7 Common Summer Skin Problems And How You Can Combat And Prevent Them

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

Summers in India can be pretty harsh and can take a significant toll on the health of our skin. During the brutal summers, tonnes of skin problems can start to affect us. While you may want to just sit at home and drink nimbu pani all day, the dreaded heat of the summer can affect us even when we are indoors. Besides this, the humidity can also start to invite infections and cause rashes, excessive sweating, and other skin problems. So if you’re worried about having to visit your dermatologist for every small skin problem that comes your way this summer, we might have a few solutions for you. If you’re also wondering how to prevent these skin problems, here are seven tips that might come of help to you:

1. Acne

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Clogged pores occur when your sweat mixes with the natural oils and bacteria present on your skin. Depending on the type of skin you have, you may start to experience an increase in breakouts during the summer months. To prevent this, you need to make sure that you are washing your face at least twice a day, if not more. Although acne can take time to clear out, if you take the right precautions, you may be able to avoid any intense breakouts.

2. Dry Skin

Dry Skin
Image: Shutterstock

When your skin loses too much water and oil, your skin can tend to become dry. This can happen due to hot and dry weather, swimming in a chlorinated pool, and spending the day in an air-conditioned room. Therefore it is recommended that you make use of a water-based moisturizer during the summer months. While applying lotion on your skin might seem like the last thing on your mind, trust us when we say it can make a world of difference.

3. Sunburn

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A sunburn can put quite the damper on any summer plans that you may have. In some cases, it can lead to blistering, pain, and extreme discomfort. We’ll skip lecturing you on the necessities of sunscreen as you probably already know all there is to know about it. But if you’ve already landed up with a sunburn and want to know how to treat it, the best way to do so is to use aloe vera or another soothing natural remedy to treat it. It’s also essential that you wear loose clothing and avoid anything tight-fitting, as that can exacerbate your skin condition. If you’re out and about in the sun, make sure that you keep reapplying your sunscreen every few hours.

4. Heat Rash

Heat Rash
Image: Shutterstock

You can get a heat rash if your sweat glands are blocked. They can appear in the form of itchy bumps and raised red skin. While heat rashes usually go away on their own, there are plenty of ways that you can treat them at home if they are causing you discomfort. While the best line of defense is to wear loose-fitting, light clothes, you can also purchase a cooling powder to help cool down your skin. Avoid exercising in the heat and save it for early mornings or late evenings.

5. Insect Bites

Insect Bites
Image: Shutterstock

Besides being annoying, insect bites can also lead to a plethora of health issues like dengue, malaria, and plenty of other dangerous diseases. Now is the best time to take out the mosquito repellant you’ve stored at the back of your wardrobe and slather it on. Avoid leaving your windows open, and consider investing in a mosquito net. This will also prevent other types of bugs from sneaking in and biting you.

6. Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s Foot
Image: Shutterstock

Judging by the name of this infection, many might think it only impacts athletes, but you would be mistaken. Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that spreads quite easily and can be caught by anybody who might be walking barefoot in a moist area. You can catch it at a public swimming pool or even in a gym-locked room. The symptoms of this condition show up in the form of cracked, peeling, and flaky skin that may blister or ooze. It affects the soles of your foot and the areas between your toes. To prevent catching it, always wear shower shoes, sandals, or flip-flops in public places to keep your feet dry. You can purchase an over-the-counter antifungal cream as well. Avoid sharing your bed sheet, towels, and other linens with your family members if you have been affected by the athlete’s foot.

7. Folliculitis

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You probably already know that your skin has multiple minuscule openings through which your hair grows. These openings are called follicles, and when they get infected by dirt and harmful bacteria, you develop a condition called folliculitis. This appears as a boil or pimples on the surface of your skin and can be itchy and tender to touch as well. It is a pretty common skin condition and can be easily treated in the comfort of your own home. Make use of an antibacterial lotion to get rid of the infection. Keep away from any hot tubs and pools as chlorine can exacerbate the condition.

With the right precautions and care, you can overcome any skin problem that comes your way. Remember, if the problem persists, you should contact a dermatologist and ask them for further advice. Do let us know all of your thoughts on this article in the comment section below!

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Niharika Nayak

Niharika NayakBA (Media & Communication)

Niharika has a passion for all things art, music, and travel and has over 4 years of experience in writing for social media. During her spare time, she likes experimenting in the kitchen, playing video games, and hanging out with stray animals. She has a bachelor's degree in media and communication from the Manipal Institute of Communication and aspires to...read full bio

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