What Bowel Movements Can Reveal About Your Health

Written by Shivani K • 

Our body talks to us in ways we cannot even imagine. Like this one — our body signals about our health through the bowel movements. We’ve been going to the loo and tending to our nature’s calls for decades now but we didn’t know about what our bowel movements could reveal, did we? Analyzing our bowel movements as well as the stool can talk volumes about our health and help us skip those tests that we get done every now and then just to assure ourselves that we are still healthy, in spite of all the binge eating.

So here’s an easy step to understand our health and body better. Follow the below points and find out if your bowel movements are normal or not. Read till the end and stay informed!

1. Comfortable Poop Equals All Is Well

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If you are able to take an easy dump without stressing yourself and spending a good chunk of your time in the loo, then you’re doing absolutely great. Whenever we go to the bathroom, all of us crave for an easy and quick poop time. And if we’re able to do it easily without much hassle, well, our day has surely started off on the right note. The importance lies in emptying out the waste from our body completely. If we’re not able to do that, then, the entire day you will be left feeling grossed out and uncomfortable.

2. Bowel Movements That Are Brown Is A Green Flag

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The food we eat generally takes an average time of three days to go from consumption stage to the waste stage. And if you find your stool to be green in color, it’s an indication that the food you ate took lesser time to digest. The darker the color of your stool, the more the chances of your bowel movements not being that fine in nature. Ideally, it’s brown and green color which is a sign of healthy stool.

3. Too Much Or Too Less Of The Bowel Movements Signal Trouble

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On an average, a normal bowel movement is the one in which you go to the toilet at least thrice a week. But, each one of us has our “normal” times, right? Although, if you find yourself going to the washroom less than three times a week, then it’s a sure sign that you may be suffering from constipation. It’s okay to go even thrice in a day, the reason behind this could be any medical condition, the person’s lifestyle, or merely a genetic thing. The actual problem starts if your bowel movements show a sudden splurge or a sudden dip, i.e. from thrice a week if it jumps to three times a day. That’s a problem! In such cases, please go visit a doctor and get yourself checked.

4. If It’s Stinky Then Something Is Fishy

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If your bowel movements make the rest of the house cover their noses, then there’s something wrong with your bowel movement. See, the stink in your stool can be a result of what you’ve consumed as well. And sometimes, if the food was not digested in a proper manner, it manages to reach the colon and ferment there, thereby, causing the foul smell. Or, maybe there is a certain food intolerance that you aren’t aware of. Therefore, talk to you doctor in order to save yourself from the embarrassment. Find out the reason behind your stinky stool and fix it.

5. Loose Poop Can Be A Sign Of Celiac Disease

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See, it cannot always be termed as diarrhea. Although, they say that it’s only one percent of people who get affected by celiac disease, there’s a considerable percentage of people out there who aren’t even aware of its existence. They have no idea about the symptoms of celiac disease. If you find loose poop every time you’ve visited the loo, then go get yourself checked for celiac disease. Because, if a person is suffering from celiac disease, the person needs to stop indulging in any gluten-related food. Consuming gluten will kill villi and your body will not be able to absorb all the nutrients from the food you eat.

6. Occasional Floaters Are Perfectly Normal

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If you find you poop floating, instead of sinking then it’s totally normal. Chances are that you must have eaten foods that have accumulated a lot of gas in your body which causes your stool to float. But, if you see it happening very frequently and you observe oily residue along with it, then, there’s a serious problem. Chances are that there might be an infection in your pancreas that is preventing your body from producing digestive enzymes. In such cases, visit a doctor and get a stool test done.

It might all appear very gross to read but these are facts. And it’s quite surprising, right? Have you ever paid attention to your bowel movements before? Let us know in the comments below.

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