5 Differences Between Men And Women Very Few People Know

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons Experience: 2.5 years

The more you learn how differently men and women perceive, comprehend, and execute things, the more intrigued you will be by how unique the genders of the same species can be. While we are all aware of the obvious disparities between the genders, there are many subtle and often overlooked differences that make them stand apart. These differences and uniqueness also highlight human behavior and psychology. In this article, we will explore some lesser-known differences between men and women that make these genders truly unique. Be it about biology, communication, or cognition, these distinctions offer a deeper understanding of the human experience. Read on to learn more!

1. Women May Have More Nightmares Than Men

Women May Have More Nightmares Than Men
Image: Shutterstock

Research suggests that women may experience more nightmares than men, although the reasons behind this difference are not entirely clear (1). Hormonal fluctuations, such as those that occur during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or menopause, could potentially influence the dream patterns in women (2). Additionally, societal and cultural factors, as well as variations in stress and anxiety levels, may also play a role in it.

2. Women May Spend More Time On The Toilet

Women May Spend More Time On The Toilet
Image: Shutterstock

Though this differs from one person to another, it has been seen at large that women spend more time on the toilet than men. This discrepancy can be attributed to several factors. One primary reason is the difference in bathroom routines and hygiene practices between the genders.

Women often have more involved routines, including sitting down for urination, which can take longer than men’s standing for urination. Additionally, women might spend extra time in the restroom for various personal care activities, such as changing sanitary products, tending to makeup and grooming, or even taking moments of respite for privacy. These disparities in bathroom habits can result in women spending more time in the restroom.

3. Men Have Larger Teeth

Men Have Larger Teeth
Image: Shutterstock

Men generally have larger teeth as compared to women (3). This is one of the many subtle anatomical differences that can be observed between the genders. Larger teeth in men are part of their overall sexual dimorphism, which is a result of differing hormonal influences during growth and development.

These size differences can include not just the teeth but also various other physical characteristics such as body size, muscle mass, and bone structure. While the reasons behind these differences are complex and multifaceted, they serve as a reminder of the intriguing diversity that exists within the human species.

4. Most Men Have Longer Eyelashes

Men typically grow longer eyelashes than women due to the influence of hormones and genetics (4). While there is natural variation among people, it is generally observed that men’s eyelashes tend to be thicker and longer compared to those of women. The male hormones, particularly testosterone, play a significant role in the development of longer eyelashes (5).

These lashes serve a protective function, helping shield the eyes from debris, dust, and other particles that could potentially irritate or harm them. Eyelashes also have a cosmetic aspect, and while they may not be as prominently featured in men’s beauty routines, they contribute to overall facial aesthetics and expression.

5. Men Are Very Emotional Beings

Men Are Very Emotional Beings
Image: Shutterstock

Men are equally, if not more emotional than women. This challenges the traditional gender stereotypes that often portray men as less emotional or expressive. Emotions are a fundamental aspect of human nature, and their expression varies widely from person to person, irrespective of gender.

In many cases, societal expectations have historically encouraged men to suppress their emotions, contributing to the misconception that they are less emotional. However, modern understanding and evolving gender norms emphasize that men, like other genders, experience a full spectrum of emotions, including vulnerability, love, empathy, and sensitivity.

It is crucial to recognize and encourage emotional expression in men, fostering healthier relationships and personal well-being, while dismantling stereotypes that limit their ability to fully engage with their feelings.

So, now we know how the distinctions between men and women extend far beyond the obvious physiological and anatomical dissimilarities. While many of these differences are subtle and not widely recognized, they are a product of genetics, hormones, and societal influences.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that generalizations can’t cover the full diversity of human experiences. These less-known differences serve as a reminder of the uniqueness that make up human biology and behavior. Each of these differences makes an individual unique and special in their own way.

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Indrani Karmakar

Indrani KarmakarSenior Social Writer

Indrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and...read full bio

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