How To Up Your Daytime Braid Game

Written by StyleCraze • 

Braids are a classic hairdo for all ages and all occasions. Here are a few ideas for hair braids that you will definitely want to try.

1. Tricolored Braids

Tricolored Braids
Image: Shutterstock

Part your hair into three, choose three striking hair colors for each of these parts, and lo! This beautiful tricolored braid will have everyone’s attention focused only on you.

2. Hair Chalk Braids

Hair Chalk Braids
Image: Shutterstock

Use bright colored chalks for the extra pop of brightness as you do your braids.

3. Braid Bun

Braid Bun
Image: Shutterstock

This style best suits gowns and short dresses. Entwine your bun with a single braid or double braid, and be the trendsetter for a new hairstyle.

4. The Wildflower Braid

The Wildflower Braid
Image: Shutterstock

Decorating hair with flowers is not new. But choosing a rare color like green for the flowers, and decorating your braid with the leaves and buds of the flower stalk would definitely be a trendy style.

5. Braid Cascade

Braid Cascade
Image: Shutterstock

After tying a high pony, take some strands from the middle and work the braid. Once the braid is ready, wind it loosely around your pony, tie it into knot towards the end of your ponytail, and you are done.

6. Killer Look With Braids

Killer Look With Braids
Image: Shutterstock

Work your hair into many thin braids – the Afro style – and knot it into a crown with hair pins. Take two braids across your forehead as in the picture, and let some of your braids fall into a loose curve at the back of your head.

7. The New Bohemian

The New Bohemian
Image: Shutterstock

Part your hair sideways and work only the upper strands of your hair neatly into a tight braid. Leave the rest of the hair open, and look gorgeous in the new Bohemian style.

8. Ribbon Style

Let a ribbon pass through your braid from mid-length. Tie the same ribbon into a cute bow to knot your braid. You can also use a scarf as the third part of the braid and work from the top till the end. You can try out options like glitter wire, soft lace, or even a bunch of multi-colored woolen threads for the same.

9. The Mermaid Braid

The Mermaid Braid
Image: Shutterstock

After you do your braids in the normal loose style, take a fresh toothbrush and brush the sides of your braid till the hair at the edges comes out loose. Pull out the smaller hairs from around your ears and temples and work them into beautiful curls – your mermaid look is ready.

10. French Plait Knot

French Plait Knot
Image: Shutterstock

Do a loose French plait along the length of your hair. Twist the end up and work into a flat knot with hair pins. Remember that the pins should remain concealed.

11. French Braids

French Braids
Image: Shutterstock

Double French braids taken along the crown of your head, leaving the rest of the hair open, would suit anyone and look fabulous.

12. Easy Go

Easy Go
Image: Shutterstock

Try this easy go style if you are too busy for the day!

Tips: Use your imagination with your hair braids. You may choose hair rings or beads to decorate them; even cute stickers would do. Use a hair spray in case you are going for the more complex braids. Do not forget to spray over your hair pins so that everything remains intact. Dry shampoo is a real help for getting the right braids.

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