10 Habits All Remarkably Healthy People Have

Written by Shivani K • 

“Life is not merely being alive, but being well.”- Marcus Valerius Martialis

Each one of us wants to stay happy, healthy, fit, and live an ideal active life. Don’t we? We’re betting that your answer is in the affirmative.

When we talk about a healthy life, routines like workouts, balanced diets, and yoga come to our mind. But is a healthy life all about just staying physically fit? Sorry to disappoint, but living a happy, healthy life is much more than this; it’s about our everyday habits, a lifestyle as a whole!

And in this article, we are going a step further by providing you with a sneak-peak at how healthy people lead their life. Read on and make the most of it.

1. Their Surroundings Include Healthy People

1. Their Surroundings Include Healthy People
Image: Shutterstock

Healthy people surround themselves with like-minded people who follow similar lifestyles and goals. It is always a good idea to connect with those who give you inspiration. This will keep you motivated and their guidance can help you reach your goals faster.

2. They Don’t Swear By Diets

They Don’t Swear By Diets
Image: IStock

Diets provide you with short-term results. They are temporary. And healthy people are aware that following a strict diet plan forever is a seemingly impossible task. Instead, identify your comfort foods and find healthy alternatives to it. For example, replace your regular rice with quinoa or brown rice, and opt for roasted pumpkin, sweet potato or lotus seeds instead of fries.

Healthy people do indulge in their favourite foods once in a while, but in self-control, of course. They do this as they follow healthy eating habits most of the days, and therefore, have no guilt about their indulgence.

3. Intimate Relationships

Intimate Relationships
Image: IStock

Having a love life is no sin. If you’re living an untroubled intimate life, you are eventually a much happier and healthier person. An exciting love life has its own benefits; it keeps you healthy — physically, spiritually, and mentally (1). And no regular exercising or servings of veggies can make you feel good if your personal life is on a downhill.

4. They Are Always Active

4. They Are Always Active
Image: Shutterstock

They love being active by doing what keeps them happy. For at least 30 minutes in a day, engage in any activity that energizes you. Strike out running if you don’t like it. Instead, do some yoga or play your favourite sport (but be sure about burning those extra calories). Find what keeps you happy and replace the laid-back workout routines with it.

5. They Often Hit The Road

5. They Often Hit The Road
Image: Shutterstock

Research says that going outdoors on short getaways can help one battle stress-related problems (2). It is always a good idea to pause your train of thought, take a break from the monotony, and just break free. Travelling, if done right, is the perfect detox for the mind and body.

6. They Go Offline

They Go Offline
Image: IStock

We all find solace in using social media. And if you’re reading this wordy article, you definitely are a member of the social media club! But the internet world shouldn’t overshadow real conversations and real experiences. Meet your dear ones over a cup of coffee, have heart-to-heart conversations. It will ease your life!

7. Sleep Enough

7. Sleep Enough
Image: Shutterstock

Getting enough sleep is extremely important to lead a healthy life. Sleeping hours vary from one individual to another; for some eight hours of sleep is required, while for some six hours of sleep is enough (3). Most of us refrain from taking mid-day naps. But imagine the wonders that a power nap of just 15 minutes could do, instead of having to waste your money over a double espresso or an energy drink to feel pumped.

8. Never Quit Learning

8. Never Quit Learning
Image: Shutterstock

When we were children, we used to get fascinated by all the new things we stumbled upon, and always wanted to learn. Why not now? Awaken the inner child in you and start learning whatever excites you. Begin with that new language you always wanted to learn or that musical instrument you wanted to play. Whatever the interest may be, all you need to do is — start!

 9.They Master-Plan Everything

 9.They Master-Plan Everything
Image: Shutterstock

Strategic planning always helps in realizing our goals faster. If you have a habit of planning your everyday routines, it tells that you are a disciplined person. A healthy person always makes a note of his/her diet, exercise routine, and the to-do list for the day.

10. Let Health Top The Priority List

Let Health Top The Priority List
Image: IStock

Those who take their health seriously, stay fit and eat right. Additionally, regular medical check-ups help them to keep a tab on their health. The basic tests help one understand and control one’s sugar levels and even the blood pressure levels.

Staying healthy requires time and effort. If you’re all into the health fad and you think that we missed out on anything important, please let us know by leaving your comments below!

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