Want To Know If A Person Is Trustworthy Or Not? Here Are 8 Body Signs To Watch Out For

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons Experience: 2.5 years

How many times have we held back from sharing private details with someone new because of the fear of being betrayed? Well, it never hurts to be cautious, but when you find someone you can trust, sharing can not only lighten you up but also bring you closer to the person. Now that brings us to the question: how can we know that the person up front is trustworthy or not? Well, even if it’s not absolute, there are some ways to determine the trustworthiness of a person by noticing their body language. By catching subtle movements and speech differences, you can get an overall idea of what the person is like. Read on to know more!

Eye Contact

Eye Contact
Image: Shutterstock

Eye contact is one of the most telling indicators of trustworthiness. When someone maintains steady eye contact during a conversation, it signals confidence and sincerity. On the other hand, people who avoid eye contact or frequently shift their gaze may be perceived as evasive or deceptive. Pay attention to this quality and notice the duration of eye contact to gauge the level of trustworthiness in a person’s demeanor.


Did you know that microexpressions, (the fleeting facial expressions that last only a fraction of a second) can provide a lot of insights into a person’s true emotion? While these expressions are often involuntary and difficult to detect, they can reveal subtle signs of deception or discomfort. Watch for fleeting expressions of fear, contempt, or disgust, which may indicate underlying dishonesty with the topic at hand.

Facial Expressions

Facial Expressions
Image: Shutterstock

Facial expressions are powerful indicators of genuine emotions and intentions. A trustworthy person will often display authentic facial expressions that mirror their internal state, such as smiles that reach the eyes and furrowed brows of concern. On the other hand, insincere people may exhibit incongruent facial expressions or micro-expressions that betray their true feelings. Take note of facial cues such as raised eyebrows, narrowed eyes, or forced smiles. This could indicate underlying deception or discomfort.

Body Language

Body language speaks volumes about a person’s level of trustworthiness. Open, relaxed postures, such as uncrossed arms and legs, signify honesty. Conversely, closed-off gestures, such as crossed arms, hunched shoulders, or a defensive stance, may suggest guardedness or a lack of transparency. Pay attention to the alignment of the body and the degree of physical openness to assess a person’s comfort level and willingness to engage openly.

Hand Gestures

Hand Gestures
Image: Shutterstock

Hand gestures can also provide clues about a person’s level of sincerity. Open, expressive hand movements that accompany speech often indicate transparency. But, people who keep their hands hidden or make minimal gestures may be perceived as withholding information or concealing their true intentions. Observing the naturalness and congruence of hand movements can help discern whether a person is trustworthy or not.

Vocal Tone And Pitch

The tone and pitch of a person’s voice can convey subtle nuances of trustworthiness. Confident, steady vocal tones typically inspire trust and credibility, conveying assurance and conviction in one’s words. On the other hand, fluctuations in vocal pitch or hesitations in speech may indicate uncertainty or discomfort. It can raise doubts about the sincerity of the speaker. Pay attention to the volume and intonation of a person’s voice to assess their level of sincerity.

Consistency In Verbal And Nonverbal Cues

Consistency In Verbal And Nonverbal Cues
Image: Shutterstock

Consistency between verbal and nonverbal cues is a key indicator of trustworthiness. When a person’s words align with their body language and facial expressions, it creates a sense of reliability. However, discrepancies between verbal and nonverbal cues, such as contradictory statements or incongruent gestures, may raise red flags and undermine trust. Look for coherence between a person’s words and actions to gauge their integrity.

Empathetic Listening

Empathetic listening is a hallmark of trustworthy people who genuinely care about others’ thoughts and feelings. When someone demonstrates active listening skills, such as nodding, maintaining eye contact, and offering verbal affirmations, it fosters a sense of connection and rapport. Distracted behavior, such as fidgeting, checking phones, or interrupting, can signal disinterest or insincerity. Pay attention to how a person engages in conversation and demonstrates empathy to assess their level of trustworthiness.

So, now you know that assessing someone’s trustworthiness requires a combination of intuition, observation, and critical thinking. While no single body sign can definitively determine a person’s reliability, paying attention to a range of cues can provide insights into their intentions. By observing these factors, you can better evaluate whether a person is trustworthy or not. Ultimately, trust is earned over time through consistent behavior and genuine communication, so remain vigilant and open-minded in your interactions with others.

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