The Friend Who Cancel Plans: An Open Letter To That One Friend Who Cancels All Travel Plans Last Minute

Written by , MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) Chaitra Krishnan MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) linkedin_icon Experience: 5 years
Last Updated on

Traveling with your friends is one of the best feelings you’ll ever experience. It’s an escape from the every day hush and rush that you have to go through. However, planning trips isn’t as easy as it sounds, especially if you have a bunch of carefree friends like me. If you are the responsible “older one” in the group, you will probably have to organize the trip, make calls, book tickets, and do most of the things. But, when compared to the amount of effort that you’ll have to put in convincing your friends to follow the plan, organizing the entire trip is just a cakewalk.

Having said that, we all have different types of friends and there’s always this one friend who backs out at the last moment. Sorry to say buddy, but you’re a pain in the butt when you do that! Ironically you are the most excited person when we start talking about the plan and you’re always at the forefront to give your suggestions. The way you show your enthusiasm and involvement make most of us get excited about the plan in the first place. And when we’re all done planning and organizing the whole thing, you go missing. Well, that isn’t cool man!

If you knew how much effort people like me put into building plans with friends, you wouldn’t ever back out at the last moment. If you didn’t want to come, you should have just told us. Now, we’ll have to cancel your ticket, your room, and everything else that we set keeping in mind that you’re going to come. And that entire cancellation fee? That will just be our loss. Also, it isn’t just about the money. We are a group of friends and we always stick to each other and prioritize our plans. But lately, it seems like you have other priorities, and awfully coincidental that you remember all of it two days before our travel plan or party plan.

I know you have excuses like
Image: Shutterstock

Yeah yeah, I know you have excuses like “my boss rejected my leave application,” or “I’m so broke, I cannot afford this trip,” or “I’m really really sick man.” But in reality, all I hear is “Blah, blah, blah!” I mean, at least make it believable. All of these excuses are so old that you practically see them slip and fall down right from your voice. Most of the time when we say, “okay, you don’t have to come” it’s not because we believed your big fat lie. It’s just because we are so annoyed with you because you keep doing this all the time and we know that there’s no point in trying to convince you to change your mind because that won’t happen.

So, there’s a part of us that’s really mad at you and doesn’t want you to come after you’ve thrown that excuse right on our face. If you don’t have money, you should have saved up and if you think you cannot do that no matter what, you should have just told us right from the beginning. Also, since we planned most of our traveling way before the dates, you had enough time to check with your manager and let us know if you would be getting the leave approved or not. Because no matter what, backing out at the last moment sucks.

known you for a very long time now and I kinda get it when you lie.
Image: Shutterstock

I’ve known you for a very long time now and I kinda get it when you lie. The way you lie with such confidence and think that none of us are going to doubt you, is just silly. Do you think that we’re that gullible? Or that stupid? Well, we’re not. And you should probably stop taking our patience for granted from now on. So, the next time you want to join us on a trip or for any plan, first think if you can actually come along and only then commit to it. If you can’t make it, we will totally understand, but we’re not going to take that “Guys, I’m so sorry, I can’t come,” sorta nonsense anymore.

And yes, to make you realize that you backing out the last moment isn’t going to ruin our plans, here’s something for you: you’re best buddies are going on a trip to Jaipur without you. Yeah, sorry man! You kinda backed out but we still managed to re-plan things and we’re going for sure. END OF STORY!

To the readers: So guys, do you have any friend who is the plan-abandoner in your group? Or do you know someone who keeps canceling on you at the last moment without any heads up? Don’t forget to forward this letter to them. And please feel free to vent in the comments section below.

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Chaitra Krishnan
Chaitra KrishnanBeauty & Lifestyle Enthusiast
Chaitra has a triple main bachelor’s degree in journalism, communicative English, and economics from St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, and a master’s degree in journalism and mass communication from St. Joseph's College, Bengaluru.

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