available for half the price. If only we made the purchase a day later, we could have still afforded food (facepalm)!

2. When You Get To Let Loose


Who occupies the top spot on your “frenemies forever” list? No, no, it’s not a person, it’s that piece of clothing that holds you together for the entire day. Yes, it’s your bra! Nothing quite captures the feeling of freedom that you get when you finally take off your bra at the end of the day! Finally, the “girls” get to hang out in peace!

3. Winter Is Coming!

Winter Is Coming
Image: IStock

Weekly, monthly, and fortnightly salon visits leave a significant dent in the paycheck of every woman. Every time that waxing strip is ripped off by the pretty face in the salon, a little part of me dies somewhere. No wonder I’m always elated when the weather gets too chilly to wear anything shorter than a full-sleeved shirt. Finally, I get to go “au naturel,” and I am sure all you ladies agree.

4. When You Try To Eat “Healthy”


So, you join a gym and decide that you are going to do a keto diet for your friend’s wedding. Day 1: Everything is going according to plan. Day 2: You catch yourself getting “hangry”. Day 3: It’s your teammate’s birthday, and that single slice of dark chocolate cake has been beckoning you, and you decide that one slice won’t do any harm. But lo and behold! One slice turned into three, who knew you were a magician?

5. When You Turn Into A Human Color Palette

When You Turn Into A Human Color Palette
Image: IStock

This has happened to me way too many times, and my experience says I am not the only one who does this. Each time I go to Sephora to buy a lip color or an eyeliner, I find myself drawn to the different shades on display. They seem to call my name like a siren and before I know it, my hands have turned a rainbow color with all the swatches of the lipsticks that I tried. And, I walk out of the store looking like a kid who painted her hand.

6. When You Borrow His Clothes


Yes, I know, girls get to have more fun with clothes but it’s the guys that get the fuzzy sweaters and the cozy sweatshirts. Most of us end up borrowing our boyfriend’s or husband’s clothes. And as history has repeatedly shown us, women have always had a very complicated relationship with clothes. Plus, what’s tera-mera between two people in love, right?

7. When You Just Want To Look

When You Just Want To Look
Image: IStock

Since time immemorial, women and shopping have always been associated with each other. And we know nothing works better than retail therapy, right? Then it’s no surprise that we can’t just look at something. Window shopping is an alien concept to us. So, when we say we are just looking in a store, it means that we are getting ready to buy some snazzy outfits for ourselves.

8. When Aunt Flo Visits


We all are united in this experience by biology and nature. True, Aunt Flo’s monthly visits sets us on the edge for the better part of the week. But that does not give you the right to ask what you really want to ask. Just ply us with food, love, popcorn, and Ryan Gosling, if possible?

9. When You Turn Into Sherlock

When You Turn Into Sherlock
Image: IStock

Have you seen the Sherlock series? Remember how Sherlock can identify the murderer by looking at the breadth of a strand of hair? So what if he can do that, our talents differ only in the area of expertise, not in skill. Big deal! We can tell you the name of a perfume by just a small whiff or for that matter where you bought those shoes from by just looking at the heel!

10. Nailing It


This is a major one and I know you guys will agree. If you’ve just got your nails done, then there is no chance that you are going to get up and do something with your hands, anytime soon. Come hell or high water, I am not wasting my manicure!

Being a woman is an experience that we get to appreciate every day. Irrespective of all the quirks and kinks, we wouldn’t want to change it for the world, though we won’t mind the equal pay so much (wink). If you have any similar experiences, do share in the comments below.

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