6 Types Of Foods And Drinks You Should Avoid After Age 30

Written by Anjala Farahath • 

We know that age is just a number and birthdays don’t dictate our physical and mental wellbeing. But, no matter how young we feel or look, we can’t contest the fact that our biological clock is ticking. Crossing the 30-year milestone tells that you have now successfully sewn up three decades of accumulating toxins and chemicals from all the food that you have happily gorged on. And without a doubt, these have negatively affected your metabolism and hormonal balance.

In order to turn back the aging clock to look and feel young even after you have completed three decades of life, you have to adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle. Plenty of vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, essential vitamins and minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, calcium, and potassium can ensure good health. And now, you’re probably wondering just what kind of foods create havoc in our systems, right?

Well, here’s a list of foods you need to say no to! We’re giving you the lowdown on the 6 foods that should be avoided. Read on.

1. Salt And Salty Foods

Salt And Salty Foods
Image: Giphy

All of our food needs salt, and a tad bit of it isn’t bad at all. But, going overboard with this commercially processed, sodium-rich condiment can speed up the aging process and also cause dehydration (1). Fluid retention that leads to thick ankles and swollen fingers is another effect of excess salt in the diet (2). This essential condiment can do more harm than good to you once you have hit the mark of 30 — it can lead to kidney diseases, high blood pressure, and also affect the bone metabolism (3).


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    Sugar From All Sources
    Image: Giphy

    Consumption of sugar is often associated with weight gain. But, that’s only a part of the truth of the sugar story (4). Sugar not only leads to obesity and weight gain, it also catalyzes the aging process in the body. The sugar we eat, either in the form of a tub of ice cream, a few bars of chocolate, rich desserts, or in the form of carbohydrates is all converted into glucose by our body. And the primary health ailment related to high blood glucose levels is diabetes (5). Diabetes has various types and it brings a horde of bad news to the health of the affected. It also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, nerve damage, and kidney problems (6). Additionally, it can damage the skin and bone vastly. Another form of sugar, aspartame, which is often found in artificial sweeteners, is a ticket to all kinds of health diseases.

    3. Soda And Energy Drinks

    Soda And Energy Drinks
    Image: Giphy

    During a long summer day or just another party, we don’t think twice before reaching out for that can of soda or carbonated beverage. Well, apart from the downside fact that these are just loaded with artificial sweeteners, the sodas and energy drinks have a tendency to reduce our water intake as well (7). A can of soda has about 150 calories and 40 grams of carbohydrates — the same amount of carb present in 10 teaspoons of sugar! So, before you pick up that energy drink or soda, take a minute to read the contents in it, because you really don’t want the soda or the energy drinks draining the life out of you by leaving you with health issues (8).

    4. Butter Alternatives

    Butter Alternatives
    Image: Giphy

    For years together we have been conned into believing that butter is bad for us, and its apparent “healthy “ substitutes like margarine are better for us (9). But these butter alternatives are made with trans fats. This kind of fat makes us prone to cardiovascular diseases and also reduces our skin’s ability to safeguard itself against the UV rays, thereby resulting in premature aging and wrinkles (10).

    5. Bread

    Image: Giphy

    We all love bread — bagels, sourdough bread or calzones. But, unless these loaves of bread are made out of whole wheat, you need to steer clear of them (11). That’s because pieces of bread are basically carbohydrates, which is sugar in disguise. The body converts these carbs into sugar and then glucose, which damages the content of wrinkle-fighting collagen in our body (12).

    6. Cocktails And Beer

    Cocktails And Beer
    Image: Giphy

    As much as we think that our potential to gulp down alcohol gets better with experience, it’s the ugly truth that it really doesn’t. And the body reacts to alcohol consumption — it causes the skin to lose elasticity and form wrinkles, rids you of a good night’s sleep, and leads you to indulge in junk cravings (you’re drunk after all). And the worst part is, your body doesn’t metabolize alcohol as efficiently as it used to in your 20s (13).

    We know that aging can be quite dreadful, but look at the bright side — it shows you the wonders of eating healthily for a fitter you. We need to accept that the body needs more care and nutrition as it ages. So, ditch the unhealthy and risky foods and make your 30s a better place to be!

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