9 Beauty Struggles All Women Went Through During 2020

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

Besides being an unpleasant year overall, 2020 was not kind to the beauty industry. Since many of us shifted to working remotely, the pandemic has spawned memes of people caught on Zoom calls in their jammies and more. We’ve reached a point during our life where we’ve literally stopped caring about what others think. But with this weird sense of self-love also comes a series of varied beauty struggles. Numerous women across not just the country, but the whole world have probably gone through at least one of the beauty struggles on our list. So here are some of the weirdest and most unexpected beauty struggles we’ve encountered during this wild ride of a year:

1. Experimenting And Cutting Our Own Hair


Raise your hand if you found yourself googling “How to fix bad bangs?” in these past few months. Well, we’re here to tell you that you’re not alone. There have been dozens of videos floating online of people trying to chop their own hair and ending up with not so optimal results. During the lockdown, beauty parlor and barber shops were shut, so many of us had to cut our own hair. And well, there’s a reason why people spend many months and years training to be hair stylists. If it’s your first time cutting your own hair, a big pat on your back for taking this step. We’re sure you’ll eventually learn what works for you.

2. Gaining A New Relationship With Body Hair


Look, not many of us have had the energy to stick to our pre-COVID waxing and shaving schedule and have often decided to let go a little bit. After all, we’ve been spending almost all our time indoors and what’s the point of indulging in hair removal rituals then, right? Many of us just decided to skip a few days or not bother getting rid of our body hair at all. And honestly, that’s a welcome change. There is nothing wrong with women having body hair and nothing wrong with women who feel more comfortable without it.

3. Having To Google At Home Eyebrow Tweezing Secrets


If you were someone who wanted their eyebrows looking trim and prim despite staying at home, we don’t blame you. Taking selfies were some of the only ways we kept ourselves entertained in 2020. Since we couldn’t visit our favorite parlor lady, many of us have had to purchase tweezers and shape our eyebrows ourselves. It’s not the most pleasant experience, but hey, someone’s gotta do it.

4. Getting Rid Of Expired Lipsticks (Thanks Masks!)


One of the most tragic memories of 2020 was having to get rid of all of our expired lipsticks and other lip products due to them expiring. If you bought a lipstick right before the virus took a turn for the worse, you have our condolences. Getting rid of a barely used expired lipstick feels worse than getting rid of your regular used lipsticks. Well, it’s a pity there aren’t lipstick proof masks commonly available (yet).

5. Just Not Being In The Mood For Makeup


After a point we just gave up attempting to even apply makeup. Most of us were so absolutely tired of working remotely and not getting to go outdoors that we just passed off with a lip balm and some eyeliner (if we were in the mood). However, those of us who reeaaally were attached to our makeup used all our free time to apply makeup and take gorgeous selfies!

6. Most Of Our Social Media Has Pictures In Our PJs


A year from now Instagram is going to pop up with our story memories and show us how we spent most of our 2020 in our pajamas and loungewear. Well, it really is sad that we didn’t get to go outdoors and travel, interact with people, or even visit parks when we wanted to. But hey, maybe we should see this as a year of rest rather than a year that went to waste.

7. Having To Quickly Learn How To Use Eye Makeup


If you were someone who wasn’t well versed with applying eye makeup, we don’t blame you. Many of us would go nuts for lipsticks and lip makeup and prefered that style. Well, unfortunately, masks are here to stay for a while and now the only part of our face that we can highlight are our eyes. So yes, get those stencils out and start practicing your cat eye. This also gives us the opportunity to use our long forgotten eyeshadow palettes.

8. Our Jeans Haven’t Seen Daylight In Months


We’ve almost entirely switched to a wardrobe of super comfortable clothes and loungewear. The only time we probably wear jeans these days is if we’re visiting a bank or going grocery shopping. Well, give those jeans a day out sometimes, we bet they’re not as uncomfortable as you once thought they were (unless you’ve gained some quarantine weight).

9. Resisting Online Makeup Sales


Many online retail stores have decided that now is the best time to have sales on their makeup products. Well, we can’t blame them considering how much the beauty and fashion industries’ sales have gone down due to the pandemic. However, we often find ourselves in a bit of a conundrum when we browse social media websites and see sales on our favorite makeup and fashion websites. Or, even when we get those annoying promotional messages in our spam folder. However, we’d advise you to resist the temptation. At least, for some time.

2020 was a confusing year for many of us. We weren’t sure whether we should start packing up our work clothes and purchasing loungewear or whether we should just keep fancy tops for our work meetings! Do let us know what your biggest 2020 beauty struggle was in the comment section down below!

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