8 Yellow Flags To Look Out For While In A Relationship

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

So we’ve all heard about “red flags” when it comes to relationships and what kinds of behavior to avoid so we don’t fall under the category. But what about the intermediate stage before things get crazy? Yes, here are a few “yellow flags” that should keep you on your radar if you notice them. Sure, these might just seem like common personality traits at times but there comes a time when you and your partner have to draw boundaries and keep barriers. So here are eight yellow flags that might make you want to re-evaluate your relationship:

  • They Claim Not To Have “Opinions”


Look, everyone has an opinion. Especially on topics that may seem black or white. Your partner constantly agreeing with you or not sharing their opinions with you could be a yellow flag and might even impact your relationship in the future. It’s a good idea to express any issues you may have upfront over certain topics.

  • They’re Super Indecisive


Indecisiveness is a super irritating habit. If you find yourself having delayed plans because of your partner constantly bailing, make sure to bring it up once you notice it is a pattern. It’s important to point out any bad habits they may have at the start of the relationship so that it doesn’t get worse.

  • They Don’t Have Any Particular Interests Or Hobbies


It’s very odd when people have absolutely zero interests besides their career or their love life. Every person on the planet is passionate about one thing or another and being with someone who claims they have absolutely no passions or hobbies is a little odd. You could encourage them to pursue a new hobby or even pick up a shared hobby together if you don’t consider this a dealbreaker. If their only interests are their career and personal life they might end up becoming a bit clingy towards you.

  • They Have Way Too Many “Crazy Exes”


Maybe one, two, or even three crazy exes are forgivable if they have a vast dating history. However, if they have four or more and they have the habit of constantly bringing up their exes during conversations, it’s time to have the talk. After all, people who constantly play the victim card will never accept that they were responsible for half the problems in the relationship (or more). If you’re not careful with the way you handle the situation, they may brand you as their “crazy ex” very soon too.

  • They Constantly Talk Trash Their Ex


This is a sign that the wounds of their past relationship have most likely not healed completely yet. If it gets to the point where they constantly bring up their ex, or worse, compare you to their exes during an argument, you have to draw the line. Like we get it, exes suck. But they don’t suck so much that you constantly disrespect them or say rude things. After all, you were in love with them at some point in time. Just move on and move forward.

  • They Don’t Talk About Their Family At All


Yes, we get it. Familial relationships are complicated and it’s not right to judge a person just because they don’t like talking about their family but if you know absolutely nothing about your partner’s family, then that too is a very odd thing. Especially if the two of you have been together for a long period of time and are adults. Families are often brought up during conversations and there could be a genuinely sinister reason behind them not wanting to talk about things.

  • They Don’t Have A Job Or Aspirations


There is nothing worse than having to win a race while running with a bag of potatoes on your back. Cut extra baggage loose. If your partner has zero career aspirations and doesn’t even intend on getting a job in the near future, it’s a good idea to cut them off. After all, you don’t want to have a partner who leeches onto you and lazes around so long, they start to resemble furniture. Unless you’re married and have an arrangement with your partner where one decides to stay home and the other decides to work, don’t put up with it.

  • Their Friends Are Kinda Crazy


“Crazy is as crazy does”, and in this regard, it makes total sense. If you notice that your partner shares an odd bunch of friends with extremely problematic ideologies or are always getting into trouble, it’s not a good idea to stick around. Your partner may claim that there is unity in diversity but they might even end up sharing similar beliefs to their friends. If it comes down to this, it’s not right to ask your partner to choose between you and his friends and your best course of action is to move on.

While some of these “yellow flags” may seem minute at first, if you’re looking to date someone for a long time in the foreseeable future, it’s a good idea to take them into account. You don’t want to get stuck in a relationship with so many differences that you feel miserable, right? Do share this article if you found it interesting and let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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