6 Exercises To Reduce Stress And Tension

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons Experience: 2.5 years

In today’s fast-paced world, the pressures of work, family, and society can take a toll on our mental and physical health. Fortunately, there are effective ways to combat this constant state of agitation and reclaim a sense of balance. In this article, we’ll explore some powerful exercises that can help you reduce stress and tension, and enable you to navigate the challenges of modern life easily. Whether you’re a health enthusiast or just beginning your journey to a stress-free life, these exercises offer practical solutions to help you regain control over your mental and emotional equilibrium. Read on to know them all!

1. Garland Pose

Garland Pose
Image: Shutterstock

Practicing the Garland Pose, (also known as Malasana in yoga) can significantly reduce stress and tension in the body. This grounding and calming posture involves squatting down with your feet close together while your heels are flat on the ground. As you lower your hips and bring your palms together in a prayer position at your chest, you create a sense of balance and inner calm.

Garland Pose not only stretches and opens up the hips, groins, and lower back, but it also encourages a mindful connection with your breath and body. This meditative posture provides relief from the physical toll of stress and tension while promoting mental tranquility, making it an excellent addition to your daily wellness routine.

2. Pac-Man Pose

The Pac-Man Pose, named after the iconic video game character, offers a fun way to reduce stress and tension in our bodies. This unique pose involves lying on your back, bending your knees, and bringing them close to your chest. With your arms wrapped around your shins, you create a compact, circular shape that resembles Pac-Man chomping on pellets.

In this position, you can gently rock from side to side, massaging your lower back and calming your nervous system. The Pac-Man Pose is an excellent way to release tension in the lower back, hips, and hamstrings while promoting relaxation and a sense of playfulness.

3. Spinning Around

Spinning Around
Image: Shutterstock

Spinning around may seem like a child’s game, but it can be a surprisingly effective method for reducing stress and tension in adults. This simple activity taps into our inner child, helping us momentarily escape the demands and worries of daily life. When we spin, whether in a carefree twirl or a dance, our body and mind are engaged in a playful and rhythmic motion that can alleviate stress.

The act of spinning stimulates the vestibular system, which can have a calming effect on the nervous system (1). It also promotes mindfulness as we focus on the sensations of movement and the moment at hand. For a brief period, spinning transports us to a world of carefree joy, offering a welcome break from the stressors of adulthood.

4. Hip Flexor, Hamstring, And Glute Stretches

Our modern sedentary lifestyles can lead to tightness and discomfort in muscle groups, often exacerbating stress-related physical issues. By incorporating targeted stretches, such as lunges for hip flexors, forward bends for hamstrings, and pigeon poses for the glutes, you can alleviate tension and promote relaxation. These stretches help release physical tightness in the lower back and hip region, improving flexibility and relieving stress-induced discomfort.

Moreover, stretching is not only a physical practice but a mental one, encouraging mindfulness and presence in the moment. So, whether you’re at your desk, in the gym, or at home, remember to incorporate these stretches into your routine for a comprehensive approach to stress reduction, enhancing both physical and mental well-being.

5. The Dog Pose

The Dog Pose
Image: Shutterstock

The Dog Pose, or Adho Mukha Svanasana in yoga, is a wonderful posture for reducing stress and tension. This asana resembles a dog stretching itself out, with the body forming an inverted “V” shape. The pose involves straightening the arms and legs while pressing the palms firmly into the ground. As you lift your hips toward the ceiling, your spine elongates, and you create a gentle traction effect that can help relieve tension in the back, shoulders, and neck. The Dog Pose also encourages relaxation by allowing you to focus on your breath and clear your mind.

6. The Frog Pose

The Frog Pose involves kneeling down and spreading the knees apart, while the hands are placed on the floor in front of you. It resembles a frog about to leap, hence its name. The Frog Pose is especially beneficial for relieving stress and tension in the lower back, hips, and groin.

It allows for a deep stretch in these areas, promoting flexibility and relaxation. Moreover, the pressure applied to the abdomen in this pose can help massage and stimulate the digestive organs, potentially easing digestive discomfort often associated with stress.

By actively engaging in these exercises, you can help yourself with stress reduction that not only soothes our bodies but also nurtures our souls. So, whether you choose to stretch, breathe, or play your way to a more relaxed state of being, remember that the power to reduce stress and tension is within your reach. These exercises provide the keys to unlock the door to a healthier and balanced life.

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Indrani Karmakar

Indrani KarmakarSenior Social Writer

Indrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and...read full bio

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