14 Christmas Cookie Ideas To Exchange With Close Friends And Loved Ones

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

Christmas is right around the corner and you are probably wondering what cookies to exchange with your friends and family this year. Since this is a pandemic and people are going to be quarantined at home, it’s a good idea to have a cute cookie bake off with your friends and exchange some super fun recipes. If cookies are some of your favorite Christmas treats then we have a wide array of cookie ideas as well as icing decorations for your cookies. So we’ve come up with about fourteen cookie ideas for you to bake yourself or to exchange with your closest friends:

1. Gingerbread Men

Gingerbread Men
Image: Shutterstock

Who doesn’t love gingerbread men? If your kids are a fan of the movie Shrek, then you can even make the gingerbread men look like the character “Gingy”. You cannot go wrong with some classic gingerbread men and your kids will definitely appreciate you for it.

2. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
Image: Shutterstock

Decorating these scrumptious gingerbread cookies is a four man job! So get your kids involved and ask them to help place the decorations on the cookies. Treat them like santa’s little helpers and ask them to place the red noses on each cookie while you use chocolate icing to make their ears. This yummylicious treat will keep all your guests impressed!

3. Raspberry Jam Hearts

Raspberry Jam Hearts
Image: Shutterstock

All you really need to bake these cookies is an adorable heart shaped cookie cutter. What better way to greet the honey to your bee than with some raspberry jam hearts? If your partner comes home after a tiring day, we bet they’d be ecstatic to dive into these sweet treats, don’t you? So find the tastiest raspberry jam you can get your hands on, some cookie dough, powdered sugar and get to work!

4. Chocolate Cookies With Glazed Candy

Chocolate Cookies With Glazed Candy
Image: Shutterstock

Everybody loves chocolate cookies. You cannot go wrong with the delicious treat and it is a must have at any Christmas celebration. To make your chocolate cookies taste extra special, top them off with some sweet chocolate sauce and pieces of glazed candy. We guarantee your friends will come back for more!

5. Classic Chocolate Chip

Classic Chocolate Chip
Image: Shutterstock

If you’re someone who likes to play it safe and doesn’t want to risk anything by trying something out of the box, you should definitely try giving chocolate chip cookies a shot. The delicious treat is a must-have and dearly loved by everyone who tried them. You absolutely cannot go wrong with this tried and tested style of baked cookies.

6. Superhero Cookies

Superhero Cookies
Image: Shutterstock

Every kid loves superheroes. Whether they want to or not, they always end up getting dragged into the topic since superheroes are popular in that age group. So why not treat your kids and their friends to some superhero themed sugar cookies? The designs are a little complicated but you can make a team effort out of it!

7. Christmas Themed Fondant Cookies

Christmas Themed Fondant Cookies
Image: Shutterstock

These adorable cookies are themed after a starry Christmas night. What better way to bring out the essence of Christmas than designing a starry night themed Christmas fondant type cookie?

8. Heart-shaped Cookies With Almond Center

Heart-shaped Cookies With Almond Center
Image: Shutterstock

That heart-shaped cutter can come in handy once again. These cookies are a filled out version to the raspberry jam heart cookies. Follow a classic gingerbread recipe to make these scrumptious cookies and add the almond in the center.

9. Glazed Ice Cream Cookies

Glazed Ice Cream Cookies
Image: Shutterstock

If you’re the super creative kind and want your cookies to look the absolute best, you should give this idea a try. However, we recommend you practice icing a few cookies at home prior to Christmas as this design is quite complicated and you’d want it to look the absolute best.

10. Unicorn Sugar Cookies

Unicorn Sugar Cookies
Image: Shutterstock

Another recipe idea for someone who has decent enough experience to take on the challenge of glazing and icing a complicated design on a cookie. Every kid loves unicorns and if you’re in the mood to try something new, you should definitely opt for an interesting unicorn themed design.

11. Mint Chocolate Cookie

Mint Chocolate Cookie
Image: Shutterstock

Mint chocolate cookies are a fan favorite and a must have at any Christmas celebration. If you have friends who are not fans of chocolate chip cookies you can always offer them mint chocolate cookies instead. These are a tastier alternative and taste great accompanied with rum soaked plum cake.

12. Butter Pecan Cookies

Butter Pecan Cookies
Image: Shutterstock

Butter pecan cookies are another traditional and tried and tested method of baking cookies. These cookies are perfect for those who prefer taking a more old fashioned approach and sticking to the old classics. Pair this with some delicious tea and your night will be perfect!

13. Cinnamon Snickerdoodle

Cinnamon Snickerdoodle
Image: Shutterstock

Snickerdoodle cookies go well with tea as well and it’s a great accompaniment to a kitty party. If your friends are a little more conscious of their diet, these are a healthier alternative than chocolate or cream cookies. Definitely keep your fit friends in mind while making these.

14. Red Velvet Crinkle Cookies

Red Velvet Crinkle Cookies
Image: Shutterstock

Red velvet cookies are truly decadent and if you don’t mind the overall sweetness, then these are definitely the type of cakes you should opt for. These red velvet crinkle cookies will definitely keep your guests begging for more.

Christmas is all about sharing the joy, so bake up a bunch of cookies and do cookie drive-bys with your friends. It’s always a fun idea to exchange baking tips with your friends and drop cookies by. Do let us know which of these cookie ideas was your favorite in the comments section below.

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