7 Facts About Women They Themselves Are Not Even Aware Of

Written by Tanya Arora • 

Women are fascinating creatures! They have some of the highest IQ scores recorded in history and they were the first one to ride in the Niagara Falls in an ordinary wooden barrel! Can you believe that? Just like these, there are several more fascinating facts about women that they themselves have no idea about. These facts reveal a lot about why women are the way they are, offering a glimpse into their complex nature and psyche.

Here are 7 interesting facts about women that will completely blow your mind!

1. A Woman’s Memory Of Tasks Differs From A Man’s

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Men often can’t stand it when their wives don’t acknowledge the tasks they’ve carried out and instead harp on about those that haven’t yet been done! Well, as it turns out, there’s a logical explanation for it. Researcher Liana Palermo conducted a study analyzing the memory of a 100 men and women, assigning each of them a task with intervals of 2 minutes to a day (1). She found out that women remembered what tasks are left, forgetting the ones that were already carried out. It’s a way for women to train their memories, having so many tasks to carry out in a day, Palermo explains.

2. Women Can Detect A Man’s Pheromones Even In A Crowd

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Healthy men give off a strong smell, which instantly attracts women (2). Known as their pheromones, women are actually able to detect this odor even if they are in a perfume store surrounded by an amalgamation of different kinds of aromas! When smelling a man’s pheromones, women even subconsciously get a clear idea of the man’s immunity and need only 3 seconds to do all of this!

According to another research conducted by the University of British Columbia, women are calmed by their man’s natural scent (3).

3. Women Take More Time To Fall In Love Than Men

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Men are the first ones to fall in love. Women, on the other hand, take their own sweet time to get their feelings on the same level. A recent research shows that 25% of men fall in love during the period between the 1st and 4th dates. The same holds true for only 15% of women (4)! Women also confessed that even after 20 or so dates, they still couldn’t feel the rush of love as men do and needed more time to get there.

4. Morning Sickness During Pregnancy Is Actually A Good Sign

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Toronto, Canada based researchers have found out that toxicosis (a condition caused by poisoning in pregnant women) is actually beneficial for both a mom-to-be and her baby’s health (5). Toxicosis is followed by a bout of morning sickness, which helps in expelling harmful toxins from the mother’s body so they do not find their way to the fetus. The study also showed women who suffered from morning sickness generally had healthier, smarter babies and experienced lower chances of a miscarriage.

5. Women With High IQs Are Less Likely To Want More Children

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A psychologist from the UK, Satoshi Kanazawa, discovered that a woman’s wish to have children faces a reduction of 25% every time their IQ increases by 15 points (6). His research stated that intelligent women preferred having no children or just one at the most as they prioritized self-development, travel, career, and education more. Kanazawa also hinted that this might be the reason why men prefer marrying women with traditional views.

6. The More Children A Woman Gives Birth To, The Quicker She Ages

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According to the researchers at the George Mason University, USA, women who give birth have smaller telomeres as compared to women who don’t give birth. What this means is that the chromosomes that protect the DNA get smaller as the woman ages. A total of 2000 women participated in this study and scientists found out that telomeres were much shorter in women with more children (7). Researchers also pointed out that stress may also be a factor rather than just the number of children a woman had.

7. Women Get Jealous Of Other Women In Red

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A researcher from Slovak Academy of Sciences, Adam Pazda, conducted a study in which he asked men and women to look at pictures of women and say what they felt about those pictures (8). Some of the women in the pictures wore red while others wore different colors. Interestingly, when women saw other women in red, they instantly recognized them as a threat, saying they wouldn’t allow their men to talk to such women. Nevertheless, both men and women agreed that the ladies in red seemed carefree and uninhibited.

Feeling a little enlightened? Now you know the reason behind certain apparently ‘irrational’ behaviors of women and it makes a lot of sense! With facts like these, who knows how much more is left to unravel of the enigma that is a woman.

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