7 Facts About Women That Make Them Different From Men

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

Back in Ancient Greece, many people saw women as totally different species from men. They often used this as a way to say that men were of a “better” species than women. However, the time of ignorance has passed, and thanks to science, we now know that men and women are almost exactly the same and share 98.5 percent DNA (1). You’ve probably heard plenty of things like “Men are from Mars” and “Women are from Venus,” but it is far from reality. We’re all from planet Earth and have more similarities than differences. Of course, there are some obvious differences between men and women, but you may not even know about plenty of other differences. Men and women even have certain hormones in common, like testosterone, yes women have a small amount of that hormone too. So here are seven facts about women that make them different from men:

1. Women Have A Lower Body Temperature

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If you feel like your girlfriend’s hands are constantly cold, there’s some reason why this is so. If you look at a woman’s hands on a thermal scanner, you would see that it is 37º F lower than a man’s hands (2). This is because women tend to have a lower muscle mass than men and have a higher ratio of surface area to volume. You might have noticed women complaining This results in them losing heat at a much faster rate than their male counterparts. So the next time your girlfriend asks to put her hands under your shirt and borrow some warmth, let her!

2. Morning Sickness Affects Pregnant Women

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It is true that women get morning sickness due to fluctuating hormones and bodily changes during periods. It is more common in women than men. However, the chances are way higher for women who are expecting a baby. Any pregnant woman will tell you how much she hates suffering from morning sickness. However, morning sickness is actually not a bad sign and is totally normal for pregnant women. It is completely fine if it happens occasionally. But if a woman faces excess morning sickness, then it may be a bit of a problem. This might be a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum, which could lead to fetal death if left unchecked.

3. Women Have Better Hearing Than Men

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Plenty of women complain about their husbands/boyfriends not listening to them, and there may be some truth to it. Research has shown that women have a better sense of hearing than men do and can tell high-pitched noises when they are babies (3). A girl who is just one week old is able to tell her mom’s voice apart from the crying of other babies. The skill is not just useful for babies but also for women as they grow older. Many women can catch the slightest change in the pitch of their voice and may even be able to tell if people are being truthful or not.

4. Women Have Better Immunity

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If you have heard more men falling sick or suffering from some or other health issue, that is because there is some scientific backing to it. This is not a fleeting statement based on firsthand individual experiences. Estrogen is a hormone that is more present in women than in men and is responsible for suppressing inflammation. This means that women can recover from and deal with illnesses a lot faster than men. Estrogen can also slow down the aging process in women, and hence they are more likely to live longer than men.

5. Women Have A Higher Amount Of Fatty Tissue

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We see women having a discussion about gaining weight more than men. That’s because women tend to put on weight much faster than men and have a higher percentage of body fat in their bodies than men do. This is mainly because of the reproductive abilities of women and estrogen. Women need to carry a certain percentage of fat around their hips and waist to protect their fetuses when they are pregnant. If a woman’s body fat drops too low, she will stop menstruating and will be unable to carry a baby to full term (until she puts on a bit more weight). Women tend to carry more body fat around their thighs and hips, while men carry weight on and around their stomachs. Women also tend to burn fast when they exercise, while men burn carbohydrates instead.

6. Women Have A Better Sense Of Taste

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We bet you haven’t heard of this one. Women have a way better sense of taste and smell than men do. They have around fifty cells (neurons) more than men in their olfactory bulbs. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for processing smells. Women also have more taste buds than men do and hence have a better sense of taste as well (4). Research also claims that there are factors involved in evolved olfactory senses of women. Those can be cognitive, social, or even genetic.

7. Women Live Longer Than Men

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There are many reasons why women live longer than men. This has been the case across the globe for many years now. Some of the factors that come in between are stress, lifestyle habits, for example – men smoke more than women do. In many societies, men work more than women do and are hence more likely to suffer from stress.

We have always heard of statements like this but usually tend to disagree or wonder if it’s really true. But there is proper evidence attached to this. Gender differences are not only physical but also in terms of behaviors, thoughts, and other such cognitive behaviors. Now that you know the various things that make women and men different from men, you can drop these fun facts during conversations with your friends! Now that you know the key differences between the two, you’ll be able to personalize your routine and make better health decisions. Did you learn something new while reading this? Do let us know all of your thoughts on this article in the comment section below!


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  1. Sex/Gender ‘Race/Ethnicity’ and Health
  2. Gender differences in thermoregulation
  3. Hearing Loss: Does Gender Play a Role?
  4. Sex Differences in Human Olfaction: A Meta-Analysis
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