This Easy Fashion Quiz Will Reveal Your True Personality Traits

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

Have you ever wondered what your taste in fashion says about your personality? If you answer yes to this question, then we have the right quiz for you! Many people believe that the way you dress says a lot about our personality and can reveal parts of yourself that you too might not have known existed. Fashion is one of those things that fades and changes with time and that’s what makes it epic. After all, who could forget the denim-on-denim outfits and hair clips obsession of the early 2000s, right? (CRINGE). So, whether you are someone whose taste in fashion is quirky or very classy, we have an answer for you. Take this quiz to find out if your personality matches the way you like to dress:

1. Your Friends Invite You On A Night Out. What Pair Of Shoes Do You Grab?
2. It’s Wedding Season And You’ve Been Invited To A Wedding. How Do You Wear Your Makeup?
3. You’re Getting Ready For A First Date. What Do You Pick To Make The Best First Impression?
4. What’s Your Ideal Vacation Outfit At The Beach?
5. Which Bollywood Actress Is Your Style Icon?
6. Which Color Majorly Dominates Your Wardrobe?
7. What Kind Of Clothing Makes You The Most Comfortable At Home?
The Minimalist

You like to keep things simple and practical. In all aspects of your life. Whether it is your fashion choices or your workstation, everything will be in spick and span condition. When it comes to your taste in fashion, bold is the last thing you would go for and prefer to opt for a simpler and more muted look. This doesn’t mean you don’t let loose every now and then and experiment with your taste in fashion.

The Funky One

The best way to describe you would be to call you “Out there�. You’re the Phoebe Buffay of the friend circle and nobody can match your eccentric taste in style. Who needs to copy fashion icons when you are a fashion icon, right? Not only is your taste in fashion out there but you’re always that friend who had the wildest and weirdest stories to tell and you love entertaining people with your antics.

The Icon

Chanel, who? When it comes to fashion, you are the unrequited champ of your friend circle. You follow fashion trends like people drink chai and you absolutely love investing money in good quality buys. Whether your closet is stacked with expensive designer wear or more affordable knock-offs, you have all the classics. When it comes to your personality, many people might perceive you as snooty but you’re anything but. You just enjoy a good classic and don’t mind letting your taste in fashion speak for you.

The Bold One

Your taste in fashion screams loud! Whether that’s regarding your political statements or your taste in fashion or your willingness to stand up for what’s right, you’re bold and proud. You literally live for making a statement and sometimes even when you don’t mean to, you accidentally make one. However, your friends love you for this and know that you’re the one person who’ll have their back if things go wrong. You’re that friend people call when they need a wake-up call or solid life advice.

The Extra One

Whatever you do in life, you have to do it EXTRA. Your taste in fashion is so out there, even aliens have no idea where to find it. You’re known for being the drama queen in your friend circle and attracting the craziest bunch of individuals into your company. Being a part of your friend circle is fun because you’re always getting into trouble somehow. However, you’re also that friend who will stand up against bullies and help out as much as possible when the time calls for it.

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