24 Facts About Left-Handed People That You Did Not Know

Written by Tanya Arora • 

What’s common between Angelina Jolie, Bill Gates, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Marie Curie? Well, apart from being insanely accomplished and famous, they are left-handed people. Yes, they are all lefties!

Left-handed people are a rarity and the reason why some people use their left hand as the primary one is yet largely unknown. Apart from the fact that it is genetic and you’ll generally find left-hands running in generations.

That said, left-handed people are quite unique with tons of interesting facts about them that you probably haven’t heard before. Here are 24 that’ll totally blow your mind!

  1. Researchers estimate that roughly 10% of the population of the world is made up of left-handed people, which is equal to 720,000,000 people approximately (1)!
  2. The word ‘left’ comes from the Old English/West Germanic ‘lyft,’ which originated around c.1200. This word originally meant weak or foolish and even worthless (2).
24 Facts About Left-Handed People That You Did Not Know
Image: Shutterstock
  1. As ironic as it may sound, all the lefties in your life actually use the right side of their brain!
  2. It’s not just celebrities who are accomplished left-handers. Left-handed people are quite good at sports too, especially in boxing, baseball, tennis, and swimming! Never underestimate the power of the leftie.
24 Facts About Left-Handed People That You Did Not Know
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Now that we’re on the topic of sports, did you know that 40% of the most famous tennis players are actually lefties? And that includes Rafael Nadal!
  2. Left-handers have an upper hand when it comes to swimming too. They have been proven of being capable of seeing more clearly underwater as compared to right-handers.
  3. Not everything about being a lefty is great. Apparently, alcoholism and left-handedness are strongly connected. In fact, it is estimated that lefties are 3% more likely to be addicted to alcohol.
24 Facts About Left-Handed People That You Did Not Know
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Lefties are rich! It has been proven that college graduates who are left-handed become 26% richer later on in life as compared to their right-handed peers.
  2. No matter the gender, a lefty is a late-bloomer. And studies have shown that they attain puberty 5 to 6 months later as compared to right-handed tweens!
  3. Lefties don’t just exist solely in people, but in animals too. You could very well have a left-pawed pooch or kitty without realizing it.
  4. Here’s a fun fact: In the United States of America, 4 out of 7 states are actually left-handed!
24 Facts About Left-Handed People That You Did Not Know
Image: Shutterstock
  1. The left hand is capable of writing some of the longest words without a hiccup, including dresses, sweater, and tesserae. And you thought your left hand was only good for the washroom!
  2. Previously, left-handers were viewed as sinister, and being left-handed was linked to criminal behavior, neurosis, and homosexuality. Conversely, it has been associated with creativity and musicality too. Interesting!
  3. Presently in the US, there are more than 30 million people who use their left hand as their primary hand for all kinds of tasks and activities.
  4. Believe it or not, older mommies are more likely to have left-handed babies. Scientists have found out that the baby of a 40-year-old mother has a 128% higher chance of being left-handed (3).
24 Facts About Left-Handed People That You Did Not Know
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Right-handers do not have a day for themselves on the calendar, but lefties? Every year, August 13th is celebrated as the International Left-Hander’s Day.
  2. There’s a difference between the emotions felt by a right-hander and a left-hander. And this happens due to the ability of the left-handers to process information more quickly!
  3. Know a lefty friend who has trouble sleeping? It’s not unusual. Lefties actually have a higher tendency to suffer from insomnia as compared to righties.
24 Facts About Left-Handed People That You Did Not Know
Image: Shutterstock
  1. But that’s not all your left-handed friend experiences. Lefties apparently are quite good at math, architecture, and the concept of spatial awareness.
  2. According to medical experts, when a leftie injures their dominant hand, they take very little time to use their right one. For righties, this can seem like an impossible task. Shout out if you agree!
  3. Lefties are not only more susceptible to insomnia, but also to asthma and allergies when you compare them to right-handers.
  4. Like we said, left-handedness is genetic. Don’t believe us? Take a look at this royal example – Queen Mother: lefty, Queen Elizabeth II: lefty, Price Charles: lefty, and Prince William: lefty!
  5. Lefties have been to space too! Of the total four astronauts who were on the Apollo, one of them was a lefty.
24 Facts About Left-Handed People That You Did Not Know
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Some of the creepiest and well-known killers and criminals in history have been left-handed. The Boston Stranglers, Jack The Ripper, and Osama Bin Laden are just a few of the famous lefty murderers.

Enlightened yet? Now that’s a lot you didn’t know about your lefty friend or family member! And if you don’t have a lefty in your life yet, just know that when you meet one, you’ll encounter true greatness!

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