Did You Know Galentine’s Day, A Day To Celebrate All Your Girls, Is A Real Thing

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

Ah, February. The month of love and that one extra day where you have to show up at work (because it’s a leap year this time). But did you know that one day before the famous day of love, women around the world celebrate another special day? Yes, girls. February 13th is the day of love. To be specific— Platonic love between girl friends. Wondering who coined the term and why it should be celebrated with much aplomb? Check out this article to get all the details on this very special occasion:

Why Your Gal Pals Are So Important

Why Your Gal Pals Are So Important
Image: Shutterstock

Let’s be honest, partners, they come and they go. But friends, they stick around a lot longer. Sure, toxic friendships do exist and sometimes you just lose touch with others, but those who stick around, mean the world. Sure, one might argue that we already have Friendship Day to celebrate platonic friendship but this day is exclusive to girl friendships. But this one’s for those very special girl besties who have stuck by your side through thick and thin, failed relationship after failed relationship. Regardless of whether you are currently single or not, you should probably take this day to spend some quality time with the girls you love. Maybe plan a nice brunch date or a movie night with your closest buds.

Where Did This Day Come From?


If you’re a Parks and Recreation fan, then Galentine’s day is probably something you’re well aware of. For the uninitiated, in 2010, while the show was at its peak, the character of Leslie Knope set #friendshipgoals for all of us when she gathered a bunch of ladies for breakfast a day before Valentine’s Day. Leslie described the special occasion as a day when women leave their partners behind and celebrate each other. A famous Leslie Knope quote from the episode is “February 14th Valentine’s day is about romance but February 13th, Galentine’s day, is about celebrating lady friends. It’s wonderful and it should be a national holiday.”

Well, that’s something all of us can definitely agree on! Even if you don’t believe in the notion of celebrating Galentine’s Day, who wouldn’t want an extra holiday!

A Day Single Women Can Also Celebrate Love

A Day Single Women Can Also Celebrate Love
Image: Shutterstock

Admit it. You’ve probably spent a Valentine’s Day single too. So you probably know the constant bombardment of ads that push the notion of “How can you not be in a relationship? Is something wrong with you?” You scroll through Instagram and are terrorized by ads of couple t-shirts, couple holidays, couple underwear and god knows what else. Well, we’re here to tell you that it’s alright to be single on Valentine’s Day (or any other day for that matter) and that you’re not alone. There are loads of other beautiful, talented, intelligent, and strong women out there who have not found a partner yet or are simply not interested in finding one.

Your Girls Have Been There For You When Nobody Else Was

Your Girls Have Been There For You When Nobody Else Was
Image: Shutterstock

Remember that time your boyfriend dumped you right outside his apartment in the middle of the night or that time he very conveniently chose to break up with you on your birthday? Who was the first person you called? If your answer is the same as mine, then you know exactly why your best friends deserve all the love in the world and more. You probably cannot count the number of times your friends have been there for you. From days where you were simply feeling low to days when your family was giving you a hard time to so much more.

A Few Special Ideas For Your Special Girls

A Few Special Ideas For Your Special Girls
Image: Shutterstock

What is the one special thing you and your gang of girls bond over? Is it gaming, sports, shopping, brunching or all four of the above? Either way, you could plan the day in such a way that you get to experience and do whatever makes you happy. Think about those days back in college when all of you were single and only cared about having fun and living carefree lives. Well, on the 13th of February you can probably have all that and more. Sure, work restraints might put a dampener on your plans but if you do manage to pull it off, it’s guaranteed to be one epic night. You could catch a late-night movie or put on your doll faces and paint the town red. You could treat yourself to a fancy candlelight dinner or maybe even visit some of your old college/school haunts. The sky’s the limit on Valentine’s day. Just make sure you girls keep your phones away during!

All in all, it’s okay to have that one special day where you celebrate the love of your best friends. Even if some of you may not believe in the notion of Galentine’s Day, there are so many women out there who do. Sure, you may say you don’t need a special day to celebrate the eternal love you share between your girls but one could say the same about Valentine’s Day too. How would you like to spend Galentine’s Day? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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