Anti-Aging Secrets Derms Won’t Tell You For Free

Written by Shivani K • 

It’s not possible for you to rush to your dermatologists every time you have any doubts related to your skin care, right? It’s very expensive, and the very mention of dermatologists burns a hole in your pocket. Every skin care advice they give you, it’s going to cost you a pretty penny. And when it comes to skincare, we are often not content with consulting just one dermatologist, we consult more than one, and cross-check their gyaan quotient, and then zero in any one remedy. We know we can’t get our hands on their skin care advice for free. But worry not, we scoured the depths of the internet and came up with some simple yet worthy anti-aging secrets that have the backing of science, that your dermatologists would never tell you otherwise. Read on and make the most of it.

1. The Best Weapon For Fighting Aging Skin Is Your Sunscreen

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Sure, we all know that we’re supposed to wear sunscreen to protect our skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. It saves our skin from developing skin cancer. But that’s not all, whether we go out in the sun or not, whether it’s sunny or cloudy outside, we need to develop the habit of applying sunscreen. This is because the UV rays cause damage not only to the underlying layer of our skin (epidermis) but also to the overlying epidermis. In addition to all this havoc, if we do not protect our skin with sunscreen, it’s likely to develop brown spots, wrinkles, and red spots all of which are the visual manifestations of the aging skin (1). Therefore, from here on, make sunscreen your skin’s best friend.

2. Expensive Skin Care Products Don’t Guarantee Everything

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More or less, all of us are under the impression that the more expensive our moisturizers or skin creams are, the better their effects will be on our skin. Hefty price tags don’t always guarantee miracles. Yes, it’s nice to show off that you’ve got your hands on the premium products, but sometimes it’s just that. At times, it’s the cheaper products from your nearby drugstore that can do the trick for your skin. The brand and its pricing shouldn’t matter. All that matters are the ingredients in the product that you’re trying on your skin. Pay more attention to that and save yourself from unnecessary expenditure.

3. Do Not Opt For Generic Products At Any Cost

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We aren’t asking you to go all local with the products, neither are we encouraging you to buy the expensive, exclusive products. All we’re trying to say is, again, pay attention to the ingredients list. Two products might have the same ingredients listed, but the difference comes with the quality of ingredients that is being used in both of them. Just because generic products sound like a safer option, don’t opt for it. Read the reviews, do your own bit of research and see what your skin needs. You cannot use a generic product that is better off for oily skin or your dry skin, right? This will only damage your skin.

4. Serums Are A Must Have

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Many of us refrain from using serums underneath their morning and night moisturizers because they labor under the notion that serums are loaded with chemicals. But, trust us they need to form the foundation of your skincare routine. They are not all chemically loaded, they contain a lot of active ingredients which are lighter and penetrate into our skin way deeper than any other skincare products (2). Therefore, go find a serum that suits your skin. Ideally, find one which is loaded with amino acids and ceramides, as they help strengthen our skin’s barrier. It should also contain antioxidants that prevent our skin from aging prematurely.

5. Collagen Supplements Work Wonders For Your Skin

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We all know that collagen is the protein that forms the building block of our nails, skin, and hair. At times, our body isn’t able to produce enough of it which causes breakouts on our skin. In such cases, we recommend you take collagen supplements. It can either be taken orally or can be applied externally on our skin (3). In the case of oral supplements, it’s the hydrolyzed collagen which is the best option as it’s easier to digest. However, consult your doctor before taking them. Also, there are nearly sixteen different strains of collagen, so, take your doc’s help in picking the one which is right for you.

These were some of the secrets we were able to dig out. Apart from these, always remember to eat right. Your diet plays an important role in the appearance of your skin. And do not blindly follow trending skin care routines. Always pick the one that suits your skin best and if you find yourself in a pool of confusion, then seek your doctor’s help. If you want to share any other anti-aging secrets, do let us know in the comments below.

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