Experts Warn Of Hair Tweezing Dangers And Name Areas You Should Never Use Your Tweezers On

Written by Shamita Dhingra • 

Women are extremely concerned about their body image and spend a lot of time grooming themselves.

However, they are plagued by the smallest of body issues.

What do you think are the body issues that women face? Weight and skin problems top the markers when we talk about discontentment with one’s body. And next, come the hair issues.

Excess hair, gray hair, facial hair, hair at abnormal places – all these are nightmares for most women who are extremely conscious of their looks. It often leads to lack of confidence and poor self-esteem. Of course, there are several ways of hair removal, and we aren’t really shy of trying them out. Waxing, shaving, bleaching, laser – everything has become quite common. But some still prefer using the traditional tweezers or pluckers because they are inexpensive, hassle-free, and quick to use.

However, experts say that tweezers should not be used indiscriminately. It is because some body hair or areas are not suitable for plucking, as it can cause a lot of harm.

Let us find out more about when and where to avoid the use of pluckers.

1. Gray Strands

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Sometimes, people make the mistake of plucking the odd gray hair that they spot on their head. It has no benefit because plucking gray hair results in trauma to the hair follicle. Forcible use of tweezers can signal the follicle to not grow any more hair, and if this is repeatedly done, it can result in bald patches on the head.

It is better to use hair scissors and trim them off.

2. Eyebrow Hair

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Tweezers are most commonly used for eyebrows. Once in a while, it is ok to use tweezers to pluck a stray hair and maintain the shape, but repeated use may damage the follicle, and it might be difficult for the natural hair to grow back again. Methods like threading and waxing are far better than using a plucker. However, let your eyebrows have some time to heal and grow back before you remove them again. That way, their growth will be optimum and they will also stay in better shape.

3. Hair In The Armpits

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It is not good to pluck hair off the armpits. Though using tweezers is far gentler compared to waxing, it should be avoided, since the hair is very coarse in that area. Pulling such thick hair can be strenuous and damaging. Moreover, there can be in-growth of hair.

For a long-term solution to get rid of underarm hair, laser removal is the best option.

4. Pubic Area

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The hair in the pubic area is thick, so it can be painful using a plucker down there. There can be chances of infection too if the process irritates the tender skin. Again, Brazilian wax or laser is safer for hair removal in the pubic region.

5. Acne Or Pimples

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If there is an inflammation of the hair follicle, there can be an infectious breakout. Do not ever use tweezers to take out that hair. It can aggravate bacterial activity and may even cause permanent scarring. Also, there are chances of the pus spreading and causing more pimples.

6. Moles

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Hair growth in and closer to the moles can result into inflammation and infection. Tweezing out hair from the spot can cause injury to the surface, resulting in more pain and distress. It is better to go for trimming the hair or laser treatment for a more lasting effect.

7. Nipple

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The area around the nipples is very tender and sensitive, so plucking hair from that area can result in irritation and redness. It can also damage the hair follicles.

8. Nose

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The nasal hair may not be very appealing to look at, but they play a very important role. They avert dust, dirt, germs, and other allergens from entering the nose (1). If the nasal hair is longer and you feel embarrassed, try to trim them using scissors. But be careful not to injure the delicate lining. Otherwise, it may cause bleeding and infection.

Therefore, adequate measures have to be taken before you reach for the tweezers. Improper use of tweezers can cause –

  • Apart from the sharp sting and irritation, it can also cause the spread of ingrown hair. Ingrown hair can also cause swelling and infection because the hair is not pulled out completely and properly.
  • Hyperpigmentation. Melanin formation occurs due to repeated bouts of inflammation, leaving darkish patches on the skin.
  • Improper techniques can lead to Folliculitis – a condition characterized by infection, pain, redness, and itching (2).

It is essential that you follow the right techniques to use tweezers – they must be clean and sterile. You must apply ice packs, cream or medicated ointment to minimize skin irritation. And make use of tweezers only when it is completely safe to do so.

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